Today (Saturday) Anna, Kadda and Emilie picked me up at Laura around 11 cause we were going hiking. The weather didn't look so good but we went anyway. This time we went to the Cougar mountain that is in Issaquah and I've been there once before just when I arrived and Filip had his birthday party at the zoo. But this time we didn't go to the zoo. We had some trouble finding where the trails started but then we found a tourist information where we got a map and that was perfect. We parked at the beginning of one big trail and the we started. It was so beautiful and big. There were a lot of trails going in to each other so there were not much people where we walked so we felt like it was just us and the forest.
It had been raining so it was muddy and slippery but the air was so fresh and the colours so bright. I love hiking here, Kadda says it's the same as in Germany but I don't believe her. Everything is so much bigger and it feels more exotic in one way.
Our trail was very mixed, sometimes it went down hill some times it was flat and then it was really steep and hard. We came to a view point where we had our lunch. I had really good sandwiches, rice cookies, cookies and carrots ;) It was jummie!
Over all, I think we walked around two hours and it felt good when we came back to the car. My legs were still hurting since my work out in the gym this Thursday so I was kind of stiff when we came down.
We went to the South center mall close to Renton and now Kadda was happy ;) It is a great mall with all good stores, but I just bought some basics and I wasn't really in a mood for shopping, and I didn't have the money.
Back home, I took a nice shower and then I went out to buy some wine and alcohol cause tonight, me and Emilie was going out!! OMG, I was so excited cause this would be the first time in 8 months for me and I was curious of the bars here. I had to drive around Kirkland a bit before I found the store and I bought a Bacardi Peach which sounded good. The cashier asked twice for my ID and he was confused of the date since I recently turned 21. My American drivers license is vertical, cause I was under 21 when I got it, and if U are over 21 it's horizontal. I think that's also why it confuses people.
I also went to QFC and bought wine, sprite and pringles: everything for a party night ;)
When I got home, we had gardeners working with our yard. Hahaha, there haven't been anyone here for 8 months and now, a Saturday evening there were three men fixing it. So cool, and it turned out great now we don't have to be ashamed of it, not that we had so much of it but still.
Stendahl's was here, as usual, and I spend some time with them and we drank some wine together. I told Anna to come and join us and when it's alcohol involved, she's not the one who says no ;) It was really funny and we got drunk together and I showed everyone a party game where U have to turn over a matchbox on the floor with your head standing on one leg. It's so hard but fun! I think Jenny was the only one who made it and they got a real challenge for the rest of the night ;)
Me and Anna went upstairs and I got ready. Anna decided that she was gonna try to get in somewhere so she also got ready and went in my closet and borrowed a dress from me.
Emilie arrived and we all drank wine and drinks and just goofed around. It was so much fun and when we finally decide to go, M also borrowed a dress from me ;)
We walked down and tried all bars but no one would let Anna in without a ID. It sucked so much but she was OK with standing outside while we went in for a drink and to dance a while.
First we went to a place called Wikiki bar or sth and this was great. It was free entrance and there was a dance floor and the music was great. We had a drink, Malibou with coke ;), and I accidentally dropped my glass on the floor so it crashed in to thousand pieces. Opsi! That was embarrassing but a bartender came and sweeped it up.
We walked to another place, I don't remember the name, it was a dance club and it was really cool. Here we had to pay entrance but it was $6 and the place was big with great music so it was worth it. We didn't stay so late cause it felt bad having Anna outside, but when we got out she had met a girl who was really nice. Her name was Casey and she lived in Kirkland. She tried to help us get Anna in somewhere but without result. After some walking and hanging and talking with people, we went back home. On the way I bought a hot dog: the necessary "night food" after a night out. So good!
The night was crazy and I had so much fun. It felt good being drunk again and we have to do this more often with so great places in walkable distance.
Anna drove home, maybe not the best idea but she hadn't so much to drink and seemed fine. Emilie slept at my place and even though it wasn't so late, we fell asleep immediately. I wonder how I will feel tomorrow ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Hejsan hej! Det låter som om du hade riktigt skoj på ute kvällen, synd att inte hon anna kunde komma in någon stans. Aja men det är alltid kul att dra ut på lite party ibland :)
ReplyDeleteSvar: Tack så mycket! Jag gillar verkligen mitt jobb, jag jobbar på en bensinstation, shell select för att vara exakt. Är butiksbiträde typ :) Ja du är så välkommen hit. Jag kan ju inte komma och hälsa på dig längre i usa som jag hade tänkt, jag jobbar så pass mycket nu och jag får ingen semester hehe Ha det super. Kram kram!!