Sweet 21! Today one lucky person in the gang turned 21!! Congrats Ramona and take it easy with the magic potion ;)
We gave her a card with a rainbow pony on, and we had written her a story that in the end said that we are gonna have a magical Sunday this week ;) i can't tell U what we are doing but it's gonna be fun.
Today I finally got the last Christmas present for home, now I just have to wrap them and then I maybe can go back to my more healthy life with the gym and proper lunch. ;)
It's also been raining almost all day and I was thinking of buying an umbrella. I was glad I didn't cause when me and Sofia looked after some gloves in the garage, I found two!! So I told my host parents that I'm gonna use one of them, even though no real Seattle resident wear one ;)
Starbucks was OK, but I was so tired. Me and Kadda (I had to pick her up cause she couldn't do the drivers test cause there was some paper that wasn't updated!! Typical!) sat by ourselves and just watched the other au pairs ;) We don't wanna make new friends ;) And also maybe cause they sat on the hard, wooden chairs while we choose the soft armchairs ;)
Also today Sofia and Filip played really well together. Well they moved their bed so now it's in the center of the room, but they did it together! without any arguing, I was so happy!! ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra.
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