We watched TV until lunch time and today was Filip's first time at his LEGO camp so I drove him there and for the next three hours, I just had the girls. We went to the pool here in Kirkland but I didn't go in cause I thought it was too cold. So I just sat in the sun and finished my book, I didn't like the ending but it was OK.
When we had been there for like 1,5 hour, we had to go home cause it was time for me to pick up Filip. He said the camp was OK but he didn't know anyone so it could have been better. But he told me that they were building with a engine so they could make the constructions move. Today they build a gondola and a car. Sounds fun to me!
Back home, I just gave them some snack and then I had to clean some cause Lotta and Jonas were having guests today which also made them come home earlier than usual so i just worked to 5 which was really nice.
They were gonna have a bbq but I went to Anna's place instead cause we didn't see each other for the whole weekend and we had some catching up to do ;)
She was working until 8 so I just helped her and played some with the kids before we went to Bellevue. There we got sth to eat in the mall and then we went to the Bellevue Downtown park and ate and talked. It was really nice to be with my friend again!!
I drove home early cause I needed to write on my blog and check some stuff before I went to bed. I was so tired, and it's just Monday!!!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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