Monday, October 12, 2009


The fall is really coming with giant steps. Today it was really cold outside the whole day and Filip was glad I made him put on a pair of trousers with long legs ;) He has been waring shorts until today. He's crazy! I've been waring a hat since a week! ;)
The trees are also in a transformation and the magic of nature creates a beautiful colour palette to tell us it's time for fall!
I didn't go to the gym today, had too much aches in my legs from the game yesterday ;) I went back to bed instead and it was so good. I can't make it a habit cause then I may never go to the gym! And no one want that to happen!
I did some errand and then had a Noah Bagel lunch (the best bagels this far!!) Today Lotta worked from home cause she had been with Filip at the dentist so she joined me for lunch.
Filip has got a new Lego model and he's really busy finishing it. So me and Sofia played with her stuffed animals cause today she deserved Listening Bear at school who is a bear you can take home for one day if you have been a really good listener at school. She was really happy cause this was the second time she could bring home the bear and they helped me with dinner. Two really good assistants in the kitchen ;)
Tomorrow the kids have a geography test and we have practice the continents and oceans all week. Hope they do good, but I think so!

I have to buy some gloves!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra

1 comment:

  1. SV: Vad roligt att du med sett dom :) dom gjorde verkligen ett bra uppträdande :) Ja det var jätte kul att få lite besök...det får man ju inte allt för ofta hehe

    Så ni börjar få höst där borta, här är hösten redan igång på full fart det snöa lite här i går :S Så snart är det väl vinter här :) Tycker det är bra att du skriver på engelska i din blogg för då får man träna lite på läsningen hehe :P Du är väldigt duktig på eng.

    Ha det bra kramar från sverige :)
