Today (Thursday) I went with Lotta to her job to pick up the Saab that they had left there yesterday when they went to IKEA. I filled it up with gas and then I went home and did some laundry and stuff before I went to Bellevue to try to find a bikini.
I started with Sports Authority but they didn't have any that I liked. I went to the mall instead and to JC Penny, where I knew they had a lot. I wanted a under-wired bra with halterneck but apparently that's too much to ask for. So I decided to try some others on and I got like 5 or 6 with me in the fitting room. There were a couple that I liked but then I tried on a red/pink one that I loved, so I bought that ;) It has the peace symbol and a flower on the bra and then a flower on the panties as well. I really like it and I think it'll be good.
Since it was almost 12 I had lunch in the mall as well cause I was so happy that I now had found a bikini ;) I took a BBQ sandwich at the good salad place in the center, but there were a lot of people so I didn't get a table but I found a bench instead. I also treated me with a dessert, a chocolate dipped cone at Mc Donald's ;)
Very satisfied, I went home and watched some FRIENDS again and then picked up the kids.
Filip's braces had broken again at school so we had to quickly drive to the dentist immediately after school. There were a lot of traffic so we were a bit late and the dentist was waiting for us cause they were closing. A bit embarrassing! But they fixed the wire and after 15 minutes we were on our way home. And again, the kids were awful in the car, I hope they have stuff to entertain themselves with when we drive this weekend!
Back home, me and Filip played Monopoly again and also this time he crushed me ;)
I made chicken, french fries and broccoli for dinner and it was really good! I think I'll be a good chef when I get back home. I don't think I cooked this much during my entire life as I've done this year ;)
I picked up Anna and we went to Emilie's place to discuss our FB misunderstanding and watch Twilight since there is no more Grey's or PP.
We worked out our weekends plans but when we were gonna see the movie, the DVD didn't work. It's always sth when we try to watch a movie at Emilie's place. But we ordered a movie on On Demand instead. We watched the romantic comedy Valentines Day. It was really sweet and I liked it. The best part was when Taylor Swift made totally fun of her self, she was playing this blond stupid girl and it was totally hilarious.
Today was also the premiere of Sex and the City 2. Lotta and Jenny went and saw it tonight and they said it was a lot like the first one. I need to see it.
I was really tired when I got home and I fell asleep immediately.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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