Oh my god! Today was movie premiere of the second movie of the Twilight Saga, New Moon. Me, Kadda and Emilie had tickets for the midnight premiere! When we bought them they told us that the first people usually stands in the line at like 2 pm ;) Unfortunately we couldn't come so early so we went at like 8. But there weren't so many people and we got a pretty good spot. We had to wait in line for like 5 hours!! We sat on the floor most of the time and my leg and back really hurt. But what wouldn't U do for Edward ;) There were mostly girls (and young ones of course ;)) and many had a hand made t-shirt with different types of print. For example: Team Jacob, Mrs Edward Cullen, Twilight etc. Many had their pyjamas on and of course the UGG boots. They are really popular here, don't really understand why.
We entertained ourselves by reading magazines, playing on Emilie's IPhone and watched all the different people. We also had some chips and MnM's to feast on ;)
It was a long wait and when it was like 11 some VIP people came out from the cinema. They had already seen the movie! So unfair, I mean how can they show the movie at 9 when the premiere is at 12? They thought it was really funny to take pictures of us who were still waiting to see the film.
At like 11:40 they let us in and everyone was running ;) We got pretty good seats. It was a bit too close to the screen but OK. Then we bought some popcorn and drink of course.
When the movie started everyone was screaming and that continued during the film. ;) Oh, I loved it! They are so HOT!!! And there were a lot of scenes without any shirt ;)
It was so good and we are gonna go and watch it again, whit out the hysterical crowd ;)
It was a fun experience, to go to a premiere but I'm disappointed that U guys back in Sweden got to see it before me :( Here I come to the US thinking now I can see every movie before everyone. But no, the premiere is on the same day! Brilliant!
I also realised that I'm gonna experience everything the last. Like new years eve. We are like last on earth who gets 12. Bummer ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
ps. Vancouver here we come ds
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