Today I decided that me and Sofia should go hiking, at the Twin Falls in Issaquah/Snoqualmie area. The weather was not that nice yet, but it would get hot today so perfect time for hiking. I packed our lunch bag and then we were on our way. Sofia brought, of course, Maja who's going everywhere. And also a lot of books to have in the car (which was great for me cause then she was occupied reading and didn't talk to me so much ;))
It takes about 45 minutes to get there and I took a wrong turn once so we were there around 10:30. The hike goes along a river and this was the first hike I did here so I wanted it to be the last one also. This time it was with Sofia and not Anna and Kadda, but she was good company also. The hardest part is that she wants to hold my hand all the time and since she's jumping and climbing everywhere, my arm got a bit sore ;)
We took pretty frequent brakes and ate from our good lunch box which had sandwiches, watermelon, yogurt and chocolate balls ;)
At one of the brakes, there were a couple of curious chipmunks keeping us company, hoping we would drop some ;) They are so cute and I just waited for them to stand up and sing as in Alvin and the chipmunks ;) Would have been fun ;)
The weather got much better so it was really hot walking there in the forest, up and down the mountain so I was all sweaty when we got to the first waterfall. There is one more, a bigger if U continue the trail but I felt it was enough for us with just the first, small one so we turned back there.
Sofia needed to go to the restroom really bad so we almost run the last part and when we came to the parking lot, she was almost tackled by a big dog that jumped out from a car. Sofia got scared cause of the surprise attack and it looked really funny ;)
Before we went home we stopped at the outlet mall in North Bend where I wanted to look in the Pacsun store after a shirt I wanted. They didn't have it but I bought three t-shirts instead ;)
We also stopped at the Krispy Creme and bough doughnuts for us tonight ;)
Sofia read for me, before we walked down to get Filip, and I must say that I could never be a teacher cause I don't have the patience. I know that it's hard for them in the beginning when they learn how to read but it's kind of frustrating when they do the same mistake over and over again!!! Glad I'm not a teacher.
Filip got some candy from the tennis so we sat down in the park and ate it before we went home. Even today he was wining and just so teasing. I don't know what his problem is. So after we had played some games, we went to the beach and while he were in the woods playing on my phone, me and Sofia were in the water cooling off. It was really nice and when the lifeguards were gone, we jumped a couple of times before we went home to make dinner.
Since Sofia and I had pancakes yesterday, Filip also wanted that so we made them today as well. This time they weren't as great as last time but they were still good. Both Filip and Sofia helped and we were really hungry when we started to eat. Also this time we had strawberry jam and whipped cream so we were all very full and happy afterwards.
Then the kids were really good and did some homework. Filip did for his R practise and Sofia read for me again. Afterwards, they could watch TV. Their new favourite show is a cartoon called Phenas & Pherb and they watch it every morning and evening. I like it too so I watched with them, and later they got the doughnut.
At the beach today, Filip got some resin in his hair from sitting under a tree. This was very sticky and I read on Internet that U could use butter to take it off so we tried that and then we rinsed it off and it worked! Feel really proud and responsible!
When I had read them a story and put them to bed, I cleaned up a bit and then sat with my computer in my lap when Anna joined me and we watched Americas funniest home videos, ate doughnuts and chips and tried to think about the weekend. It's more clear now but I still have to call the Hostel tomorrow cause we couldn't make a reservation online.
Lotta and Jonas are on a opera tonight, that's why I'm still on in the evening. So my day was now between 7:30-00:00, just 16 1/2 hours - that's nothing!
And bye the way, CONGRATULATION ANNA who got accepted at the university in Germany. Where there ever any doubts? ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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