Today (Sunday) we wanted to go up early to be able to be in time at Hanauma Bay for the best snorkeling. But we were lazy so we didn't go until 9. First we had to look for a place to rent snorkeling stuff but after some different alternatives, we decided that it was cheaper to buy the equipment at the ABC store. This store chain is huge here in Hawaii, there is one store in every block. It's more common than Starbucks ;)
So we got the goggles with the breathing pipe but not the fins, cause we thought we didn't really need them. We took the bus again, it's really easy and cheap, to Hanauma Bay and since we were late there were already a lot of people so we had to stand in line. The beach was like down the mountain in a bay and we had to pay to go down there and first we had to watch a film about how to protect the reef.
It's so beautiful that there is no word that can describe it. The water is so blue and the beach is so white. OMG!! What U see on the pictures is not even close to how it really looked like and with all the emotions.
We found a spot in the shadow where there weren't so many people. Today was also really hot and after yesterday, we felt like being in the shade. Both Anna and Kadda wore a t-shirt while they were snorkeling to protect their backs but I didn't, I'm hard core ;)
None of us have never snorkeled before so we were all excited and nervous. Anna couldn't wear her glasses under the goggles so she was blind ;) She needed to be close to us and we were joking about that she might be following a shark or take a picture of a rock ;)
At first, it was really scary and I couldn't breath normal cause I was scared to get water in my mouth and it was creepy to hear the breath. I sounded like Darth Vader :) After a while it went really well, and it was so cool. Was like swimming in a aquarium. The reef was a bit grey and there were a lot of dust in the water so it was hard to see but we still saw a lot of colorful fishes.
We went up again and decided to rent some fins cause now we realized that we needed them. We also took our underwater cameras with us this time and took a lot of pictures. It was hard cause U don't really know what U are taking off or if U get the fish in the picture but everyone had one so there must be some good pictures.
We also saw a sea turtle! It was so cute but I lost it and also Kadda and Anna. I was scared and went back to the beach. Apparently Kadda had been swimming with the turtle for about 15 minutes but I only saw it once, but I got a picture!
I found Kadda and we went out together again but I scratched my knee on the sharp reef so we needed to go up and get a bandage. I was scared that a shark would smell the blood ;)
Kadda had bandage with her but I wanted to go and ask the hot lifeguards instead ;) Anna came as moral support cause the wound was bleeding a lot! The cut was deep so I think I might have needed some stitches but whatever, I got a super lifeguard bandage instead.
At the beach we saw this weird little animal that looked like a squirrel and a gecko at the same time, so we said it was a new species and called it Squecko ;) "Look everyone, there is an exotic animal!"
Anna was all up for Biology when we were here, she opened every leaf and fruit she found and was really interested and wanted to show and teach us everything - show off!
We took the bus back and had a quick, late lunch. The burgers were still good today! We tried to find the car rental place but we were too late, they had already closed. So we need to go there early tomorrow.
We did some shopping instead and just walked along the streets. There were a "So good jewelry" store and I just love them. It's the same store as in New York and San Fransisco and I bought a necklace with a shiny owl. So cute! We also found a cool Yogurt place where U did everything by yourself and then U paid for the weight. I took pineapple and coconut flavour yogurt and then a lot of different topping like strawberries and m&ms...jummy!
When we were on our way home a guys topped us and wanted to get us on a pub crawl this Tuesday. There would be food, free drinks and a lot of soldiers. At first we didn't really know but when he said that about the soldiers we were all in ;) We got the tickets and now we're all excited but we'll see how it will be. Hopefully good!
At the hotel we looked up some stuff for tomorrow, had a drink and then me and Anna went to the beach for a night swim. It was still warm in the water and the moon was up so it was really nice. There were some other people in the water and Anna thought it would be a good idea to be friends with them. They were weird, so we quickly swam away.
Anna gave me and Kadda a air mattress each. I got a green one, Kadda a pink and Anna got a blue one. So sweet of her!
We got some visitors in our room today during the lunch. I had opened the balcony door and two pigeons walked in...hahah they weren't shy or anything.
There is also free chickens living here. They are just walking on the streets or in the forest. So weird!
Today's funniest: A shop assistant: "Do U girls wanna look at any of the watches?" Anna: "No thanks, we are just watching!"
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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