Today (Sunday) we woke up early cause we had to be in Cherlan at 8:30 for the start of our adventure! We stopped at a nice hotel and got some breakfast and Fred had actually called in advance and told them that we were coming so they had some burritos ready for us. So sweet! That's the kind of persons they are.
Stendahls stayed and ate there while we brought ours cause we were the first to go on a small propeller plane that would take us to the other side of the lake. We were a little late so they actually called us and asked where we were. Oopsi ;)
It was a old, orange plane that only had room for six persons and everyone got headphones and it was so cool. I felt like being in a James Bond movie ;) The worst part was that there were also microphones on the headset and it's not a good idea to give Sofia a speaker! OMG!! I don't think she realised that everyone could hear her so we all heard her singing, commenting, breathing etc. It was sweet but annoying!!
The view was amazing and there were no fog or anything so the conditions were the best. It was fun to see where all the roads ended, it was like just stopping in the middle of nowhere ;) So from that point U had to go by boat or flight! The plane started and landed on the water and that was really cool. Filip was sitting in the front seat so he told everybody that he flew the plane ;)
We landed at a small village called Stehekin that was really sweet. There was a restaurant, a visitor center and then houses, not much else. It's a great place to hike and camp cause they had a lot of trails up the mountain.
When we waited for Stendahls, we had our breakfast and we all were really hungry. The sun was out but it was really windy so no tanning at all, bummer! We walked around and checked out the area close to the harbour (or the place where a few boats were ;)) and when Stendahls came, we decided to rent bikes and go to a waterfall 3 miles away.
It was fantastic to be riding a bike again, for the first time in 9 months and in the beautiful nature with spectacular views all around U. OMG, it was wonderful. The smallest kids (Sofia included) went in carts while us adults (Filip included) had one bike each. It was really fun and on the way we stopped at the school and checked it out. It was a nature school and looked like a lumber cabin, and it was open so we could go in and have a look. It was lovely and reminded me of my first school. It was like more home like and small, and it was just in the middle of the woods so the school yard was awesome!
The waterfall, called Rainbow falls, was cool. High and mighty and we could go just below it so we got a refreshing shower and since it was hot, that was really nice.
On the way back we stopped at a famous bakery that also was just in the woods, and here we had lunch. It was really neat and U also got this "home" feeling with all the ladies making the food and cookies ;) We saw a dear that came out on the road. It was not shy at all and it was really big! Filip didn't see it the first time (even though he was sitting just in front of it) but luckily for him it came a second time as well ;)
I showed my nature skills by learning the kids about wood sorrel (harsyra) and that U could eat that. It was in the flower beds outside the bakery and the kids cleared it all out ;)
We didn't fly back to Chelan, we took the ferry. "The Lady of the Lake 2" and it took 4 hours! (compared to the flight that took 30 minutes ;)) But we wanted to do sth different and now U got a different view than from the plane.
We sat outside but sadly it was windy here as well so no time for tanning, bummer! It was really nice with all the mountains around and sometimes jet skis came and jumped on the waves (then I woke up cause guys on jet skis are always hot ;)) but 4 hours was a very long time! I tried to sleep most of the time but there were not so comfortable seats so I just listened to my Ipod and rested my eyes.
I had bought a carrot cake muffin at the bakery and had it on the boat. It was delicious! They really knew how to bake ;)
When we came back it was already 6 pm so the day had been really long since we woke up at 7 am. On our way back home, we stopped at a Mexican take away trailer and brought some tacos with us. Kristina and Fred were not home, they were on a party, so we had the dinner outside and Lotta and Jonas actually had to go back and get some more food cause everyone was really hungry ;)
When the kids were in bed, we went inside and watched the movie Brothers. It was really sad and creepy but also good. Apparently it's based on a Danish movie so woho for Denmark ;) Fred joined us and it was a really nice evening.
This time I also brought a blanket to the tent. Even though I didn't feel cold last night. I wasn't sure if it would get colder this night. But it was actually warmer so I didn't need my hat or gloves ;) I feel asleep really quick cause I was exhausted after this great adventure. I'm just so lucky that I get to do this kind of stuff with my host family, they are the best!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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