Today I had nothing special planned for the morning and I hadn't set the alarm with a certain time I needed to wake up. But the kids were up screaming at like 7 so that was kind of disturbing but I manage to fall back to sleep. At 9:30 Hanna called and woke me up instead ;) She wanted to do sth and I looked out my window and saw that the weather was really nice.
I went up and ate breakfast while I was thinking of sth to do. I decided that it was time to go to Bruce Lee's tomb and explore some of Capitol hill.
I got ready and then I picked up Hanna. We drove to Seattle and the part that's called Capitol Hill. We drove to a park, called Volunteer park, where they have a big exotic greenhouse. It's for free and they have all kinds of different flowers and trees. It was so beautiful and it wasn't too hot and muggy as it can be in a greenhouse, it was perfect!
After that, we walked around in the park and came to the water tower from where U can have a great view over Seattle. Unfortunately, it was closed so we couldn't get up there. Instead, we walked around some more and came down on the streets where it was a lot of big and magnificent houses.
We walked back and went to the Lakeview Cemetery instead. It was next to the park and it was huge and beautiful. It was the first time I've seen cars driving in the cemetery. Here is the cultural icon Bruce Lee buried and we went to see his tomb. He's a famous actor, martial artist, philosopher, film director, film producer, screenwriter, and founder of the Jeet Kune Do concept. I donno, I'm not a big fan but this was one of the things everyone told me to to while I was here so now I've done it. I also wanna be so famous that a lot of people, that I don't know, travel far just to see my tomb ;)
After this, we took the car and drove to Broadway ;) It's a nice street with some different stores. They have a Urban Outfitter and all the other stores has the same theme. I liked it but I didn't buy anything cause I'm saving ;)
I drove Hanna home and when I got home I had lunch and then took a nap, for like two hours ;)
Lotta and the kids had been to Alice in Wonderland and then Sofia was on a birthday party. The movie had been a bit too scary for the kids and they warned me of going to it ;)
Lotta was going on a birthday party this evening and since Jonas is not home yet (he will be later) I have some extra hours of working tonight. Me and the kids were first outside for an hour, going with the bicycle and the skateboard up and down the street. Then I made dinner, macaroons and meatballs ;) and after that we took some candy and watched Ice Age 3. Oh, I love those movies ;) It was so funny and me and the kids all laughed loud together ;)
I red for them before putting them to bed and now, I'm in bed myself, planning to go for a walk in the morning so that I'm ready for my game at noon.
Now I can't forget to switch over to summer time with the clock before I fall to sleep. Now, we are going to longer nights!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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