Hahaha...it really feels like I'm a single mum with my own house. I have two kids in bed and I'm spending a Saturday night alone ;) I hope not this is my future!
But the kids have been great and I'm not at all complaining, it's just funny.
We drove Lotta and Jonas early to the airport so that we could eat breakfast there before their flight. They are now in Las Vegas and trying to win a fortune ;) at the same time they are visiting some Swedish friends that are here on vacation.
So it was kind of sad this morning and Sofia was really upset that he mum was leaving. But it was OK as soon we came to the car. It was actually at the car the first disaster, I hadn't got the car key from Jonas!!! We hurried back and I tried to call him but he didn't answer. Nor did Lotta...aarrgghh!! Panic! But then I tried Jonas again, and he answered...pfew! I got the key and we could go home. Or not home cause Sofia had a birthday party to go to. It was a girl in her class and it was held at Skate King! So me and Filip also went and skated. It was so cute to watch all the kids. Many were really good and I was impressed! Sofia struggled a bit but then it was good there was a side to hold on to ;)
There were pizza, ice cream, cake etc a lot of sugar ;) After the party we went to a place called Sky high sport in Bellevue. Really cool! They had a hall full of bounce mats where the kids could do almost what ever they wanted. a good way of getting all the sugar off their bodies ;) They were so awesome. Both even did vaults and wasn't afraid at all. That's more than I do on our big mat back in Sweden ;)
We went home and spent our time with LEGO, colouring etc. Me and Sofia went to the store to get some breakfast for tomorrow.
We also had time to bake, and together we made some delicious coconut cookies. Jummie!
We ate some noodle soup and left overs (maybe a shy Saturday night meal but it was great ;)) We watched "Meet the Robinson's" and it's still great. We saw it yesterday but it's so funny that I could see it over and over again. That's me!! ;)
Today was the Soccer Gala for my community back in Sweden. A big party that I really, really wanted to go to. Hmmm....instead I'm stuck in a foreign country thousands miles away ;) "What is a bale at the people's park in Gotene. It will probably dreary, boring, and...and...wonderful" ahhh ;)
Now the kids are sleeping and I hop they have sweet dreams about our day!
The single mum are in the sofa and are soon gonna watch "Men who hates women" in Danish ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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