Today (Friday) the kids went back to school again and that meant back to normal for me, which was kind of nice ;)
I didn't go to the gym cause I was still tired since the Yoga yesterday but I took a little walk after leaving the kids.
when I got home, I was on my computer for a while but then I walked down to Starbucks (without a jacket!!) and bought myself a cup of coffee and a banana chocolate chip cake and went to the water and just enjoyed the view and the weather.
The girl who worked at Starbucks thought that I was from France cause of my accent? I don't have a French accent, do I? When I told her that I was from Sweden, she thought that it was the country with the female president. I was like: "Eh, no. That's Finland" She was quite after that ;)
It was so warm in the sun, I could have stayed there forever! But I didn't, I decided that it was time for me to buy that watch I've been looking at for a while. I walked to the store, that's here in Kirkland, and thought for a while about the colour: White or Pink? Finally I decided to go for the more basic white and I'm really happy with that choice. It's a rubber band and the clock has diamonds around, Bling Bling ;) I'm gonna wear it everywhere ;)
Back home I worked with my music and I have to tell U that I'm almost done!
At 11:30, I picked up Hanna and together we went to Sports Authority in Bellevue cause we both needed some soccer equipment. I wanted a pair of indoor soccer/gym shoes, if I'm gonna play more on Friday nights I want the proper shoes. But it was kind of embarrassing when I was looking for shoes. I thought that I needed a 6 or sth like that cause that's what I have on my soccer shoes and regular shoes. I couldn't find any in the youth section or in the men section and of course they didn't have any women section. So I asked for help and a guy found a 6 1/2 for me. I tried them on and they were huge! So big that my foot might be fitted twice in there, well maybe not but they were too big. So he went to youth sizes again and handled me a 6, also too big. Then I looked for my self since I now realized that there could be shoes in my size there. I tried a 5 1/2, too big, a 5, too big...hmmm I needed a 4 until I was happy. A 4!!! It sounds so small, but I think that they changed the sizes or sth cause it's a 36 1/2 in Europe. I was confused, but at least now I had the right shoes.
I also bought a t-shirt and Hanna bought shin guards, socs and a red t-shirt cause she is gonna play with my team on Sunday!! Jippie!
Back home, I ate and skyped with Anna, who now enjoys the snow in Colorado. She was tired but it was really nice she told me, but I don't envy her at all!!!
I picked up the kids and of course we went to the park when it now was such a great weather.
Later this evening, I picked up Hanna again, and we went to Emilie's place to finally watch Sleepless in Seattle! But it didn't work. It was a Swedish DVD and they have a different type of DVDs here so U need to do sth special with your DVD player. So once again, we couldn't watch that movie, I think we are gonna watch it on our last day here ;)
So instead we watched A knight's tale, that we also have tried to watch a couple of times. I really like that movie and it's so sad that Heath Ledger died, he's such a good actor and handsome ;)
Emilie was so against this movie in the beginning, just because it had the word "Knight" in the title. Talk about being prejudiced! But then, she was the one who laughed the most! We told U so Emilie!
Hanna had brought some funny candy that was shaped as eye globes ;) So we had some fun with them and got great pictures ;)
I drove Hanna home and since it was a bit late, I went to bed right when I came home.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Å vilket fint väder ni verkar ha :) Här i sthlm har solen tittat fram i flera dagar nu & det har dessutom varit en massa plus grader, så snön smälter sakta men säkert bort :) Hoppas att du har det bra där borta, kram kram!