Today the kids were off from school. It was leap day, don't ask me what that means, but off they were so we spend the whole day together. We decided that we should go to the cinema and watch a movie and we saw "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" It was in 3D and it was really funny. It's about a guy who wants to be a scientist but never comes up with anything good. So now he wants to save his town with his latest invention: a machine that transform water into food. In some how he manage to get the machine up in the sky so it starts raining all kind of different food. In the beginning everything is good, and the town see him as a hero. But then the machine is overheated and starts mutating the food. So now they have to stop it before it starts the biggest food storm the world has ever seen. Sounds like fun, right? ;) The kids liked it and afterwards we went to McDonald's and had our lunch. Seems like a perfect way of spending your day for a child. But of course there were some fighting and arguing, but I guess that's a part of life when you are siblings. And I also know from own experience with my brothers ;)
After our all day in town we went home, but only for like a half an hour cause then it was time for climbing. And this time, I was up on the wall as well! Linda, a mother of a child in Filip's and Sofia's climbing group, said that now when I've been there so many times it was time for me to get up on the walls. She helped me and I climbed both with and without rope. It was a bit scary, and my arms and fingers hurt but it was also kind of excited. I never thought it was that hard and that you get so tired. It seems so easy when those who now how to climb climbs. Looks like a everyday walk, but off course there is a lot of practice and work-out behind that. Maybe I'll go up there again.
This morning the guys came and installed the draining machine. And it's big and makes a really irritating sound. So Lotta and Jonas decided that we would go out and have dinner this night. First we went to a place called T.G.I Friday, but unfortunately it was closed cause of some kind of court decision. It's sad cause they told me it was a really good place and very typical American. There is one in Stockholm as well so maybe I can go there when I'm back in Sweden ;)
So we went to a pretty new place called Lucia. An Italian restaurant, with black and white theme. It was really nice and the food was super. I ate Pasta Angelina which was penne pasta with garlic, sun dried tomatoes, chicken and goat cheese. It was really delicious but also a bit hot, so I needed a lot of water ;)
When we were on our way home, Kadda called me and asked if I wanted to go to the cinema with her and Ramona. Of course I said yes and this time they came to Kirkland instead of me going to Redmond. I showed them a piece of the town and then we bought some sweets in QFC ( it's too expensive to buy it at the cinema ;)) and Kadda bought something to eat as well. The movie was called Bright Star and was about a poet who tried to make a living on writing, but at the same time he was in love with a girl that would not given him a good economic marriage. It eas really sad, and not that good. Kind of confusing and they talked old British English and that made it not easier. But it was a nice night out with my friends and it's those nights that make me live through the week.'s not as bad as it sounds, but it's nice to know that you can meet your friends at the weekend. I'm not that in to meetings during the weeks cause I'm so tired in the mornings. But I won't say no to watch a episode of Grey's Anatomy at Kaddas house, with ice cream and popcorn ;)
Miss you all!
Love Sandra
The BIG drainer machinen and me in the 3D glasses!