Today (Saturday 11 September) I woke up pretty pissed off, cause all night a train had been blowing it's horn every other hour and woke me up...why??? So irritating!! Good thing I have earplugs with me so I can sleep tonight.
They didn't have breakfast at the campground so we drove back to the little town and ate at a diner which was really American and nice. The food was good; scrabled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast ;)
We went to a park next to a river where Filip did some fishing while the rest of us just relaxed in the sun. I almost fell asleep!! The surroundings were just incredible...huge mountains all around and green forest everywhere..the air was so fresh and we were there for a couple of hours and it never got boring.
I watched "How to train your dragon" on Filip's DSI..He has been telling me to see that movie for a while now and now when he had it with him I couldn't say no anymore ;) But it was a great movie, funny! I liked it and I'm glad he told me to see it.
Filip didn't get any fish but Sofia lost one of her shoes ;) She was running and they are a bit big so it flew of and splash in the water ;) Jonas and Filip tried to fish it up but the current took it so we had to wave goodbye to it...she was a bit sad and now she had to walk with one show until we got to a store to buy know ones. At lunchtime we took the car and drove in to Portland to see if we could find anything to eat. We walked and walked but couldn't find anything we liked. We asked a couple of people and they told us there was a festival going on now and explained how to get there. We had to take a train there and it was free cause it was Saturday today. The family was a bit confused and didn't really know where to go so I think it was good that I was there cause I knew exactly ;)
I don't know what kind of festival it was but there were a lot of stalls and booths where they sold hand crafts and food. There was a lot of people cause the weather was really nice. It was HOT and I was sweating cause I had dressed warm cause we expected cold weather.
We found some good stuff to eat and then sat down at a fountain and watched some dancers perform. They were dancing hip hop (I think ;)) and they were really good, a great dinner entertainment.
We walked around and when we were happy we drove back to the little town by our campground and bought some food for the night. I bought a SUDUKO magazine cause I needed sth to do now and also on the flight home next week.
At the cabbin we just relaxed and didn't do anything. It was so nice! The kids wanted to play so we played old fashion boccia, with pine cones ;) Felt like we went back in time and it was really nice acctually and I felt like I thought the kids that U can have fun without all the modern technology...I'm proud!
When it got dark, we lightened the fire and grilled hot dogs and then, of course, good and cozy!
Everyone was tired so we went early to bed and this time I had my earplugs so I hope they'll help against the train. At this point everyone was annoyed by it cause every 30 minutes it passed by and made an aweful noise. OK, we get it!!! There is a railway, we will stay out of there!!!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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