There were a lot of people at the office and only one cashier so we had to wait for a while but then we got our car. A small, dark blue/purple Hyundai ;) It seemed good and there were no bigger scratch on it so after just a couple of minutes we were on the road!
I had to be the driver cause if Kadda, who's only 20, would do it, it would have been more expensive. I wish she could have driven cause I'm not such a big fan of it here....and I felt like a taxi driver. But at least I can say I have driven in L.A California ;)
We didn't really have a plan of this day so first we went to a supermarket, with the help of my GPS ;), and bought some snack and then we just drove around. We went to Beverly Hills and first we drove on Rodeo Drive and then we parked the car and walked around, window shopping. We didn't go in to any of the stores cause it's not really our price class ;) We should have brought a brand bag from home so that people would think we were rich ;)
We tried to find a lookout where we could see the Hollywood sign good so we drove on the famous Muholland Dr which goes higher up on the hills so U have a great view over L.A. Many celebrities have their homes among this road also so there were a lot of beautiful houses.
We stopped at nearly all of the lookouts we came to but we never saw the sign. "Where is this damn sign?" was a sentence we used a lot ;)
I did sth I never did ever before while driving, I reversed in to a fence pole!!! Of course when it's a rental car I have to crash! We wanted to stop at a lookout but there was a huge edge between the road and the lookout so I wanted to reverse close to the end so the bump wouldn't be so hard...but there was the fence I didn't see and we got a more violent bump. There was a scratch but hopefully they won't see it, let's pray!!!
We finally found the park where we could see the sign but it was far away so we couldn't really take good pictures but whatever, everyone knows what it says ;)
We drove back to the Beverly Hills area, via Sunset Boulevard ;) and there we bought a Star Map that showed us where all the celebrities houses were and were we should drive. I felt kind of uncomfortable with it but we drove to a couple of houses. We didn't really see that much but we were outside Michael Jackson's house, Mariah Carey, The Playboy Mansion and the place where they filmed Fresh Prince in Bel Air and some more before we got tired and went back to the hostel.
There is a parking garage just across the street, very convenient, and it was cheap also and for that we are thankful!
We made dinner quickly, some pasta dish, and then we went down to the beach and the pier. We felt like we had to visit it before we left Santa Monica cause the beach is like the most famous thing here. Sadly, it was dark now so we couldn't really enjoy the beach and the water but we walked along the pier which has a little amusement park which would be perfect for a first date ;) I played a game where U had to throw rings on bottles but it was impossible to get the rings to stuck so I didn't win. F*** that game...;)
It was really cozy to stroll around on the pier and inhale all the smells and take in all the colourful impressions, and we also went down on the beach and put our feet in the water, but it was freezing cold!! I had only shorts and t-shirt cause I thought it was still summer but apparently not! So it was nice to be back at the hostel and cuddle up in my warm bed ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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