Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A new day, a new week

Today started my more planned, and organized week. I went up at 7 and made the kids ready for school. Then I walked them to school, and was dressed for running so directly after I left the kids at school I did my first exercising since I came to this country (and it felt!) I went running for about 30 minutes and, I always say this, but it was the worst I ever done in my life. First there is only concrete, so no running in the forest, and second there are so many hills. Up and down, up and down. I think there is never a flat spot anywhere. So because I don't really know where the best running is, I met a lot of uphills!! So my legs feels really good now =) But I'll do the same tomorrow. I'm not the type of girl who gives up so easily!
Then I went home and took a nice shower and did some household work, like laundry, dishes etc.
After that I called home and talked with them. This time I didn't feel like crying so it was really good talking to them. I actually called because I needed help with the food =)...well maybe not just because of that. It feels great talk to them. You know when you leave somebody that always been there for you, someone who you might been taken for granted, you realise how much they means to you and how much you miss them. But it feels great to know that they will be home, waiting for me!!
I also went to QFC (a grosser store) and picked up some things we needed. I also bought thank you card that Filip is gonna write and handle out to everyone who gave him a present at his birthday. Apparently you have to do that here in the US. So I were in a beautiful store just with cards and gifts. They have these wooden angels that I love (we have them back home to) and they had some many different ones. I just wanted to grab everyone =) I think I will bye one later.
Today was also the first day I picked up Agnes (a friend to the family) at her school and drove her to her daycare. This first time her dad was with us and showed the way, but tomorrow it will be just me. I got the address so it won't be any problem. Just hope Agnes will like me, she is so cute but really shy. Well I guess I just have to put on my charm face!!
It's not so much time between picking up Agnes and picking up Filip and Sofia so I really want everything to go as planned. With my luck something will probably go wrong. =)
Filip had soccer practise today and it was my first time as an assisting coach. It was fun but kind of hard, I don't know how to instruct and so. The teem is called "Green Cobras" Today they practiced on to play game so I went between the goalkeepers and gave them some tips (as the pro-goalie I am =)) I think I did god. Next practice is on Thursday. Their first game is on this Saturday and unfortunately we are going camping so Filip misses it. But I'm really excited about the camping trip. We are going to some mountain and going to sleep in tents and have a fire and so on. I can't wait to come out in the nature and see all the mountains!
So now I just sits in my room and looking at my flower on the wall. They have fall down, almost everyone =(...I'll see if I can put them up with nails or something.
Lotta has every episode of the TV-show Friends and I started looking today. Oh I love it. It's so fun and I can't wait until I can watch the next episode.
Tomorrow I'm meeting Katharina again and also another German aupair that lives in Redmond. We'll see what we'll do. Probably some eating or maybe just a coffee. I'm looking forward to it!
Today I also got to know that another aupair that I got to known has been kicked out from his host family. So sad, because now he had to go back to Sweden and I really enjoyed being with him. Hopefully we'll have time to meet once more before he goes.
Now I'm really tired, you here from me tomorrow again!

Miss you all!
Love Sandra


  1. Me at IKEA with ALgrens bilar and Filip (with the t-shirt he got from me) ready for soccer practice

  2. Hej vännen!
    Jag längtar tillbaka när jag läser om dina äventyr, som snart kommer bli din vardag. IKEA är helt klart bästa botemedlet mot hemlängtan. På jul finns det Annas pepparkakor och glögg :) Du har väl missat Cheesecake factory, American Eagle och Victoria Secret? Dollarn blir bara billigare och billigare vet du ;)
    Backarna kommer jag ihåg från mina besök i Seattle. Men det ska finnas massa grönområden runt omkring.
    Massa kramar
    Karin L

  3. Nu har vi haft vårt första möte utan dig. Det var Fredrik som fick vara ordf eftersom ordinarie jobbade. Mötet slutade redan 20,30 kan det vara för att inte du var med eller var det för att Sverige spelade match eller kanske för att vi hade en ny ordf. Tror nog på det sista. Saknar dig och hoppas att trivs, over there.
    Kram från oss alla genom Lisbet
