Today I went to the gym in the morning and then I had decided to spend the rest of the morning in front of the TV playing guitar hero, but of course that didn't happen. I remembered that I hadn't done my German homework, and it took longer than I expected. Then, when I had lunch, I skyped with my best friend Anna and we talked for like an hour. It was so nice and we realized that it's only 9 years until we are 30!!! OMG! I wonder how my life looks like then.
I really like Skype and it's always so much fun to talk and see everybody back home. But I think it's time for someone to invent the teleport machine soon! So that U could really be with each other while talking. Is that too much to ask?!
Finally I got to the TV and played for 45 minutes before it was time to pick up the kids.
Filip needed to work on his grasshopper project and now he has to write his text on the computer, so that it look good, but it takes so long time! He's not used to that so he has some problem with finding the letters. I think I need to write some for him but the teacher said that it was OK to help, and he is writing a lot too.
I did a broccoli gratin today and now I realized why it has been so watery the last couple of times. I have forgotten a couple of ingredients that makes it more firm ;) I thought I knew it without the cook book ;)
I had German today, but it was boring so I draw the most of the time. I was in a bad mood and my table neighbour didn't make it better. I don't really like him. He think that he knows better just because he has a German girlfriend and he also wants to know what a sentence means word by word. It's not OK if I make a translation that's not exactly matches with the words. Common! Just get the context! Or, maybe I'm just cranky.
I went to Starbucks, but before I stopped at the cinema and bought tickets for Remember me, with Robert Pattinsson, that me and Laura are gonna watch on Sunday. I'm so looking forward to see him in another movie so I think it'll be a great day!
Now I'm really tired and kind in a bad mood, donno why but I hope that a good night sleep can help me!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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