Today (Saturday) was the great day when I was going to see Fredrik Ljungberg kick some ass again in my second Sounders game here. I woke up early to get ready, I put on my Ljungberg shirt and then went and picked up Hanna.
We had an hour on us before the game started and that was good cause we didn't really know where to drive to get to the parking garage, but we just went with the flow and ended up right ;) In the tickets, I got from Jen, the parking was included and it was a garage connected to the stadium so we just had to walk down one floor and we were there ;)
We had all inclusive tickets so it started with a lunch buffet ;) We got a plate and then we took what we wanted, omelets, fruit, waffles etc and a drink, and then went to our seats. They were in the middle of the field and U saw everything really good. Great seats in other words ;)
The Sounders were playing the Earthquakes from San Jose (pretty funny name ;)) and I don't really know how either of the team is in the league. Unfortunately, the visitors got a goal after 11 minutes but there was still a lot of time left.
In half, it was still 0-1 and we went to the buffet to get some new food ;) This time there was hot dogs and apple pie for dessert.
Hanna was frozen, so we stayed inside for a while and watched the game through the enormous panorama windows that was covering the lounge. A old man came to us and asked if we were from Sweden. He had been there the last 30 years cause he took a team to the Gothia Cup in Gothenburg, and when he heard that we lived close to there he was thrilled ;) I like when people come to U like that, they are not shy at all like in Sweden. I think I'll miss that.
We went outside and saw the rest of the game and Sounders had a lot of great shots and attempt on goal but sadly they didn't get any. No one liked the ref and the audience were so cruel, both to him and the visitors. I can't believe what people said. Like there was this guy who got a cramp and everyone was booing and telling him to go off the field. OMG! I guess they never got a cramp, or even played soccer.
Even though they lost, it was really fun and to be so close to Fredrik Ljungberg is just awesome ;)
I drove Hanna home and went to prepare for the BBQ we were having at my place tonight. The family was off to a birthday party so the girls were coming here for a nice BBQ and girly evening.
Emilie came first and soon Anna so we just chilled with a beer and started the grill before Ramona, Kadda and Hanna showed up.
We had A LOT of hot dogs. There were Bratwursts, breakfast sausages (?), Fake dogs (veggie stuff ;)) and sth more. We had salad, potato salad, fries and some baked potatoes that we forgot in the fire ;) And of course there was wine! It was a really nice dinner but there was a lot of hot dogs over ;)
Everyone had brought stuff that they didn't want anymore, like clothes, shoes, bags etc and after dinner we had a trader market in the living room. We were trading stuff with each other and it was so much fun. It could sound like this: "I give U two t-shirts for that pair of pant", "No, only if U give me that necklace as well" Totally hilarious! I got: one pair of Ballerinas, one hat, one bag, one sweater, one watch and shower cream ;) And a book that no one wanted ;) This is a really good way of getting stuff U want for stuff U don't longer want. Why did I never do this before?
We had dessert in front of the TV and watched Pride and Prejudice. Ohh....I love that movie and it really felt like a girly, girly night. I had a great time and with strawberries, nutella, pringles and m&ms there is not much more U need ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra