Today (Thursday) the neighbours woke us up with a damn jackhammer, at 8!! Is that really necessary? Common!
It was already really hot in the morning and i would have liked to jump in the pool but I went home, don't remember why ;)
Anna had invited me to her au pair meeting on Saturday that was a BBQ and U were supposed to bring your favourite dish from your country. Anna asked if I could make a strawberry cake again and of course I said yes. Her wish is my command ;)
I went to QFC and bought the ingredients and also rented New Moon for tonight. When I got home I ate lunch and did some laundry before I took my stuff and went to the beach here in Kirkland.
There were really a lot of people and so many hot guys!! OMG! Everyone is so fit here and looks good...me like!!
I found a spot on the grass and put down my blanket and started to celebrate the sun ;) I cooled off in the water a couple of times and that was really nice. I didn't think it was possible to swim in the lake but it is! There's just a lot of seaweed so it's kind of gross.
Anna said that she was gonna come with Slater after his nap but there were so many people that they didn't find a parking spot. She went back home but M joined me instead with her kids. I was happy that I didn't have to be alone anymore and her kids are so cute. I got to take Julie out in the water and she loved it. When I took her out of the water she was: "Again, again!" ;) Alex was a bit afraid and didn't want to be in the water.
After about an hour I helped M take the kids to the car and she drove me home cause I needed to make dinner. Tonight me, Lotta and Anna was gonna have a girl night with movies. We were gonna watch Twilight and New Moon, Lotta has never seen them or read the books so now it was definitely time to get her involved in the Vampire hype ;)
Anna came around 7 and we stared with Twilight and to that we had some ice cream, that melted really fast cause it was so hot!!
Even though I've seen both movies before I always get really excited and emotional ;) Go Edward!! ;)
Lotta enjoyed the evening and liked the movies but I don't know if she was more Edward or Jacob, I'll try to get her to the vampire side ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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