Today has been a regular day, with no special things. I went to the gym (it's getting a standard phrase here ;)) and I tried a step class with a lot of coordination. Was fun but a bit hard to keep up with the instructor. I stood there like a question mark some times but I think it'll be better after a few times, just like the Yoga.
It rained a lot so there was no soccer practise for Filip. I really need to think of things to do when we are inside. And we probably will be further on cause now it's getting colder and more raining. I'll sit down tomorrow and think of things to do.
I also had time to clean my room and upload some pictures from this month on facebook. Hope you can see them!
I went to the Starbucks meeting in Bellevue and met some friends. It's nice to just talk with others and to hear what they've been up to the last week. But I didn't stay very long cause I got a ride home with Heather, the girl from New Zealand that also lives here in Kirkland. I went to Bellevue by bus, and almost missed to get off ;) Didn't really see where I were!
Bianca, another aupair, told me she's playing soccer here in a mixed team. And she's also joining another team with just women. I'll maybe go and watch her play this Sunday and I'll see if it's something for me as well. And maybe I'll call the soccer knowing women as well ;)
Lets hope I have more to tell tomorrow!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Finally finished!
I'm finally finished with my room. Our, maybe not finished but I've put up my curtains and the cards I bought at IKEA. Oh, it turned out really good. And with the flowers and the posters it feels cosy and really like my room!
Today I had my last work-out with Sonia. It was good and I feel sad now that I'll not gonna see her again but I think I will manage without her. And I she's still gonna be at the gym so I'll certainly see her several times but not that close as during a work-out. But she was really nice, she gave me a name of a under aged club and that seemed really good. I hope we can go out clubbing this weekend.
Jonas bought a motorcycle today as well. A blue Kawasaki, don't ask me anything more cause I'm a retard when it comes to vehicles ;) But I'm glad for him, he has really longed for it and it has been some problem but finally he has one.
Sofia brought Cupcakes to her class today, because of her birthday yesterday, so I brought them when they had snack time. I also got one and stayed a while to sing Happy Birthday with the class and see when they had sharing time. It was really fun and the teacher is so nice and the kids love her.
All in all, it's been a good start of the week!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Today I had my last work-out with Sonia. It was good and I feel sad now that I'll not gonna see her again but I think I will manage without her. And I she's still gonna be at the gym so I'll certainly see her several times but not that close as during a work-out. But she was really nice, she gave me a name of a under aged club and that seemed really good. I hope we can go out clubbing this weekend.
Jonas bought a motorcycle today as well. A blue Kawasaki, don't ask me anything more cause I'm a retard when it comes to vehicles ;) But I'm glad for him, he has really longed for it and it has been some problem but finally he has one.
Sofia brought Cupcakes to her class today, because of her birthday yesterday, so I brought them when they had snack time. I also got one and stayed a while to sing Happy Birthday with the class and see when they had sharing time. It was really fun and the teacher is so nice and the kids love her.
All in all, it's been a good start of the week!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Twin Falls
I was invited to go on a field trip with Anna, a German girl, and Kadda. I was so happy cause this was my only day off and it would be nice getting out from the house. Anna picked me up in her VOLVO! ;) and we went to Kadda and then started our trip to North Bend, a small town with mountains all around. We stopped at Snoqualmie Falls and we saw the waterfall but we couldn't come to the bottom because they were building. But it was cool, don't really know how high it was but it was enough for me ;)
We continued our trip to North Bend and Mount Si that was the mountain we wanted to hike on. When we came to the town we went to a tourist information and they said that we were crazy thinking of going up the mountain in one hour (that was what someone had told Anna) but the nice lady directed us to Twin Falls instead. She thought that would fit us perfectly. So after a meal at the pizza place we went to the start point of the path up to the waterfall. It was so beautiful. We walked along the river and climbed at the rocks in the water. It wasn't that much water but it was still amazing! The trip up the mountain was a struggle, for Kadda and Anna who don't have soccer legs ;) But it was so worth it! When we came to the top of the fall, there was still a way up to the top of the mountain but we felt satisfied so we went back down. It was easier than uphill and sometime we run down ;)
After that glorious hike we stayed at a Outlet Mall but unfortunately it closed in just one hour so we had no time going through it all. So now we have a reason to come back! Actually we talked about making the whole way up the mountain, start in the morning.
It was a long day, Anna picked me up at like 11 am and I was back home at like 11 pm. After the hike we went to Kadda's place and watched the new movie: Homecomming with Mischa Barton. It was OK. A horror/psychic movie about and ex-girlfriend trying to kill the new girl to get back her boyfriend. It felt like a low budget movie but it was interesting to watch Barton in a different character as the obsessed psychic ex-girlfriend. She did it really well. Then we watched the premiere of Desperate Housewives. I have not followed that series, but Kadda has (off course ;)) it was OK but I don't think I'm stuck with it ;)
Oh, now I feel so good, with all the fresh nature and the air. Yeah, this was one of the best days this far!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Saturday, September 26, 2009
After that I went to the department of licence and did the written test to be able to get a Washington state drivers licence. I had to go now because the office is closing down. But the test was like a joke ;) It took 5 minutes and I had every question right. You just needed 20 questions right and the questions were like: "If you come to a red traffic light, what do you do?" A: Stop B: Speed up C: Slow down but you don't need to stop D: Go through the intersection
I mean, common. But I guess it's easier for me cause I've already been driving for two years but the book you got to study was like at 100 pages so it's not that hard to learn. Well after the test I tried to schedule a driving test but I had not enough proof of my residence. I needed Lotta or Jonas to come with me and verify that I live at their address. It's so ridiculous, why do they need to know my address?
After the climbing we went home and had dinner. I only ate a little cause I was going to Kadda's place later to eat pizza and ice cream. It was me, Kadda and Ramona (The gang =)) We ordered pizza from pizza hut, I'm still so amazed of home delivery pizza ;) I'm not used to that. We also forgot to tip the pizza guy, but it was not a great pizza so it doesn't matter ;)
We saw the movie Marie Antoinette. I don't really know what I think of it. But it was OK.
We also saw some episodes of Grays Anatomy. I've never really followed it but it was really good. Sadly but really good. I think I have to start follow it ;) Like Kadda, she hasn't got time to do anything else than watching TV ;)
Today, Saturday, I wanted to sleep long cause I wasn't home until 2 am but I had to got up at 9 am cause everybody else were awake and you hear so well through the walls.
I went with Lotta and Filip to Toys R Us to get a present to Sofia. Tomorrow is her birthday. I found chalks you can paint on the street with. She has talked about that so I hope she will like it. Filip had a soccer game today as well. He's always playing on Saturdays and this time I went to watch. It was really fun watch the guys play. They were really good. Filip scored once and was really active, but unfortunately his team lost.
Tonight Lotta, Jonas, Jenny and Henrik are at a birthday party so I'm babysitting all the kids. They are all really cute and have been so nice. We played a little while but now they are asleep. It was a bit hard to get them to bed but now they are sleeping so nicely in the bed.
I'm watching Disney's Enchanted, eating chips and m&m. A great Saturday evening!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
ps. the picture is of Agnes and Axel as princesses ds.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A tough day!
Oh my god, I'm so tired. Today, Thursday, I had my second meeting with Sonia and this time I was really prepared. I had porridge for breakfast and I wormed up at the treadmill and felt really good. Not nervous or dizzy ;) and it was a really good work out. I could barely walk afterwards! The shower was so nice hahah ;) Sonia is really cool, she is gonna ask her sister about under aged clubs so maybe I get a good tip of where to go dancing when you are too young ;)
She also talked about my future in the club, and she thinks it's best if I continue with some sessions with her cause she thinks I won't be able to push my self or know other things to do beside her things. I don't know. One part of me says that's best to keep meting her cause I know I will have a tough time working with the machines by myself, but on the other hand it was not fun hearing that she doesn't think I can do it on my own. I have the next session on Monday, so I'll see what I decides to do.
When I had dragged myself home after the gym, I fall asleep immediately ;) and I slept for like an hour! I was so tired! Felt like I had been awake for a whole decade.
Tonight Lotta and Jonas were at a concert with the Killers so I had to babysit again. And the kids have been pretty demanding today. And it didn't help that I was tired and on top of that it was soccer practice today and it was like the boys had had candy or something cause they had all that energy just bubbled out of their ears. And didn't want to listen just play with each other and didn't focus at all.
It was so nice to come home, have dinner, and put the kids to bed. By the way, my mashed potatoes were the worst I've ever made. Like glue! But the kids ate it and liked it so I guess it was good.
Now I'm watching "Kvarteret Skatan", a Swedish comedy show. It's so funny!
Hopefully I'll meet Kadda and Ramona tomorrow, I haven't get together with them all week!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
A day in the park
When I had left the kids at school, I went back home and slept for two hours ;) I really needed it cause I'm still very tired. I don't think my body has adapted yet, but I hope it will soon cause I don't wanna be tired every day!
I did some of the regular stuff, like the laundry, the dishes and made the kids beds but then I though it was to nice weather outside to stay indoors so I went down to the water. On my way I stopped at a really cute bakery called Sweet Cake where they make the cutest cupcakes. I bought a triple chocolate dream and then went to Starbucks and had a Frappacino made of Vanilla bean, the cream one! And I can tell you this: It's delicious. It's more like a milkshake actually and there's a lot of whipped cream, so probably not healthy but who cares? I'll go to the gym tomorrow ;)
So I went down to the waterfront and sat there and red my handbook for a Washington drivers licence, have to do it soon. And just enjoyed the sun and all the other people that had come to spend a nice lunch by the water.
Every Wednesday the kids finish school at 2 pm so I picked them up and we walked home this time. Then we packed a bag and went to the park. I don't want them to be inside when it's so nice weather and they were fine by going to the park. Actually they ride their bikes, and Filip is getting really good at his new bigger bike. In the beginning it was a bit unsteady but now it's good.
We were gonna meet up with Jonas and Lotta in the park after they had finished working, so we stayed for about 4 hours! It was so nice and we did all kind of things like: played soccer, red, climbed in trees and on the playground, flew with Filip's airplane and played with Sofia's stuffed animals (the cat is called Maja and the bear is called Banana peel ;)) We had a lot of fun but in the end the kids got a bit cranky and I think maybe it was too long time in the park. But when mum and dad came they were at a better mood and we all went to get some dinner at Zeke's Pizza! It was really good and it was so nice outside. Can you believe it, it's in the end of September and I have had shorts and a tank top all day, and also in the evening. It's crazy, but I like it!
When we got home the kids went to bed and I went back to town and watched some baseball and red the last of my handbook. I think I'm ready for the test now. Just have to go through some numbers again, maybe on Friday? We'll see.
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So warm!

I took a walk on the cross trainer for 40 minutes and then 20 miners on the regular running machine. It felt great, but I wonder how I feel tomorrow =)
Today was really hot, and I love it ;) After school we went to a park and stayed there all afternoon until soccer practice. We played soccer, played tag at the playground. They had a funny carousel that could spun really fast. Sofia liked it a lot and even though she fell off every time, she went up again.
At practise today, I was really active. I participated the whole practise and I were a player in one team. Jippie! hahah It really feels like it was a long time since I played =) I want to play!!!
Jonas and Lotta are at a birthday party right now, so I was the one that put the kids to bed and we red small stories of Astrid Lindgren. I really like her, and it's great to read something I know about.
So I missed the aupair meeting today but I will go next time.
Otherwise it hasn't been such a exciting day, ate in front of the TV at lunch! =)
Now I'm watching That's 70's Show, it's awesome ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
ps. the other picture is from the tour in Seattle last Sunday.ds
Work out!
This morning (Monday) I had my first real work-out with my PT. Her name is Sonia and is really nice. She had made a program with 10 different exercises for the whole body and we started with some double exercises where I worked with two muscles group at the same time, like arms and legs. But I think I was a bit nervous combined with the bad air in the gym and movements my body is not use to, I almost fainted ;) That's how good my form is =)
But then we slowed down and I just focused at one muscle group at the time and that went much better. We worked through the whole body, but most focusing on my upper body cause as a soccer player I have worked a lot with my legs and less with my arms and back.
Afterwards it felt great and I was really tired. I haven't gone to the gym that much so my body isn't use to it, yet! But it will!
I have my next appointment with Sonia this Thursday but I will go back tomorrow and on Wednesday to do some cardio work out. Cause you have to let your muscles rest for maybe 24-48 hours =) Sonia said, she's my new guru =)
After school me, Filip and Sofia went to the nearest park cause it was so nice weather. There me and Filip first made his homework and then we off course played soccer. Sofia joined us but then she went to the playground.
It's really good that we can go to a park cause I like being outside and there is much to do for the kids. They don't sit at home all the time and are moving. That's great!
After the kids had went to bed, me and Lotta went to Bellevue Square Mall cause she needed to reclaim a sweater and I wanted to go back to that skateboard store ;) I'm actually thinking of getting a watch from there, a pink one off course ;) So this time I had to touch it, maybe next time I buy it ;)
It was cool going to a mall at 8 pm, I'm not use to that. Here, the stores closes at like 10 pm. In Sweden it's like 6 pm. It's so different. But I can totally understand it here. I mean, Lotta and Jonas work to 5:30 pm, then they get home and want to spend some time with the kids and after they go to bed, it's a great time going to the mall. You definitely can use more of the day that way.
We ended the night with some cheesecake in front of Ali G, he's really crazy and the cheesecake was really good!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Monthly meeting
The kids had the Swedish school today so when I got up they had already left. It was just Lotta home so we watched the TV a bit but then we had to go cause I was going in to Seattle with AuPaircare, my organisation, to go on a savager hunt. It's like a on your own guide tour and you have to find certain places and take a picture of your group there. It was fun but a bit hard when you were 8 people in one group. No one wants to be the leader and then we can't decide where to go and it kind of slows you down. So we didn't have time to go everywhere but it was nice to walk along the different streets and the waterfront talking to your new friends. There were a lot of Brazilian girls and I talked with one that arrived about the same time as me. She was nice. Then I talked with a girl from Thailand, that already had been here for one year but just extended her stay. She actually lives here in Kirkland as well so that's cool.
I'll start going in to Seattle more often because it's a beautiful city with all the skyscrapers and the waterfront. And just down the water is a big Public Market where you can by like fresh vegetables, fish, flowers, yeah everything. And it's really nice walking there and watch all the people. There is one place where you can watch fish flying. The workers are throwing the fish, which are about to be sold, to each other and it's suppose to be really cool. I actually haven't seen it, yet ;)
I also saw a really cool thing a Swedish Hasten store. I was really surprised and had to take a photo ;)
It was a great day, a bit cold though, but a really nice day.
After the tour me, Kadda, Ramona and the Thai girl Kate went shopping. And I found a pair of shoes! Finally!! =) Oh, I like them a lot. Now I don't have to wear my gladiator sandals all the time ;)
Now lies a new week in front of me so it's best to charge my battery by going to bed early, even though I slept long this morning. Oh, I love sleeping! ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A free Saturday
But tomorrow is also the first monthly activity with the aupair organisation. We are going in to Seattle and we are suppose to go on like sightseeing and find different things by ourselves. It will be fun.
So, back to today. Yesterday me, Kadda and Ramona decided to go shopping today. And so we did =) We went to Bellevue that has a huge shopping mall. It was so cool just go and look in all stores and at all people. And that was what I did cause I didn't have so much money ;) And I haven't really found any store I like yet. Lotta told me it takes a while to get to know the American brand but then you can't live without them =)
But when you are in a mall, you really can find cute guys to watch ;) We were in a skateboard store and the staff in there, jummie ;) Kadda and Ramona tried on many things and I was just: "You don't need to rush, take your time in the changing room. I just stay out here and enjoying the view!" So I'll definitely will go back there and maybe bye a skateboard =)
We didn't have time to go through all the stores because the others had other things to do but I stayed a bit longer but then I was to tired of all the people so I went home. With only a belt. But it was a cool belt ;)
Earlier, when I should take the bus to Bellevue, the regularly bus stop was closed. Because they will build a new one. I tried to read the map of how to get to the temporary stop but off course I went the wrong direction. When I went back, pissed off because I had to walk the whole way back, a worker directed me to the right place. But off course I just missed the bus and had to wait for like minutes. So I was a bit late to Bellevue, but so was Ramona so it was OK.
Filip had his first soccer game today. And as the great coach I am, I went shopping instead ;) But they had play really good and won with two goals. Filip had actually scored two and I'm so proud =) I'll go next time.
Now I just sit in the sofa with Lotta and Jonas. We all have a computer in our lap and we are watching TV at the same time. A Saturday night as it should be ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
ps. the picture is of our house and the view down the street. You can see the water! ds.
PT and my first cinema visit!
Today I had my first meeting with my own PT ;)...I feel like a we just sat down and talked because she wanted to get to know me and what I wanted from my exercising. She also took all my measures and then she told me my body fat! That was an experience ;)...but it's good to know where I am when I start and where I'll be when I finish. But it's not my primary goal with my gym card. I want to stay in shape and work with the muscles that I don't use when I play soccer. But everything seemed great and Sonia, my PT ;), was really nice so I think this will be awesome! So I'll have my first work out at Monday. She will then help me to build up a program that fits me.
Today I made lasagna for the family, and this was my first time! It was actually good and we ate the whole plate =) But I have trouble put flavour to the food I make. It don't taste that much. But it's better to put some extra after than too much. I think ;)
Because it's Friday we went to Vertical World directly after school to climb the walls. I left the kids and me and a mother went and grabbed a Coffey. Her name is Linda and is also Swedish. She seemed to knew a lot of people because when I said I wanted to play soccer she just called a women and said "Hey, I have a Swedish girl who wants to play soccer. What can you do?" And she's gonna check around and then come back to me. I hope she has anything for me because I really start to miss soccer!!
Tonight I went to Kadda and Ramona and we went to a movie! We saw Love Happens with Jennifer Aniston and it was really sad! I didn't expect it to be that sad. It's about a guy who lost his wife in a car accident and now helps other people to handle the death of a loved one. It was really awful to hear the different stories and see how he struggled to go through the loss of his wife. I can tell you my eyes weren't dry many minutes! But it was good also, I love Jennifer Aniston. I think she's so good.
I think we had someone trying to flirt with us when we bough popcorn but I didn't understand that he talked to me so I think he gave up ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Friday, September 18, 2009
A real soccermum!
Both Filip and Sofia had play dates today. Christopher and Elise came home with us after school because their mum where out of town and their dad worked. They are in my kids class and Christopher is in Filip's soccer team as well. So I had four kids in the car and at home today so I really felt like a soccer mum, and I think I would be a good one =)
I'm really gonna make the kids have more play dates. What a easy way of getting them activated, and I didn't have to do a thing ;) They just went off and played with each other and didn't bother the others. I made sure they got a snack and then I could read a book at the sofa. =)
Thursdays means soccer practise for Filip and me. So I put all kids in the car and we went to the park where "the Cobras" have their practise. Today I was in charge of the stretching! That was what I did, feel really needed ;) But I guess I do some good because the coach hasn't told me to go home yet ;)
This morning I were really good, I think. I cleaned up in my room =)...It was to messy to hang out for the house cleaner ;) so I made an effort and vacuum-cleaned and sorted my papers on the floor.
After dinner I went downtown, grabbed a Coffey and a chocolate chip Cookie, and watched a baseball game. I'm not sure if it was like a league or just for fun. But I think it was a good game, and there were a lot of eye candy ;)
I don't really know the game full out but I tried to get a better picture of it. It's confusing and I think the best is if someone can sit with me during a game and answer my questions. Anybody? =)
It became really cold so I didn't stay the whole game, and also the referee (who seemed a bit retard) tried to talk to me and he had so strong accent, that I couldn't understand a word ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A gymcard and a library card!
I also went to the 24 hours fitness center here in Kirkland and signed up for membership. I got a tour from Branden, who was from Australia and had a great accent ;). He showed me the different part of the gym and told me about the membership. It seems really cool, and they had a lot to offer. Both like instructed passes and personal trainers that could help you get going. When we were finished with all the paper work he needed my checkbook to get the account number, and off course I didn't have that with me! So it was just to hurry back home and get that stupid book and then all the way back to the gym. But then all was settled! So on Friday I have my first meeting with my PT (personal trainer ;)) and we are gonna go through my goals and put together a program for me. It was a bit expensive, but on the other hand I know I'm gonna work out a lot because I don't have much else to do during the day, and the gym has open 24 hours a day! =) not hard not finding any time!
Today the kids finished school early, so I picked them up at 2 and then we went straight to a bigger park in Redmond. It was really cool with a huge playground and soccer fields. Sofia found a friend that she played with and me and Filip played soccer most of the time. He is really in to soccer. He says he wants to be as good as Zlatan. I asked him why he didn't wanted to be as good as me, but then he said that Zlatan was better. Can't understand what he meant! ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Bellevue and soccer practise
Bellevue is another town that is between Redmond and Kirkland. The three towns is like a triangle to each other, and it's very easy to go there. This morning I went by car because I had to go to a sport store to buy new shinguard and soccer socks, because he has mislaid his older ones, and today is practise. The store was awesome. It had equipment for almost every type of sports and there were a lot to choose from. I also decided to get myself some soccer equipment so I bought a pair of shoes, shinguard and socks. All of the brand Nike! Hahah...I was like: "Hm, if I get shoes and shinguard from Nike, I also have to have socks from Nike" But I think the socks are to narrow so I probably have to bye new ones anyway. =)
One good thing was that it was really cheap. I got everything for like 40 dollars! Maybe 300 Swedish crones! Me like =)
So at six we went to soccer practise and this time the head coach wasn't there so me and coach Kim held the practise. I got the goalkeepers again, but this time we had like our own practise. They needed to practise of follow trough if they rush out to get the ball. So I dribbled the ball and they should take it. It was fun, but also a bit frustrating not be able to instruct very well. But I hope they learned something, they said they did but you never know.
After practise I had to rush in to the shower, grab something to eat and then go to the bus. I went back in to Bellevue and for the weekly aupair meeting at Starbucks. Lots of aupairs go there every Tuesday just to hang out and meet new friends. I went with Kadda and Ramona, but I had to wait like an half an hour because they were lost. I think that will be our signature, someone is always lost =)
Inside I met a few new people and actually one girl who also lives here in Kirkland. She was really glad finally find someone from here town. Her name is Heather and we are probably gonna do something this weekend. It was a really good evening and I took the bus back home at like 10:30 and needed to ask two guys if I were at the right bus ;) One of them asked me if I were from Germany because of my dialect. I got pissed off, I'm not a German! ;)....Or maybe my dialect has been affected by Kadda and Ramona! ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Monday, September 14, 2009
The start of my third week!
Today has been really nice in a softish kind of way. (don't know if softish is a word but I think you get it ;)) I have my morning routines I do every morning and I also went jogging today. It's much harder here because I have to stop at almost every crossing to wait for green light and it's much more strenuous to have to stop and start all the time.
I had lunch with Jacob today, the Swedish guy I met at the orientation in New York, that also lives here in Seattle. he came here to Kirkland and we ate in a Italian restaurant. I had lasagna and he had a Cesar salad. It was good and we had a great time. I think =) I know I had.
Before I went home I had a look in a shop with antiques that's going to close. They had so many things, it took forever to go through every thing they had. Several display cases with a lot of jewelleries and other small, nice nicknack's. They also had a lot of books but I bought three old, black and white photographs of people in their everyday life. They were beautiful and it's kind of fascinating knowing that these are real people just like us. Unfortunately they couldn't tell me when and where the pictures were taken but it's fun to imagine something own.
After school we went to the park and played. Filip and Sofia ride their bikes there and we brought a football and off course the stamp rocket. Me and Filip played with the ball and Sofia played with a boy she knew from school.
This was a great day that's gonna end with another episode of the Swedish Idol. I'm on the fourth!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
ps. I had to attach a photo of Ebba, she has so pretty eyes ds.
We started of on Saturday morning as we sat in the car and headed for Leavenworth that is east of Seattle, about two hours away. It was a long ride but we went trough a wonderful landscape so it wasn't hard to enjoy it.
Leavenworth is a small village that looks like a German village. The houses, signs, decorations. Everything is so German that it actually felt like being in Germany. It was awesome, and with the mountains all around it was like looking at a painting of the Alps.
When we arrived, the first thing we did was to get something to eat. Together with us on this trip was the Stendahl family with Henrik, Jenny and their three kids: Agnes, Ebba and Axel. A really nice family and the kids are adorable. We found a Mexican restaurant where we could sit on the roof, and that was really needed because it was about 35 degrees and the sun was really hot. I ate a Burrito and it was good, and off course a lot of nachos ;)
Then we went to our camping spot, a nice fresh looking camping. The Americans isn't so different in camping than we Swedish. Except they've got these huge RVs so I don't think that counts as camping. We on the other hand, slept in tent. Stendahls had the biggest, most exclusive tent with a doormat ;) and I had a really small one. You couldn't stand at all, it was like a long worm you just crawl in to. But it was OK for me.
Because of the heat we went straight to the river to cool down in the water. And if we did! The water was really cold, and we were in the shade because the sun was on the other side of the river. But it was great and we went with the swiftly-flowing water and it was cool but also a bit scary. Even though the swift was not strong you really had to fight to get back to land. I got aches in my arms =)
On the evening we lighted a fire and grilled marshmallows and bananas with chocolate. It was so good!
Because we had five kids with us, that don't know the meaning of a long sleep in the morning, I woke up at like 7:30!! I tried to fall back to sleep but the walls of a tent isn't very isolated so it was no idea.
The breakfast was typically American: pancakes, egg and bacon. It was really good, especially after a night with the crickets symphony orchestra playing. They were so loud!
The morning started of a bid colder than the day before but as soon as the sun raised it was hot again. so we packed our things in to the car and went to a place were they offered tubing. It's when you get a big rubber tire that you are gonna flow down the river at. A guide drove us up the river and then we launched at a calm place and slowly started our ride down the river. This was one of the most amazing thing I've ever done. You just laid there and saw some amazing views passing bye. Sometime it was really shallow and I even hit my but at one time ;) on other places it was like 2-3 meters. Sometime the current was really calm but sometime it was a bit wilder. And the thing was that you could choose how long you wanted the trip to take. You could paddle your way and go faster or, as we did, just relaxed and let the river take us with it. We also went back on land at one place where it was a nice beach so the kids could play and I laid in the water just lap for the sun ;)
Oh, it was so cool and I really want to do that again and I recommend it to everyone out there. And the kids loved it as well and I mean Ebba and Axel are three years old and that was no problem. They went with mum and dad and it was also possible to hook the tubes together.
This was an amazing weekend and it's hard to put words on every feeling or try to describe the views. I think it can't be explained, it has to be experienced.
It took about three hours for us to make it the hole way and it was a great way of spending a warm summer day in September ;)
We went in to the city and ate Bratwurst in typical German way and just strolled down the streets and stores before we went back to Kirkland. The kids past out almost immediately and I think I also closed my eyes for a minute or so. We all were very tired and it's no wonder after a weekend full of activities in the sun and probably not enough of sleep.
It felt good to come home and sleep in my (new) own bed! =)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Friday, September 11, 2009
Oh Friday!
Neither this morning I took the kids to school. Jonas was working at home and he wanted to walk with them. That meant I could finish a excavator of LEGO that Filip had started =) I can really get stuck with that kind of things. I find it to be as a challenge, you know to find all the right pieces and make it fit together. It's fun, but only if you got a plan to go after.
But I couldn't sit with that the hole day, so I forced my self to leave it and went out for my third jogging round! And this time I found a really good way, that didn't have so many up hills. That's the most important here, it doesn't matter where you run, as long there is as few up hills as possible. =)
I went back to the bank to make my first deposit and to start my online bank. The nice guy helped me again, and again I have forgotten his name. ;) was a short Rob or maybe Bob?..never mind. He helped me so now I can make deposits, I can take out money and I can move money between a saving account and my visa account. The visa card will come in the mail some time next, I think, and then it's time for some real shopping!! hahah...I'm kiddin mum ;)...but it will be easier, not having so much money in my wallet.
Today it has been about 30-35 degrees so a trip down to the water was a very good idea I got during the day. I also took the opportunity to by my very first Ben and Jerry ice cream and it was delicious. Even though it melted very fast in the sun. I took three flavours: mint, strawberry cheesecake and some with toffee and chocolate chips. They were all very good but my favourite was mint...jummie! To bad it's kind of expensive, but I guess you can give yourself a reward after a jogging round. =)
Back home I watched Friends, again, ate and finished Filip's Lego! I also made the dough for the pizza me and the kids had tonight. It was only me and the kids because Jonas and Lotta was invited to a Swedish crayfish party, so I had to babysit. But it was fine for me, because I'm really exhausted after this week.
Directly after school it was indoor climbing again. It's one and a half an hour they are at the facility but they are only climbing for maybe 40 minutes or so. The rest of the time they are just playing and I don't think the teachers are so engaged. But we'll see if it gets better and if the kids wants to continue. But it's kind of cool to watch all the climbers that are good. They just hangs there, in one arm like it's the most normal in the world. I don't think that's something for me. I'm a bit afraid of heights, so I'm glad I just there to watch.
We made the pizza when we got home. Filip had olives and mushrooms at his part, Sofia had mushrooms and I had minced meet and mushrooms at mine. This was the first pizza I made and I think it was OK. The kids ate it, and that's a good sign ;)
We saw Disney's Pinocchio but after a while Sofia and I went upstairs to read instead because she thought it was a bit scary. And I do to, so it was cosier upstairs!
Now the kids are asleep and I sit here all by myself. Planning to watch an episode of the Swedish Idol and then also go to bed. I want to be rested tomorrow when we go camping!!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A sick kid, a bank account and a nap!
Filip pretty much handle himself and after I've tried to fix my music on my ipod, I went to the bank to open a bank account. The bank is the "Bank of America" (what else ;)) and I manage to do everything by myself! I'm so proud! Well off course I didn't do "everything" myself because I don't work at the bank, but fortunately a really nice man did. Who I forgot the name on =) but I'll meet him tomorrow again to make my first deposit and start my Internet bank. Oh, I'm good! =)
The rest of the day I spend some time with Filip. We had that delicious noodle soup, we red LasseMajas dektektivbyra, we did a puzzle, I made him write two thank you card from his birthday and we played with lego. That's about everything I had time to do before I started my pick-up drive. And I'm so sad that my ipod is not working with me. It's like it got it's own life, and chooses the songs to have by itself. Tomorrow I will really sit down and make it work the way I want to. Because I can listen to it when I'm in the car so it would be great if I could listen to the music I wanted.
When Sofia got home we made dinner and than we went out and the kids took their bikes and ride them down the street and we picked and ate strawberries that grows just down the street. Jummie! =) It was really nice weather today so it was good being outside after a long day inside.
Lotta and Jonas came home earlier today, and with the Acura! The car that Lotta broke had now been fixed and you couldn't tell there had been anything wrong with it. So cool! That means we now have two cars!
Tonight I put the kids to bed because Jonas was away playing squash and Lotta had a meeting at the kids school. It's really no problem putting them to bed. First we red a chapter of Sune and then one from LasseMajas Dektektivbyra. It's really fun reading to them because I also like these books and now I have an excuse to read them =)
Oh I so want to have ice cream, NOW!! Tomorrow (direct after my jogging) I'll probably go and buy some Ben and Jerry =)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
ps. we are going to Leavenworth this weekend for the camping trip. Google it! =) ds.
A long day!
This morning was no different from the others: made porridge for the kids, had a sandwich myself, dressed the kids, brushed their teeth and took them to school. I also went jogging directly after leaving them at school, and this time I found a better way with not so many up hills. It's really nice to run by the water and I also went out on the landing-stage and watched out of the water. Oh, it felt good. And I'm really proud of myself that I manage to go out and run today as well. Usually I do it one time and than I'm sick of it =)
When I got home I started to decorate my room because now I had nails so I could put up my posters on the wall. And off course they were pictures on my favourite vampire. I guess I don't have to write his name ;) I also put up a map over Washington state and the butterflies I had bought earlier that hangs from the roof. It turned out really well and now I'm just waiting for a screwdriver so I can put up my curtains. ( I just have to remember to ask Henrik =))
Today the kids finished school at 2 pm so it was a short day. And Agnes was also finishing early so I went home around 12:40 pm. And I have manage to erase all my songs on my ipod. i don't know what's with me and anything electric, but in some way I always get myself in to a mess. But I'm trying to fix it with the computer and maybe Katharina can share her songs.
After school we went directly to the library and the park. Filip has been reading during the summer and because he had red 1000 minutes! We went to get his reward at the library. He got one free pizza at pizza hut and a bag full of colouring stuff, like crayons, markers etc. He was really glad.
We also went to the park and played there for a while. I made the mistake and said yes to play tag. I played for like two tags and than I was exhausted. So I said "let's play hide and seek instead" fortunately they said yes.
Back home I helped Filip with his homework and Sofia made my hair pretty. She also put on her princess dress and she was really cute.
For dinner we had broccoli gratin with bacon. The kids love broccoli so it was a hit.
This evening I went to Redmond (this time with a GPS) and I saw Kadda and a new girl, Ramona. She is also German and has already been in the US for a year but has extend her visit. But she change family, she was in New York before. She was really nice and we sat at a Starbucks and just talked. Then we had to fill the car up with gas, again! And I don't like it. I wish they would fill up the car for me, but they don't =( I have to go in to the store and act like a fol...but everyone is so nice so it's not so bad.
When I got home I was really tired, it's hard being up so long and doing things all day. But I guess I'll get use to that as well. I usually sleep long in the morning and also goes to bed kind of early. I really like sleeping! But I can't sleep away my year here so I just have to adapt!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A new day, a new week
Then I went home and took a nice shower and did some household work, like laundry, dishes etc.
After that I called home and talked with them. This time I didn't feel like crying so it was really good talking to them. I actually called because I needed help with the food =)...well maybe not just because of that. It feels great talk to them. You know when you leave somebody that always been there for you, someone who you might been taken for granted, you realise how much they means to you and how much you miss them. But it feels great to know that they will be home, waiting for me!!
I also went to QFC (a grosser store) and picked up some things we needed. I also bought thank you card that Filip is gonna write and handle out to everyone who gave him a present at his birthday. Apparently you have to do that here in the US. So I were in a beautiful store just with cards and gifts. They have these wooden angels that I love (we have them back home to) and they had some many different ones. I just wanted to grab everyone =) I think I will bye one later.
Today was also the first day I picked up Agnes (a friend to the family) at her school and drove her to her daycare. This first time her dad was with us and showed the way, but tomorrow it will be just me. I got the address so it won't be any problem. Just hope Agnes will like me, she is so cute but really shy. Well I guess I just have to put on my charm face!!
It's not so much time between picking up Agnes and picking up Filip and Sofia so I really want everything to go as planned. With my luck something will probably go wrong. =)
Filip had soccer practise today and it was my first time as an assisting coach. It was fun but kind of hard, I don't know how to instruct and so. The teem is called "Green Cobras" Today they practiced on to play game so I went between the goalkeepers and gave them some tips (as the pro-goalie I am =)) I think I did god. Next practice is on Thursday. Their first game is on this Saturday and unfortunately we are going camping so Filip misses it. But I'm really excited about the camping trip. We are going to some mountain and going to sleep in tents and have a fire and so on. I can't wait to come out in the nature and see all the mountains!
So now I just sits in my room and looking at my flower on the wall. They have fall down, almost everyone =(...I'll see if I can put them up with nails or something.
Lotta has every episode of the TV-show Friends and I started looking today. Oh I love it. It's so fun and I can't wait until I can watch the next episode.
Lotta has every episode of the TV-show Friends and I started looking today. Oh I love it. It's so fun and I can't wait until I can watch the next episode.
Tomorrow I'm meeting Katharina again and also another German aupair that lives in Redmond. We'll see what we'll do. Probably some eating or maybe just a coffee. I'm looking forward to it!
Today I also got to know that another aupair that I got to known has been kicked out from his host family. So sad, because now he had to go back to Sweden and I really enjoyed being with him. Hopefully we'll have time to meet once more before he goes.
Now I'm really tired, you here from me tomorrow again!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Monday, September 7, 2009
What a Swedish day!!
We left Filip and Sofia in the playroom ( it's more fun for them and we can shop in peace and quiet =)) Then we just walked around and looked at every kitchen table, sofa, chair, lamp you name it. And I enjoyed every minute, it felt like home =)
After an hour we picked up the kids and headed for the restaurant where they served Swedish meatballs!! With mashed potatoes, gravy and lingonberry jam! Oh, it was delicious =) And for dessert a Daim almond cake, can it be better? =)
Then we continued our walk along the revolutionary road and seek for more delicious things to buy.
My catch, for today, was: flower wall stickers to make my room more personally, curtains with birches (so nice!), a wire to put up my curtains on, cards with different cakes on, cards with ducks on, a glass for my make up brushes and a folder for all my papers and magazines. I'm so glad for all my things because now I can make my room more personally. The flower were in really bright colours so they'll be a great contrast to the all the white in the room. But it was kind of hard to put them up on the wall because they just fall down so I had to work with it for a while. Maybe they all fall down in the morning =)
The curtains I must have a screwdriver to put them up and I will ask Henrik (a friend to the family) if I can borrow one. But I think it will be really cool because the curtains where awesome and in between I will put up the card I bought. I will give you a picture when it's all done.
Now I will go upstairs and try to read all my papers I've got and maybe do some planning about tomorrow. and I'm planning to start my exercising tomorrow, we'll see how that goes =)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Cupcake day and more shopping
We also had a very special thing for lunch today, crayfishes!!! Oh, they were so good. I didn't thought they had crayfishes here but I was wrong. Actually they also have IKEA, so when I get homesick again I will make a visit and have some Swedish meatballs!
After lunch we all went in to Seattle. Jonas and the kids went to the cinema to watch the 3D adventure "Up" and me and Lotta were shopping instead. She showed me all her favourite stores and now I also got a new favourite. It's called Urban outfits. So cool store. They got really cool clothes and stuff for the home. I bought an alarm clock so I don't always have to use my cellphone. That was all I got but I'm definitely going back there soon!
When the movie was over we went to a cafe where they had donuts. We bought five different ones and then everybody got a piece of everyone. They were so good, but I guess not so good to you =)
Today Lotta and Jonas wanted to go out in the evening because they are free tomorrow, so am I!, and that's why I'm now home alone with the kids. They're already in bed (and I hope they are sleeping) so I get some time alone. One problem is that I don't know how to turn on the TV!
I also tried to make dinner for us, and it was going to be omelet. But me and Sofia manage to have to much milk in it and I also put some kind of tomato sauce that was no good so we couldn't eat it. But I tried again and then it was better, but I almost used every egg! Sorry ;)...there is also something wrong with the sink and I don't know what to do!!! I hope I haven't broke anything!!
Tomorrow we are going to IKEA!! It's gonna be fun and good to see something you know. I will look for some curtains for my room and some other stuff to make it more personally. Can't wait!!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Bumbershoot and shopping!

Today is Saturday, that means weekend and that means no work! First of all that brings a long sleep in the morning, or it could have been but the kids woke up early and it was raining so I got up at nine. (Probably a long sleep for many of you =))
I took a shower and got ready for going to Seattle and the Bumbershoot festival that began today. Katharina came to my place because she had been to the bank this morning and then Abbid dropped her off. We were supposed to go with Maurice who had promised me, yesterday, that he was going to take the car. But like when we were ready to leave I got a text message where he says that the car was on service and that France vs. Romania was on TV, and evidently it was more important. Right Maurice? =)...
I took a shower and got ready for going to Seattle and the Bumbershoot festival that began today. Katharina came to my place because she had been to the bank this morning and then Abbid dropped her off. We were supposed to go with Maurice who had promised me, yesterday, that he was going to take the car. But like when we were ready to leave I got a text message where he says that the car was on service and that France vs. Romania was on TV, and evidently it was more important. Right Maurice? =)...
But that was all right because that meant that me and Kadda had to make our first bus ride on our own!
We took a bus that took us to downtown Seattle, and then we had to get out to the Seattle center where the space needle is and also where the festival were. And to get there we took the Monorail, which is kind of a train that goes on rail up in the air. It was really cool and it didn't take long either.
The Space needle is really awesome and someday I'm gonna get up there and maybe eat at the restaurant that's on the top. There is also like a amusement park, lots of museums and other cool things to see at the center. But today we were there for the festival which is going until Monday and contains music, litterateur, humor and art. And off course a lot of food, markets and shows.
We had one big thing we knew we wanted to do, and that was to see Katy Perry. Unfortunately she was a disappointment. She was no good live but it was OK to watch. We finally met Sofia, the girl that Erik knew when he was here. She was nice and we also met her friends. We saw the concert together and it was good to get to meet someone that you only talked with on the phone and the Internet.
After Katy Perry was a band that I've never heard about, but Kadda had. They were called All American Reject and played like punk/pop or something. They were awesome, I have to get their songs. This concert was much, much better than Katy's.
Then we just walked round at the festival arena and watched some shows and at the markets but then we decided to go back in to downtown and shop instead. I bought a sweater at GAP, a shirt at H&M ( Kadda is crazy about that store, I don't know why ) and I bought some butterflies to decorate my room with. It was fun to see Seattle by your own but I think I have a lot to learn before I don't need a map. =)
Dumb as I am I forgot my camera back home so I couldn't get a photo of anything. Fortunately Kadda did so she is going to share her pictures with me and also should Sofia.
We also ate very much today. First we had a Crepe with Nutella (was a bit too sweet for me), than we had a small pizza, then we had some kind of cookie with creme and strawberries and last we had dinner at the shopping mall. I really need to start exercising if I shall continuing try every food I see =)
Unfortunately Kadda was lost when she had to take the bus back to Redmond alone but she called me (after an hour!!) and I directed her by phone and computer so now she's home and safe.
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Friday, September 4, 2009
More homesick and more friends
I went to the store to get some milk and stuff and I felt really good walking between the fruit and the milk, listening to music and just enjoying life. I bought some raspberries for me and a bouquet of sunflowers for my room. I love those flowers, makes me happy. And I could really need some extra of that ;)
It was also really good weather today so I sat outside eating my raspberries and organized among my papers, it was lovely.
Today I had to make dinner before I picked up the kids because directly after school they were going wall climbinging Redmond.
Today I made chicken with bacon and rice. It was good and this time I didn't burn anything ;)
So after school, we went with Lindsey (a friend to the family) and her two kids to Redmond were the children had joined a climbing group. This was their first visit and I think they enjoyed it. So there is were I will be the next coming Fridays =)
When we got home we had dinner, the children were really hungry. And then I met Maurice down at a Starbucks. We had talked earlier and wanted to meet each other. He's a other aupair who has been here for about two months. We grabbed a cup of coffee ( I've been longing to say that ;)) and just walked through Kirkland and talked. He was really nice and it was nice to get to know someone more. Tomorrow we are going to the festival together, it's gonna be fun.
I also finally talked with Sofia, another aupair that have been here a while, and we are also going to meet at the festival tomorrow. Katy Perry is coming so I think it will be great. Now I'm gonna watch Ali G with my host parents.
Miss you all!
Love Sandra.
Homesick and new friends
This day was the first day I was really off during the day, when both kids were in school. And I guess when I started relaxing, this strange feelings started inside me. I didn't think I would get homesick this soon, but I must say that I am. After almost a week with the family, everything is new, not knowing exactly how to be with the children, wondering if I'm really good at this, not knowing the town, been lost with the car and all other stuff that have happened during this intense week. Maybe it's just time for those feelings to come around. But they are no pleasant feelings, but I knew they were coming at some point.
Well, I manage to shape up when I picked up the kids from school, and it's easier when you have something to do. There is no time to think.
Filip had a play date with Christopher, a boy in his class. They were at our place and mostly played video game which was good, because then I could focus on Sofia. She and I made collage with paper, magazines, pearls and what ever we could find. They turned out really nice.
Today was also a BBQ at the school, like a welcome back party. I took all the kids there and then Jonas and Lotta came there. But Lotta and I left pretty soon because she was going to the gym and I was finally to meet Katharina again (my friend from New York) I went with Lotta to Redmond, where both the gym are and Katharina's family lives. But dumb as I can be, I didn't brought the GPS so I had to guess a little bit. But I called her and Abbid, her host dad, guided me to their house. He was very nice and his family was lovely.
Our plan was to go and eat somewhere but then we decided to go shopping first. We went to Redmond city mall, and it was nice. A lot of good stores and fine restaurant. We went to Macy's and it was cool. A great store where you can find almost everything, mostly famous brands so it was kind of expensive, but I got myself a dress.
Because of my little detour on my way to Kadda (Katharina) we didn't got so much time to shop. And when the stores were closed, also the restaurant was. So we went back in to Redmond and looked for a place to eat, but instead of a fancy restaurant we ended up in the drive through at McDonald's =) and we sat in a parking lot and had a nice meal!
We also had to fill the car with gas, and I had never done that before so I went in to the station and asked for help. I was like: "Hi, I'm not from here and I have never done this before" Lucky, it was a nice lady and she helped me. But I had to go in once again, because the card didn't work, and she had to come out once because I was doing wrong =) But we ended up with more gas and that was the purpose.
Then we headed back to Kaddas house and I got directions back to Kirkland. Off course I went lost again. I think it took me about an hour to get home, it's suppose to take like minutes =) But no I think I know how to drive in Redmond.
So I was home late and I was tired, that's why you get this today!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
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