Today (Tuesday 31 August) I woke up with a pretty sore back but not that bad as I thought it would be after sleeping a night on the ground. The sun was out and the camping was really beautiful! Our site was kind of private in between some bushes but behind us we had a big, open area with a lot of site. It was very open and U could tell we were close to the water cause there were a lot of beach sand on the ground and seagulls in the air.
We ate breakfast and then packed our stuff and hit the road again with destination Santa Barbara on the GPS. It's a little town next to the water and we didn't know what U could do there but we had heard the name before so we wanted to be able to say that we'd been there ;)
We went to a visitor information where we got some information about the city and a recommendation where we could stay the night. We didn't find a good camping site so we choose to stay at a motel. It was called Quality Inn and was on the main street but pretty far away but since we had a car that was no problem.
As soon as we were checked in and everything was in the room, we took our swim suit and went to the best beach in the area called Arroyo Burro Beach. It was a long, stretched, white beach that had steep cliffs behind. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! The sun was shining and it was really hot but the water was cold so we stayed warm, sunbathing on the beach.
Here I also got to see pelicans for the first time. There was a whole flock flying past us and it was so cool!We had some magazines and snacks to eat and it was so peaceful just laying there with no stress in mind.
Back at the motel, we jumped in the pool just because we could ;) It was nice and we swam around there like two kids before we got ready and took the bus in to center. I didn't want to drive cause I didn't want to look for a parking and the bus was just outside on the street and was cheap so I didn't mind.
The first thing we did was to look for a movie theater and get tickets for tonight showing of "Vampires Suck" Since we both are big Twilight fans we had to see it ;)
We went strolling along State St and then we found a little back street that lead to a square with a lot of stores and restaurants around and it looked like we had transported to Italy. It was so beautiful and in the middle of the square was a fountain and there were flowers everywhere. So nice!
We had dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen where they now have a event where U get a lottery ticket after every meal U eat there but U can't open it until U eat there the next time to see if U won or not. The prices are like 10% of the dinner, a frozen pizza for a whole year and also a lot of money. So of course we are gonna eat here again ;)
The movie was great, a bit silly but really funny. The actors had captures the characters features so good and exaggerated them so it was hilarious. The Jacob guy is also much hotter than the real one ;) I'm glad we saw this movie and I hope they'll make one about the last two movies also.
I realized that I forgot my book at the hostel in L.A. Of course I did!! I SUCK!! Whatever!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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