Today (Tuesday 14th of September) I was leaving Seattle, and the US, for this time. Over one year ago I came as a scared, unsecure little girl who didn't know what to do with her life or who she was. Now I'm leaving filled with currage and security and I feel that I have grown as a person through this year and I'm ready for what's next in my life. I still don't know what I want with my life but I got a pretty good feeling that everything is gonna be alright. I mean, after a year like this I could do anything!
The kids had to go to school and it was REALLY hard saying goodbye to them cause they were so sad and didn't want to go, and I didn't want them to go!!!
I packed the last of my things and I think I weight the bags two or three times to be sure they weren't too heavy ;) I think I broke the scale also...oopps!! ;)
Sofia called when they were half way to school, she was really sad and said that she wanted to turn and walk back and then jump down in one of my bags ;) Sweetie! Filip was sad (and kind of funny) He said that now when I was gone, he was gonna threw frisbee and no one was gonna be there to catch it. He was gonna play Monoploy but there would be no one else who would go so he would just sit there ;) Sad but funny ;)
Lotta drove me to the airport and was with me when I checked the bags. This was the most nervous thing ever, but the bags passed. They were 22,9 kg both and they could be 23 kg ;) My hand lugage was allowed to be 8 kg but mine was 8,4. But I hurried away casue she didn't see that...pfew!
Once again I had to go through with a hard goodbye. Me and Lotta have been pretty close through the year so yes, it was hard to say goodbye to her too.
Now I was on my own. I went through security and it took some time for me cause this morning I had to put on a lot of clothes that didn't fit in my bags ;) I had one top, one t-shirt, two sweters, one jacket, two scarfs and a cap...I was so HOT!!! ;)
Once through the security I walked to my gate and then I bought some lunch at the cafe. I'm glad that they have free WiFi at the airport cause then I could play with my new Ipod ;) It's so practical when U are at a place like this cause it's so small.
My flight was at 2:15 sth and the boarding went fine. It was a big plane but narrow seats. I was in the middle row and had three older ladies around me. I was sad that I couldn't be at a window so I could see Seattle when we flew away but I saw it so beautiful when me and Kadda came back from California so it's OK. I had planned to sleep most of the way, since it's such a long flight, but this was harder that I thought since I wasn't tired...I mean, we flew in the middle of the day. I watched some movies and listened to music but I couldn't sleep. Not even when we came over to the "night part" of the world.
The food wasn't so good, but is it ever in flights? And I had to stand up and walk a couple of times cause my ass was hurting ;)
Soon I'm home!!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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