I went with Lotta to Bellevue Square Mall cause she needed to return a sweater and to buy some skinny jeans. Apparently that's the new big thing now ;) and as I said it's a never dying look. They looked good on her, and off course it was a pair of 7-jeans. I'll probably bye one pair of my own, when I can afford them ;)
Me, Emilie and Kadda was going in to Seattle to find some Halloween costumes for me and Kadda (Emilie has already got one) but as usual it never goes as planned. And instead of looking for a shop (cause we didn't really know where to go) we went to "Bodies - The Exhibition" which is as it sounds, a exhibition of the human body. And it's all real!! Real human bodies where you can see the skeleton, the muscles, organs, veins everything. It was both grose and so interesting at the same time. There were fetus in different developments and the lung of a person that had been smoking (next to it was a trashcan for cigarettes ;)) I thought it was really cool but the exhibition has got a lot of different criticism. Some say it's too much. And when it was here the last time, for like 5 years or something, they had to close it cause people couldn't handle it. But there's suppose to be an pregnant women and a full sized horse with a rider so this was a small piece of the whole I think. But it was really interesting and you got a better picture of how the body is working and structured. But one sadly thing was that we weren't allowed to take pictures. That kind of sucked!
After this we were supposed to go to Redmond and the Halloween store there but we didn't have time cause we stopped at different shops on our way to the car and we also had a crepe which was expensive, but really good! I had ice-cream, nutella and strawberries on mine. Jummie ;) It's a good thing I'm going to the gym, otherwise non of my clothes would have fit now ;)
I also played my second soccer game today! I played as a defender and then a midfielder. And I scored!! We won with like 6-0 and it was a really fun game to play. We had really good passes. But one thing I didn't like was that the game started do late. At 7:45 so I wasn't home until 9:45 which means I missed Desperate Housewives! :( But I'll see it tomorrow on the computer, but still!
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
Sådana kroppar ser jag nästan dagligen nuförtiden, inte helt frivilligt dock ;)