Today (Tuesday) I went back to bed and slept for like 2 hours after dropping the kids at school. I hate when I don't have anything to do cause then I'm just so tired.
I finished my home work and had lunch before I went off to college for my Spanish. It went well and it's only like 4 times left so it's going really fast!
Me and the kids grabbed a snack at home and went back to school to play. They took their bikes and I could just hang around in the sun. Me and Filip played the dice game and then he found some friends to play with. Sofia always finds someone to play with so that's never a problem.
We spend like 1,5 hours there and I red my book all the time ;) I had a game tonight so we had to go home and make dinner and I got ready for Jen to pick me up. I quickly ate my salad and then I went to Seattle and the game. Hanna was supposed to play today as well but she didn't get off in time so she had to cancel, which is sad cause I know she wanna play.
Me and Jen was early so we watched a Lacrosse team that had practice. That's a sport I really wanna watch a game of when I'm here. It looks so cool and I never saw a game. Jen was asking me if we had it in Sweden and I wasn't sure. I said that we had played it in PE at school but I didn't know if there is any league or so. But then, I saw one of the players wearing a t-shirt saying: Lacrosse Sweden ;) That's funny! I didn't say anything but I bet he was Swedish!
The game was against a really good team, but luckily for us they didn't have a full team. We didn't have all of our original players but we had some pretty good stand ins that did a great job. I played forward most of the time and it felt really good. We had a lot of chances and I passed some really great balls but unfortunately it took all the way to the end of first half before we scored. I did an assist on that one and it felt good!
The other half was good as well but they scored once before I did our second goal, that actually was a offside goal (not from me but the one who passed me) For me the game was great but since they were, in the end, 3 people less than us we should have out rolled them with passes and had a lot more goals.
Back home I took a quick shower cause I didn't wanna wake up the kids, and then I joined Jonas in front of the TV and watched the Jay Leno show (or what his name is ;)) I had a nice day!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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