Today (Thursday) it was only me and Anna and we ha a lot on our schedule. We went to a place were we had seen that we could rent scooters, it was just around the corner of the hotel so it was not far to walk.
When we came there a guy jumped up from his chair and guided us to his place that actually was another from the one we saw the other day but whatever.
We filled out the forms an did the check of the scooters, we didn't really knew what we were supposed to look for but we went around the bikes and they looked cool ;)
After a quick lesson we started and rolled away ;) Mine was red, as I wanted, and Anna's was white.
It was so cool but a bit unsteady in the beginning. It was windy so it felt like we should tip over but we were so cool drivers that we could handle it ;)
First we went up North to the Manoa Falls trail which went through the real rain forest. It was totally amassing! It felt like any minute Tarzan, George of the jungle or Jack Shepherd could walk out behind the next tree ;) So cool!
It took maybe 30 minutes to reach the waterfall and the way was really muddy and sometimes really steep. Anna just wore flip flops and after maybe 10 minutes they were to slippery to wear so she walked the rest barefoot ;) Felt really like in Lost, like the others ;)
At the top, the fall was but there were barely any water so it was kind of pathetic ;) We took some pictures and then walked back down. It was harder cause now it was a bigger risk to fall but we made it. We stopped at a little stream of water and washed our feet.
Back on the scooters we continued our road trip to the dryer part of the island where a big crater made a national park with a good trail called the Diamondhead. When we got there, it was really hot and the landscape was so dry. It's just so cool how the nature can change so drastic from rain forest to desert.
We loaded up with water and then started to walk up the crater. The road was steep and there were a lot of stairs to climb before we reached the lookout at the top. The view was just incredible. We saw the ocean on one side and then the city on the other, just beautiful.
The walk back down was not as hard and I think we were out for totally one hour or so, since we are such athletic people there was never a challenge for us ;)
After this hikes we felt really good and we just cruised around until it was time to return the scooters and this was such a great way to explore the island. This was also one of the highlights during the trip.
After we returned the scooters we went to our room and ate the last of the frozen pizza. We didn't get any bad stomachs so we were OK eating the rest also ;)
At 3:40 we got picked up by Greg who took us out to a harbor little outside Waikiki and he was funny. He was talking so much and then made fun of Anna all the time ;) He took us to the place where we were gonna go parasailing!!
We were 10 scared people who went out on a boat with two captains who took us far outside the shore. They let some of the people drive the boat, like Anna. That was funny ;)
We all got life wests and a "secure-strap-thingy" so we could hook up with the parasail, all of this was done while the boat was driving on it's own ;)
When we were at the right spot, they grabbed the first pair and sent them up 600 feet..that made just me and Anna more nervous...why did we sign up for this? :(
Me and Anna were the second last couple to go up and the captains saw that we were scared of being dropped in the water so they were teasing us about that. OMG, it was such a rush to take off from the boat and then just fly straight up in the air. We were screaming and laughing and it was just a unbelievable feeling.
Up in the air we had a great view over Waikiki with the beach and the skyscrapers, but we were most scared of getting in the water ;) we had our underwater cameras with us up there but we didn't really wanted to let go of the straps so the pictures were not that good ;)
When it was time to get down those bastards on the boat throw us down in the water and then dragged us for a while. They took us up in the air again just to throw us back in the water. And this more than with the other pairs OMG!!!
During the time in the air, the other captain, took great pictures of us and then we could buy the memory card then and it was not that expensive so we got it.
OK, this was like one of the greatest things I ever done and I so recommend this to everyone.
When we were in shore again Jason, the main captain, asked if someone was of for party and of course me and Anna said yes, yes! So when we left the boat he took Anna's number and promised to call later. He seemed like a player but whatever, if there is a party we'll go!!
Greg drove us back home and there we took a shower, U really need to do that everyday cause there is a layer of sunscreen, salt and sand on U and that's not so fresh ;)
We went to the Farmers Market and bought some potatoes cause tomorrow is the Swedish Midsummer celebration and to that we need potatoes. We also bought some homemade papaya- and banana bread from a nice Swiss and then we went to the fruit bar where we could get the coconut drink. This was so cool, the guy just got a fresh coconut and chopped the top off. It looked like he would shop his fingers off but luckily he didn't.
The drink was so good and fresh and there was a lot in it. We sat there at the bar and drank and ate our bread and just watched people passing by. Then we took our drinks and went to the hotel to mix our own coconut drink ;) We put in some Malibu and then also some juice and it was the best drink ever....mmmm ;) We put in two straws and then went out again ;)
This Jason guy called but he was totally stoned so Anna told him that we had plans early in the morning so we couldn't go partying tonight. I was like what?!
Instead I grabbed a burger at Burger King and then we just watched all the people who were passing bye before we went home and looked at our pictures that are awesome!!
Funniest today: Sandra: "I've got dollars, do U want me?" :)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra