Today (Saturday) the alarm went off at 4 am, and I couldn't understand why I had sat the alarm, on a Saturday? But after a minute, when I understood, I jumped out of bed and were not tired at all. I went down and had breakfast before I got ready and packed the last stuff. Anna called when I was still not dressed and said that they would be here in 5 minutes. AAhhhh...hurry! They were early so they had to wait. When I was ready, I grabbed my bags and my snack and went out to the girls in the car. Emilie, Anna and Kadda were there and now with me, we went to Seatac.
We found a parking where we could have the car over night and they drove us to the airport with a shuttle.
We were all excited, and maybe tired, at the airport and this is our first trip together!!
Since we were early, we sat down and had a second breakfast while we were waiting for our flight. We all got seats next to each others, except Anna who flew on a stand by ticket. She sat alone in the front of the plane and got a free beer cause she was nice and changed seat with three people. Bah!
The flight was great and it took only 2 hours so it's not so far and even though I went up at 4, I wasn't tired when we came to the airport.
We had to take like a train to get to the city cause the airport is like 30 minutes out from the center. But it was really easy and we came really close to our hotel. When we got up from the underground and saw the city for the first time, I was amazed! It was so beautiful with high houses, trees and a lot of great stores. There were music playing on a square next to us and a lot of people were outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
Everyone told me to bring warm clothes cause it's cold in San Francisco, even in summer. So I took my warm clothes, no tops or anything. The weather was awesome! So warm and the sun was out, it was a bit windy but not much.
We had some trouble first to find our hotel, but after some walking we came to it and it was great. It was located very central so we could walk everywhere. The room was nothing special but nice. We just dropped our stuff there and went out immediately. We walked down to the piers and the ferry building to try to find a tour company that we had seen before. After some looking and asking, we found the lady and bought a ticket for the tour. It was a 5 hours tour that took us all over the city. It started with a ferry trip out to a little neighbourhood called Sausalito. The ride was really windy and it was hard to stand up or hear what the guide said.
Sausalito is a cute little village build at the hill side along the water. We had our lunch here and we bought sandwiches and then sat down by the water and ate. It was so nice and with the weather, it felt like being in paradise.
A guy with a bird stopped us and we got to hold the bird and feed it. It was a cockatoo (a kind of parrot) and the man put the seed in the mouth on us an then the bird kissed us. Well...I didn't do it but the others did. I was scared ;)
We all went on a bus and the guide talked about how risky it was to build on the hill cause there is a lot of earthquakes and if it rains too much the hill can start to slide. But it's still really popular to live there and the prices were enormous ;)
We went over the Golden Gate bridge and stopped at the other side to take pictures. It's huge and it felt so unreal to be there, in San Francisco!!!! It was really warm and since I hadn't brought ant clothes for summer heat, I had to walk in jeans but I took of my sweater and had only my ugly base top. It was not pretty but it worked ;)
The tour took us to all different kind of places and we could go out and take pictures. We were at a outside a museum that was really cool, we drove up and down all the famous hills, we saw Lumber street that goes in zick zack. We also went to the famous Victorian houses, the ones U see in postcards and in the TV series Full house. We actually went in one where people were living! The owner had his home open for visitors and it was really cool. They were beautiful with all the decorative architecture and colours.
U could choose to go to the Japanese tea garden or up in a tower and see a great view over the city. I wanted to go to the gardens cause I saw a picture of them and they looked beautiful. Anna joined me and Kadda and Emilie went up the tower. The garden was amazing with all the water and all kind of trees and flowers.
The tour was great but I didn't really like the tour guide. He was good but a bit unfriendly, but it didn't destroy anything and I'm really glad we did this cause since we had only two days we wouldn't have had time to find all this on our own.
When we got back where we started, we walked down the street back to the hotel and stopped at shops we wanted. There were a lot of great stores and they were all in the area close to our hotel. I bought a dress and a skirt at Forever 21 and I also bought Crocs flip flop that were really comfortable. Me and Anna got a make over in the mall by two girls who were trying to sell us this new miracle make up. It was really good and it was mineral powder but it was a bit too expensive for me. Anna bought and if I want, I can buy it here later.
We went back to the hotel and changed and got ready to go out and eat dinner. Emilie was really exhausted and wanted to stay but we forced her with us. I wasn't tired at all which is a bit weird since I've been awake so long.
We went to a small restaurant where they had home made food and it was a bit French I think. I had pasta and to that I ordered a beer ;) It was the first time I ordered out out on a restaurant ;)
The food was really good and we had a great time. Kadda, me and Anna felt like cheesecake but Emilie was too tired. We walked her back to the hotel and then we tried to find Cheesecake Factory. It was on top of Macy's at Union Square so U had a great view over the square with all the lights and advertisement signs. It was funny cause the restaurant looked the same as the one here in Bellevue and we really felt like home ;) Except that we sat outside on the roof enjoying the great view. Me and Anna shared a brownie sundae toffee cheesecake and it was SSOOO good! OMG! We almost rolled down the hills back home and we tried to be quite since Emilie was sleeping. We have to get up early tomorrow cause we are going on the Alcatraz tour!! And I don't think I'll have any trouble to sleep cause it has been a long, great day!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra