Today (Friday) I went back to Yoga for the first time since I don't know when and it was really nice. I was all sweaty and felt all stretched when I walked back home ;) I actually took a bath before with my new Vanilla bubble bath from Anna ;) It was nice and when I had lunch, I saw one episode of Grey's that I had missed. I also uploaded some pictures from my family's visit here so everyone can see what a wonderful time we had ;)
I picked up the kids and when we got home, Anna and Slater joined us for a nice afternoon and dinner. We walked down to the water and the kids played at the beach while I tried to teach Anna some Swedish. That is her new challenge and it's so sweet. She's really good and now she can tell what someone is wearing ;)
The kids got all wet and Slater actually sat down in the water ;) But what a heck, they played nicely ;)
We had to go home pretty soon cause Filip's braces broke, again! But when we got home, I called the dentist but it was too late. So I fixed it, temporarily and we'll call back on Monday.
The walk back, I got a new best friend! Slater hold my hand the whole way and we talked about everything and nothing ;) He's three and it's so much fun having a conversation with small kids. They are so easy and smart!
Back home, the kids played while me and Anna started with dinner and ate ice cream ;) Sofia tried to get some but she didn't. When she asked why we could have we said: "Cause we are adults, we can do whatever we want" I hated that when I was a kid ;) And maybe not so good since we were going to eat soon but it was mint ice cream and who can resist that ;)
Carolina (the owner of the house) came over with a handy man to look at the shower in the master bathroom that doesn't work. There is no pressure and of course it was only the shower head since I have no problem with mine. Too bad we are not so handy here!
For dinner we had broccoli gratin with some meatballs on the side. Once again, I messed it up and it got too watery. But Slater loved it and he doesn't eat Broccoli, nor does Anna. But both ate until they were full.
We played some more before the two went home and we started watching Curious Geroge. Well, the kids watched it and I made our beds since I had been so good, washing all the sheets.
When the kids were in bed, Kadda and Emilie came over and we watched a movie. Ice Castles was it called and it was about a small town girl who loved ice skating and got really famous but then turned blind. It was really sweet and so romantic!! Thank U girls for keeping me company!!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra.
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