Today (Friday) the kids were off school cause there was a leap day. The weather was so nice so we decided to go to a park. Me and Sofia first went to QFC and bought some good stuff to bring as a picnic. There were jummy sandwiches, kiwis, strawberries and cookies!
We also brought like every kind of sport that we have here: soccer, baseball, Frisbee. We wanted to have a long and nice day out in the sun ;)
We went to a park called Idlewood park and is in Redmond. It's a really big green area right at the water and there is a beach, a playground and a volley ball field! It's so beautiful and such a great place to spend a day at.
We started with some sports and then we went on the playground before we ate our picnic. The sun was rising higher on the sky and it also got warmer. The kids felt sorry for the lonely duck couple, that had decided to try their luck at our table, and threw some pieces of the sandwiches to them. Then we were attacked by several of their bird friends! So we had to watch our food the rest of the day ;)
There was a whole school class there at one time and then, me and Filip went to the volley ball field to be alone and it was so nice in the sand. We took our shoes off and Filip actually took his t-shirt of.
Sofia had found a friend to play with and we were at the water playing in the sand and the kids got all dirty but it didn't matter. I think that kids need to get dirty, that's when it's most fun!
Filip asked if he could go in to the water but it's not that warm yet. I was forced to go in to it cause Filip kicked the ball in the water. It was cold!!
After maybe 4 hours we all were exhausted and the kids were wet and dirty so we went home where Sofia took a bath and Filip a shower. I did some laundry and other stuff before we went outside again. We did some soccer but then we went to the sun wall and red some stories. I made a rosehip soup, a Swedish cold soup to drink when it's warm. Filip really liked it but Sofia didn't. We had a really cozy afternoon and we played some four square when Lotta and Jonas got home.
We all went downtown to have dinner. We went to a Greek restaurant and brought the food to the waterfront and had it there. It was so nice! There were some really cute puppies and Sofia got really upset when she was told that she couldn't have one. She said that we could take her money and she really didn't understand that it's not a money issue. She was crying all the way home, poor little girl.
Today I had signed up for soccer again, at the Arena Sport in Redmond. This time it was me, Hanna and Katrine and we were all at the same team. This time it wasn't as fun as the other times cause we just met teams that were unbelievable good. There were one Asian team and they were all so quick and technical with the ball.
One in our team, who was the goalie, was kicked in the face so the lip cut open and they had to call 911 cause he also was dizzy. And in like 5 minutes two hot fire fighters were there and looked after.
We lost all the games but I scored once and it's still a really fun way to meet new people but I think we have to play in the next session between 11-01 instead cause there were all the young people!
I was really sore in my knee when I got home and today I said yes to playing a game on Sunday in the morning but I think I'll have to say no cause I don't think my knee will make it.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra.
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