Today (Sunday) the alarm went off early as well cause we were going to the first Alcatraz tour at 9:10. Before that we had to get ready, pack our bags, check out, have breakfast and take us to the piers in one way.
Everything went really smooth and the hotel had a room where we could leave our bags during the day. We bought breakfast at a coffee place close to the hotel and it was really good. I had a bagel with ham, a doughnut ;) and a bowl with melon...jummie!
We found a cable car that we could go on to the piers and we bought a day ticket so we could go how much we wanted during the day on other cable cars and buses. This ride was one of the highlights of the trip. It was one of there old, typical cable cars that U see in all movies. U can stand on the side and feel the wind in your hair and breathe in the city. I didn't wanna stand this first tour but maybe later.
It took us really close to the piers, we just needed to walk a short bit to get to the right place.
We were first in line since we were so early and that's good cause then U get the best seats ;) We have been first every where this trip. Yesterday when we followed the guide we were always the first out or on the bus. I guess it's because we are European ;)
The ferry out took about 20 minutes and today was as sunny as yesterday but not so windy, the ride was so nice!!!
We started our tour on Alcatraz with a information movie that told us about the history. It was fascinating and one thing I didn't knew was that there were people living there as well. Families to the workers, and they had their own little community there barely noticing the prisoners.
It was a audio tour that took us around in the buildings so everyone had their own head phones and U could choose what language U wanted. They didn't have Swedish (weird ;)) so I practice my English while the other three were too lazy and took German and french ;) It was a really cool tour and some moments it felt like I was there when it was active cause there were sound effects and scene that made it real. I like it and when we got outside and saw the view over San Francisco on the other side of the water, U really understand what a punishment it was to be here. The city was so close but still so far away.
After around two hours, we took the ferry back and walked to pier 39 where we had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe!! I bought this time a white t-shirt from here and now I have two in my collection ;) I ordered a drink, Bahama Mama, to the meal and it was so good to sit there in the sun and the heat and zip on it. Jummie! Emilie also ordered one and the other two youngsters had to watch us with jealous eyes ;)
Pier 39 is full of different amusement stuff. There are a lot of tourist stores and restaurants, the aquarium is here and there was also a big, old carousel. We saw the company: BobbaGump shrimps from Forrest Gump and there was a bench with his suitcase and the chocolate box ;) I bought a pair of sunglasses, purple ;)
We saw some sea lions laying on the pier and sunbathing. It was really cool! There were a lot of them and they were huge and sounded funny!
We took a cable car and a bus that took us to a beach closer to the Golden Gate Bridge. This was also one of the best moments, when we walked in the warm sand and saw the ocean and the bridge. OMG! I'm so in love with this city, I never wanna
leave. Maybe there is a family that need an au pair ;) "Excuse me...." hahaha
We went in to the water with our legs and I didn't really counted the waves so I got a bit wet but it was OK. I mean, it's San Francisco ;)
Sadly we had to leave if we wanted to do some more shopping. We took the bus back to the piers and we went to the jewelery store I was in New York. This was apparently a outlet but we couldn't really notice. I bought a really nice bracelet with circles that looks like the ocean blue/green.
We took the cable car back to Union Square and Emilie got to take a picture with the big heart statues that is at the entrances. They were cool and we all took pictures by the red and the blue one.
We walked down the street to out hotel and I bought two dresses and a pair of leggings at H&M. I guess I was i a summer feeling and I hope I soon can wear them in Seattle.
When we had picked up our bags at the hotel and came down to the train that was gonna take us to the airport again, we had to hurry cause there was one coming soon. We bought our tickets but Anna got stuck so I waited for her and we didn't make it on the train. We saw M and Kadda behind the doors and we didn't really know what to do. Lucky for us, there was another one coming just two minutes after so I don't know why we had to hurry.
When we came there, we couldn't find M and Kadda and first we didn't know where to go. But after some directions we got to the right terminal and after just a couple of minutes, M and Kadda came there as well. We checked in and everything was fine. Except that Anna didn't get on our flight! She had this standby ticket again and this time the flight was over booked. With her ticket she just gets a seat if there is one left, and now there were none. So she had to fly to San Jose to take a early flight tomorrow morning. Poor her! But she found another girl that was in the same situation so she wasn't alone.
Our flight back home went fast but I was sad cause I wanted to stay in San Francisco. I'm definitely going back there and I would love to stay there longer!
Emilie drove us home and I talked a bit with Lotta and Jonas before I went to bed. I wasn't so tired but I need the energy now when a new work week starts tomorrow!
Yesterday was also my 8 month celebration here. Can U believe it!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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