Today the kids woke me up, everything is back to normal ;) It was around 7 but I manage to fall back to sleep until the damn crows, that apparently has a meeting every morning outside my window, started to chat. Aarrgghhh!! If I only had a gun!!
Another thing was that Sofia burst through my door, without knocking, while I was still in bed. I'm like what?! She had found the present she had for me from Sweden. It was a little plastic "smurf" figure. So cute!! I showed them the show "The Smurfs" before they left and told them that I watched it a lot when I was a kid and Sofia remembered this and saw this little angel in a store and bought it for me. So sweet. But still: Knock before U enter!!!
I had a great breakfast, no one was in the house ;) And then I watched the first half of the world cup final. Go Spain!!
Anna picked me up and we went to Seattle to go on the tour Ride the Ducks. It's a car/boat that shows U Seattle from the roads and from Lake Union and during the ride U should make a fool out of yourself by screaming and waving at complete strangers on the side walk. It was fun and U get these whistles shaped like a duck beak and U actually sound like a duck as well.
We met up with the au pair group and we were about 20 people which was cool. Anna is not in my au pair organisation but I brought her anyway, she hasn't taken this tour either so.
We got a crazy captain that had a lot of hats, kind of weird and not so funny....well well the tour was great and the best thing was when he drove the "dunk" in to Lake Union and we could see the Seattle skyline with the space needle on the other side. There were also two pirate ships on the lake today cause of a sea fair or sth, and one of the ships is actually in Pirates of the Caribbean. It's the Lady Washington that gets the title HMS Interceptor in the movie. It was really cool to see and the captain said that those ships rarely came here to Seattle and that we were lucky. They also shot their canons at each other, for a show or sth, but that was really lucky that they would do that just when we were on the lake. Just awesome!
We also got to see the famous floating house where the movie Sleepless in Seattle took place. Pretty cool huh?! ;)
After the tour that took a bit over 1,5 hours, me and Anna walked to down town and checked in some stores. We bought a doughnut that was jummy and then we went back to Anna's place. There was a lot of people and we helped with dinner while the kitchen was getting build ;) It was fun and the grandma was so nice and then Todd's (Anna's host dad) brother and girlfriend came and they were all funny and really nice. I got to try my cake that I made yesterday and it was jummy!! It doesn't matter that the layers were uneven, it was still great!
Afterwards, Anna drove me home and now I'm just finishing up my blog before I'll turn out the light and prepare for a first day of hard work in weeks...wish me good luck!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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