It went fine, this time he choose the American colours, red, white, and blue, and it looked really nice. Dr Lund (hot!!) showed me a picture that was taken on Filip's teeth before we started with the braces and U can't believe it's the same mouth. They have changed and moved so much in such a short period of time it's kind of creepy but great!
Back home, the girls were doing some arts and craft and I went to pick up in my room and do some laundry before we all put on swim wear and went to the beach. This time it was another one so we took the car cause it's further away. There was not so much people and the beach was still in the shadows but I took a spot in the sun, opened my book while the kids went to the water. I thought it was too cold so I didn't go in today, but I was fine in the sun ;)
Also now the kids behaved well and after 2 hours we went home happy and I made lunch for us.
Lotta came home around 2 to get Filip to a speech trainer to see what they said about his pronunciation problem, specially with the R sound.
Meanwhile, I took the girls to Grasslawn Park again where they played for a couple of hours and I red some more of my book ;)
When Filip and Lotta came home Lotta stayed so I did some arts and craft with the girls and we also had a ice cream. When Lotta had to get Jonas from work, I was on the computer and the kids were playing but this time a little bit too noisy and messy, not so fun. And I was tired after this long day so I was in a very bad mood.
Finally Jonas got home and we could have dinner, at 7 which means that I today worked for 12 hours!!! Bahhh!!!
I took a quick shower before I went to M's place where me and the girls created a blog where everyone of us are gonna do monthly updates, when we are back home, so that we can see and follow what happens. A great way to stay in contact with each other after this year. It turned out really well, there's just some small stuff to fix but I think it a great idea and it's just perfect.
Now I have to call my mum cause I had got a letter from the university I applied for. I already know that they accepted me, but I'm gonna say now since it starts the 24th of august, when my year is over here. It's too late, I just wanted to see if I could get in ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
ps. In two months I'll be on Swedish ground!! ds
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