Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Playdate and a birthday party
The day has been a bit variated and we have done quite a lot. First we started the day with some Sponge bob and Tom & Jerry, always a good way ;)
At 9:30 two friends, Maximilian and Sebastian, came over cause their mum needed to do some shopping and had asked if I could look after the boys. They are about Filip's and Sofia's age so it worked good. Well, the boys were a bit wild and didn't really listen that much, but I think they had fun ;) I got a lot of time for my self, which was good, and I answered some e-mails that needed response.
At 1, I drove Filip to Christopher's birthday party ( a boy in his class and soccer team) It was held at a bowling place. It was really cool, with neon lights and good music. I have to g there sometime and play some bowling, a long time ago now ;)
Meanwhile, me and Sofia was home, had lunch: Mac n' Cheese ;) Jummie! We coloured some and played games.
When Filip was home too we went to the park and it was actually still warm at 5! We were there an hour and played soccer and climbed at the playground.
Filip finished his new build construction today and it worked perfectly. He was so proud! And I have to say that I also was a part of that ;) Helped him a bit!
The kids have been both good and not so good today. That is the hardest part, that their mood and behavior can change from one minute to another. But all over I like them ;)
Now I'm sitting in my bed, just showered, with a candy stick in my hand ;) Tomorrow is the last day for sweet for me ;) Am I sure about this ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Sofia day!
Today Filip went with Lotta to her work so me and Sofia had a girlie day at home. We started off with making some more chapters in the story book. This time about a king and a angel ;)
We saw a Winnie the Pooh movie cause we were both a bit tired after all the story making. Well I watched with one eye cause I took the opportunity to work with my music. It gets really addictive once U start, now I just wanna get through it so I can get some order with my music.
After lunch, we went to the park and I brought some picnic for us. Some crackers and water ;) Sofia played with her cats on the playground and I red Peoples 2009 yearly magazine.
Then we went to the pearl store they have here in Kirkland. It's a really cool place where they have A LOT of pearls in different colours and shapes and U can make your own jewelry's or whatever U want. So Sofia and me picked out some stuff we liked (it's really hard cause it's so much) and then we had to work a while to get the combination we wanted. Sofia made a big necklace with a lot of different, beautiful stones and pearls. I'm not that sure it all matched but it was beautiful ;) She really likes that store and I did too! I made a pink bracelet, really nice if I may say so ;) I've actually been there once before when I made bracelets for my three best friends in Sweden. But then I made a different kind of bracelet, ones with charms on chains.
Back home we watched the Mamma Mia movie. Sofie LOVES that one and she knows every song.
We met up with the rest of the family and Stendahl's at a Sushi restaurant in Bellevue. Before I was not that in to sushi, but I'm learning ;) It's so cool cause the food comes on a running band and U just grab what U want and then count the plates. Sofia had 10!! plates, she ate more than anyone. And the funny thing is that when we were in the car she said that she wasn't hungry ;)
After this we went to the Botanical garden in Bellevue that they have decorated with lights now during the holidays. So cool! There were so many lights and the shapes were amazing. There were flowers, fruits, animals, a pound with a fountain etc
It's amazing how much time people put in to these things, and how creative some are. I think it took around 7000-8000 hours to put it all up and it was 250 people that had helped (I'm not really sure about the numbers but it was a lot anyway) I'm really impressed and now I know the goal for next years Christmas decoration in my garden ;)
I went to Starbucks afterwards to get my weekly meeting with the gang. It was nice but there are some issues now about New Years, and it's kind of tense. But I think it will be fine.
I also got, from Barnes and Nobels, a writing book for my college classes and a little purse for my pens that I need. A purple one with ladybugs on ;) Lotta wondered how old I was. Hahahah....but I want school to be fun, ad it was 50% off as well (wonder why ;))
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Movie Time
Today (Monday) was the first day of a new week with a lot of work. I'm still not use to having the kids the whole day, and though I can sleep a little longer in the morning, I was really tired. I also feel bad cause I haven't been at the gym for about two weeks now!! I always find an excuse and when I can't go in the morning it's hard. I've had so much to do in the evenings now, with Christmas and all. Well, after New Years I have to take on my work out again. I guess that many people are ;)
I also think that one of my New Years promises will be that not eat any sweets during 2010. We'll see how that goes ;) But there is a beach 2010 that getting closer and for that U have to be fit ;)
Today we started easy with a bit TV and the kids played with their new toys. That was cool cause I didn't have to do that much. Me and Sofia started with her "Make it yourself story book" A really cool present that I gave to her ;) It's a totally blank book and U have a lot of stickers, glitter, paper, ribbons etc to make your own story. Her is called Maja, Vit, Sofia and Filip in the Teddy bear land ;) It's about a princess called Sofia that had two cats, Maja and Vit. And there is also a knight called Filip. In the first chapter the cats get lost and are saved by Sofia and Filip. In the next it's a mermaid called Lotta that gets rescued. That's how far we came today.
After lunch we went to the park, cause we didn't want to be in the way of the cleaners. Me and Filip took the tennis rackets and tried to play some balls. It's more like me serving and Filip shooting away the balls. We let two other small guys play with us and they weren't that good either but it was fun. At least the tie was going ;) At the meantime, Sofia played at the playground with her cats. She also found a new friend. That's great with Sofia, she always find someone to play with when we are at the park. She is so not shy, which can be both good and bad.
We went to Starbucks to get us something to drink and eat. I was very generous and they had a soda and a half Cookie. I thought that they would listen to me better, but boy was I wrong. I was really tired of them today cause they were really just playing smart heads with me all the time.
Anyway, we went to the library before going home and it was really cozy. They had some computers with games that Filip and Sofia played for like half an hour while I went around looking for good books. I really feel like a mum when U just end up with books for the kids ;) Well, I have books to read now after Christmas so I'm fine.
Back home the kids played some for themselves and I tried to figure out what was wrong with our drier cause it NFL Football players life from not having anything to a new family, house and life that gave him that chance to become who he is today. A really cute story and filled with a lot of tears ;) Well, almost every movie is for me ;)
It was a bit late so now I'm really tired. It's already 1:00 AM which means that I have to get up in 7 hours!! Ok...Good night!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Leavenworth Day II
This was the second day in Leavenworth and it started with good, hotel breakfast. I like those breakfasts where U have a lot of choosing from and don't have clean up after U ;)
We checked out and went to a place a bit outside Leavenworth were we could go horse slading. It was really cozy. There was a fireplace and a big Indian tent where U could have a cup of hot cup of chocolate. We were a bit early so we played in the snow for like an hour and it was funny. Cause I'm still a child I was in the snow with the kids and the adults watched us ;) I played a lot with Ebba, the smallest of the Stendah's kids and I felt that we connected a bit more than we have done before ;)
They had three slades and we got one for our own. The horses that dragged us were called Chip and Bud and they were enormous and extremely strong. I knew that horses were strong but I was really amazed. We were 11 people on the slade, which also must have been heavy, and they dragged us up hills like we weren't there. So cool!
The tour went through a forest with beautiful nature and houses. It was really nice, a bit cold, but nice. The horses had bells on them so it was all Christmassy and once we had to sing the Jingle bells ;)
At the farm, they had two dogs. One was half wolf and the other was a third coyote. It was really cool. One of them really looked like a wolf and I got scared cause they just came walking down the road. But then we realized they were nice ;) And they were so beautiful.
We went back in to town to get some lunch and then we took off to Seattle.
When we had gone like half an hour we came to a sign that said that the road was closed cause of an accident. The only thing was to turn around, go back to Leavenworth and take another way from there. Not so fun but was sleeping so it was OK ;)
Five minutes after we was home, Emilie called me and asked if I wanted to join them to the cinema. Hmm...I wanted but felt that I was too tired and I had some unpacking to do and some blogging ;) Maybe I'll go tomorrow.
Oh, today I also gave my Christmas gifts to the Stendahl's. Axel got some Cars, Agnes got a princess colouring book and Ebba got a story book. They liked them and that was good for me ;) Jenny and Henrik got a frame with a picture of the kids that I had made. I got one Starbucks cup (of ceramic, not paper ;)) a pizza slicer and a baking glass. It was so my food would taste good when I was longing for USA when I'm back in Sweden ;) How sweet of them ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
This morning (Saturday) was also kind of early. Feel like all mornings are early ;) We all had breakfast and packed our things for a weekend in Leavenworth. The tiny mountain "German" village.
The drive there was nice ( I slept all the way ;)) and the weather was really nice. It was cold but sunny.
We arrived at 12.30 or something and cause we didn't get our room until 4 we went straightly to the sledge hill they had right in the middle of the town. It was really small and totally dangerous, but there were so many people. It was like they never had seen snow before. well, maybe that's true but some were crazy ;)
The kids had a great time, and so did I. We went down several times before Stendahl's came and then we had lunch. We had Wienerschnizel (of course ;)) and it was OK. That's not my favourite food but OK. To it U get something called "Sauerkraut" which is really sour. This is a word I'll start calling people who being a bit cranky or who I don't like. ;) "Hey, stop being such a Sauerkraut!" It's totally hilarious as Anna's Slater should have said (her two year old kid ;))
After lunch we went back to the hill and slided some more. This time with the Stendahl's as well and everyone had a great time.
After a while we were all cold and needed some hot chocolate to survive the rest of the day ;)
We found a Danish bakery that was really nice and there we all got some chocolate and a loaf that Jenny chaired with every one ;)
The hotel was really cute, called the Village Inn and was (as every other house) designed in a German stile with all the flourish that comes with that. I got my own room and it was really luxurious ;) I was so tired I could have fallen a sleep immediately but we were going out again for dinner and this time I had a Chicken burger. A bit better that the schnitzel ;)
The grown ups wanted to go out and do Leavenworth ;) so as the Super Au Pair I am, I stayed at the hotel and looked after all the kids. It was easy cause they were sleeping. Filip was in a separated room and we had those walkie talkies u have for babies so he could call me if there was any problem. I had to go to him four times so it was a lot of running ;) It was kind of scary too cause I had to make sure I had all the keys with me all the time cause when U closed a door it looked itself. Wouldn't have been so fun getting out locked from the kids. But I'm good so nothing went wrong ;)
I arranged some of my music and I'm finally getting some where with it. I have to organize some more until I can put it on my Ipod!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Christmas Day
Yesterday (Thursday) we went to church (as I said ;)) and it was so cool. Really American with a huge assembly hall, a lot of people, gospel music and a cool pastor. It was a candle service that meant that we waited for the birth of Jesus (the 25th December) and then lighted a candle. It was really cool cause there were so many people and when every one held a light if was beautiful.
All the music was also amazing. The choir sang Christmas carols and of course it was gospel. There was one guy who had such a wonderful voice. I get chills just thinking about it.
I really enjoyed it, although it was a bit exaggerated with Jesus and that stuff ;) I liked the atmosphere, the music and every one was so nice. Me and Anna is thinking about joining that club ;) But actually we talked about looking up if we could do some volunteering thing there. Just to meet people, we'll see.
I came back from church around 12.30 so I just went to bed.
The Christmas Day started early cause it was Lotta's birthday. So she woke up by the harmonic voices of the rest of us ;) We had a nice breakfast all together and then we had cake, at 9 in the morning ;) A bit sweet. She got some presents and I gave her two movies that I really like. "Shakespeare in love" and "A knight's tale" I know that I'll watch them ;)
After breakfast, and when everyone was ready, we went to Snoqualmie to do some skiing during the day. We choose a perfect day cause there were not so many people in the slopes. It was good weather too, sunny but a bit windy. It was really fun and a great way of celebrating Christmas.
We came home around 4 and I was going to the Christmas party at Emilie's at 6. I had to shower and get ready and also make a dish to bring. I made a Swedish Christmas dish called: "Jansson's temptation" which is a potato gratin with tinned sprats cured in brine. I also brought some small sausages that we call: "Prince sausages"
I went to Emilie's with all my food, sweets and gifts and was ready to celebrate Christmas with my friends.
Emilie's host family and some relatives were still there so we all had to eat standing in the kitchen, but that didn't matter. There were so much food. Every one of us (9 people) had brought something plus that we had the left overs from the family. SOO MUCH!! And of course I had to try everything and it was really good but i got so full!
At the party was Emilie, Kadda and her friend, Nicole, Ramona, Anna, Hanna and her boyfriend and of course the host Emilie.
After the dinner we opened our presents. Me, who is the generous one, had a gift for everyone while the others played Secret Santa. That means that every one put a gift in a bag and then everyone takes one of the bag without knowing who it's from.
It was nice and I got Twilight Body Lotion and Shampoo (don't know what's with everybody thinking I like Twilight ;)) I also got some posters, chocolate, a bag for my make up, a sleeping mask and some candy. I like Christmas ;)
We also had dessert and it was so jummie. Anna had some German fruit cake, Emilie had a french chocolate "Log Cake" and I had brought some candy and Swedish Glogg! Also this time it was too good and too little place in my stomach ;)
After this we played the board game "Cranium" with her host parents. It was really funny. U play in team and there are different missions like drawing, singing, questions, puzzles etc and my team didn't win but we were a good second.
It was Marc and Susan that was the winners and after that we started to play Rock Band. And this was the demand from Marc and Susan so that we could be there for our party. They wanted to play Rock Band with us ;) Of course we said yes ;)
It was really fun and I did everything, sang, the drums, the guitar and base. My favourite is the guitar and I think I have to start with the guitar hero back home so I can upgrade to expert some day ;)
I came home at like 1 and I was really tired after this long day full of activities.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Today is Christmas! Merry Christmas everybody! I woke up this morning of my mum calling on my cellphone at 7 am!!! Saying that soon the Santa was coming. I mumbled sleepy that I would put on my computer and start a video call with them so I also could join them for the ceremony.
There were my mum, dad, my brother, my grand mom, my uncle and my other uncle with his girlfriend and their two kids. It was so nice and every one was saying hi and waiving. Unfortunately there was something wrong with my microphone so they couldn't hear me. They could talk to me but I had to do thumb up or write. But it was still so nice.
The Santa came, cause Sweden is a bit ahead in time, and he waved to me and promise that he would come here afterwards.
I watched them for like an hour while they were handling out and opening presents. It was really fun to see their expressions when they got my gifts that I send and they liked them a lot. My baby cousin, and my godson, Leon was dressed as a Santa's helper and so cute. They held him up in front of the camera. Maybe it was good that they didn't hear me cause it was a bit sad to see everyone doing everything without me. But it has been better than I expected and I had a really great day.
I opened two gift while they were watching and I got two magazines and a photo calender that my family had made. It was great and on the front they all had written something. Mum: I love U Dad: Merry Christmas Eric: I miss U and my most lovingly brother Robin: Thank U for the room (he got my room now when I moved) That's really thoughtful of him ;)
I tried to sleep for one more hour but I was to awake so I went up and had breakfast with the rest of the family.
I went with Lotta and Filip to rent some skiis for Lotta and after that we met up with Jonas and Sofia on Starbucks and had some cozy Christmas coffee.
Back home we played some cards, coloured just chilled ;) And then around two someone knocked on the door!! ;) It was Santa! He had made his way from Sweden in 7 hours. Pretty fast reindeer ;) He was really cool and nice. First, he looked in his nice and naughty book if the kids had been good. Luckily they had so they got a small gift of him. Apparently me, Lotta and Jonas had also been good so we also got a golden present. I got a bath duck for my collection. Santa is pretty good ;)
Then Lotta and Jonas started to make dinner and I played with the kids, or only Sofia cause Filip got the movie "The journey to the center of the earth" Sofia got the game UNO so we spend the time playing that.
Then it was time for the traditional Swedish Christmas dinner with all the yummy stuff that comes with it. Well, maybe not all cause it's hard to get it here in the US. But we had Janssons frestelse, sill, ham, salmon, bread, kal, julmust, julknacke and maybe something else. Don't remember ;) It was so good. I really love the Christmas food. It's delicious!
Then after dinner it was time for the BIG opening of all the gifts! Filip was the organizer of it all. He spun a bottle on the floor and the one that it was on could chose a present from under the tree. There was really a lot of gifts so it took it's time. But U should not hurry during Christmas ;)
I got some really nice things. From the family I got the bow with the four Twilight books (I don't understand how they could have guess that I like it? ;)) a Twilight calender ( why? I don't understand. ;)) and some cool make up. And from Filip I got a Hello Kitty Bracelet ;) Really cute, I'll always wear it.
From my family back in Sweden I got socks, gloves, Christmas decorations, some candy and some magazines. From my uncle, his girlfriend and two kids I got a necklace and a bracelet and some more candy ;) I have been really spoiled but I'm so happy!! I like everything but I love the photo calender. It will be perfect for me the rest of the year I'm here.
Then we just relaxed and played with all our toys ;) Jonas really liked one of Filip's toys. A thing where u can mix your own music as an DJ. I think he wish he had got it instead of Filip ;)
I also went to QFC to get some ingredients for my Christmas food I'm gonna make for my party tomorrow with my friends.
I think swedes really relax on Christmas, at least that's what we are doing both now and when I'm in Sweden. Like today, we haven't really been doing anything. Just enjoyed each others company and been thankful for everything. It's really nice and although this Christmas is without all of my friends and family that I love and are use to, but has been a really good day. And tonight I'm going to a church with my friends to test that part as well.
I'm really satisfied with everything and I hope U all have had a wonderful day with a lot of nice company and other nice things that comes with Christmas.
Today's gift in my advent calender was receiving gratefully.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The night before Christmas
Christmas Christmas time is here, time for joy and time for cheer. Well, tomorrow anyway ;)
I can't believe it's already Christmas tomorrow. What happened with fist, second, third and fourth advent? But I'm really excited!
Today Jonas worked from home and just some in the morning so today has been a really cool day.
We did some Christmas candy in the morning. Nothing to complicated, just Corn Flakes in Chocolate. I like them. I wanted to make toffee and white Christmas too but didn't have all the ingredients. I think it's so hard with the different stuff here and in Sweden. It's not the same brands and maybe I'm just lazy but I think it's hard.
Me and Filip are building his "kulbana" a type of LEGO and it's really fun. I heard that Erik (the previous Au Pair) had gone crazy with it but I think it's fun. Maybe when we do it for the hundred time I'm sick of it ;)
I also was with Sofia at the dentist and fixed one of her remaining holes. It went well this time too and we have one more time to go in January.
Back home me and Sofia just goofed around while we were waiting for the rest of the family to come home for dinner. They were downtown and gave Filip a hair cut. He was really handsome when he got home, and he looked older.
For dinner we had some luxurious fondue. We dipped meat, mushrooms, scallops, bread etc in oil and it was really good. A perfect social dinner the night before Christmas.
The kids were really excited tonight and they jumped around and sang "Rudolph" Really funny to watch.
I took my Christmas bath after dinner and I had it really cozy in my bathtub with candles, Christmas music and Chocolate ;) I've really spoiled my body tonight, I even put on nail polish on both my hands and feet. All for tomorrow to shall be a perfect day. Or as perfect it can be without my family and friends. But right now I feel good.
I'm in the sofa with a cup of tea, all kind of Christmas sweets and Christmas music on the TV. This is the best U can get of what U have right now.
Today's gift in the advent calender was giving lovingly.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Skiing with Filip
Today was the second day of the winter break and one day closer to Christmas!
Sofia went with Lotta to her job so today it was only me and Filip. That's so nice cause there is not so much arguing and noise when it's only one kid. More convenient for me ;)
I started the day with a video conference with my three best friends in Sweden, La Familia ;) They had a gathering for Christmas back home in Sweden where they exchange gifts and eat candy and other nice things. This is an tradition for us so of course I also wanted to join. Now I couldn't be there physically so I was with them through the computer. It was nice and they told me about their schools and how good they are ;) I'm so proud, I've taught them well ;)
Then we opened our presents. I had received some from them and I'd send them some as well. I got so much nice things. From Elin I got a really cool clock that looks like and old alarm clock but it's one u can hang on the wall. And it's red, so it fits perfectly in my room. She got it in Lulea, so I feel really special ;)
Anna and Ida had made a bag with a little of everything. I got some candy that I really have missed, like salmiak ;) I got a cute teddy bear and the best thing, a t-shirt from a great party that I missed this year. The October fest. It's a tradition that we go there but this year I couldn't but they got me a t-shirt so I would still be one in the gang. Love U!
From me, they got a bracelet each that I'd made in a store in Kirkland. It's with different charms reflecting something in their lives. It was really nice to have this great moment with them but I wish I could have been there with them.
After that, me and Filip, put on our ski clothes and went to Snoqualmie to go skiing. The weather was OK. It was sunny but at the top foggy. The snow and the slopes were perfect and it was really fun to go just me and Filip. We didn't have to wait on anybody and we could go where ever we wanted. We found one slope that we took a lot of time and we did some jumps and went in the forest. He's really good and today he did his turn awesome. But it's kind of hard if u are behind him cause u don't really see when he's about to turn. We crashed in to each other once but it was not that fast so it was OK.
We had lunch there and there we met Henrik and Agnes who also were skiing. It's Agnes second year so they stayed in the learning slope while me and Filip went all over the mountain. I also met Katrine, the danish au pair. She was there with her boys but she doesn't have a ski pass. Ramona has also got a ski pass so now we are 4 that can go whenever we want. It's good cause now we are two with skiis and two with snowboards.
We stayed for about three hours and Filip got really tired in the end and wanted to go home right away, when we still were in the slope. This made us end up a bit wrong so I had to walk and get the car and it was really exhausting. The ski boots are not really comfortable walking shoes ;) But finally we were in the car on our way home and it was a good day in the slopes.
Back home we did some building on his trajectory and made dinner.
I went to Bellevue, after dinner, to take some photos of all the Christmas decorations and get some stuff for my Christmas candy that I plan to make. It's really beautiful in Bellevue right now, it's magical, and I've promise to take a lot of pictures to show U back home. I promise, they will come soon ;)
I met up Anna in the mall and then we went to Starbucks and shattered some with the rest of the gang. We talked about Christmas and our Christmas party on the 25th. I have to make some food to bring but I don't know what and when I'll do it. I have to think about that but tomorrow I'm making Christmas candy, and that's for sure ;)
Today's gift in the advencalender was hope.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Monday, December 21, 2009
First day of Winter
Today was, according to the calender, the first day of winter. But here U can't see any of that. I woke up tonight of a weird sound. And it took a while before I realized it was the rain! OMG, it was pouring down. I want snow!! What's the problem?
Today was also the first day of the kids winter break. I could sleep one hour longer that usual cause now we didn't have a time to catch. That was nice.
We started the day soft with some TV and breakfast. Then, the big thing for today, was the gingerbread house! We started with the "sugar-glue" (melted sugar) and I say OMG!! That was critical. It was really hot, it stiffen really fast and tiny to glue. But I finally made it, with sugar threads all over the kitchen ;)
Me and Sofia went to the store to get some icing sugar to make frosting with. When we went back, I realized it was time for lunch. We had stuffed pasta pillows (never remember the name ;))
Then we started decorating the house. We had white, yellow, red, green and blue frosting. Then we had MnM's, daim and Ahlgrens cars. It was fun but messy ;) But I guess fun is suppose to be messy? ;) Sofia and Filip made one roof side each and I made the sides. It's always fun to do this things with kids cause U have your own imagine in the head of how it will look but the result is nothing like it ;)
The rest of the day we spend with different games, colouring, we went to the park and some more games ;)
Lotta and Jonas had to go out for some Christmas shopping so I'm babysitting now in the evening as well. Right now, I'm in my 13th hour and I'm still going ;) The kids are asleep and I'm watching Forest Gump. Not that bad. Longing for Christmas and now it's only 3 days left ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was peace.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sleepy Sunday!
Today me and Anna went up early to be a day after a party ;) She was gonna meet a friend and wanted to go to Bellevue to get a Christmas gift to her host parents. I went with her cause I wanted to look at some things.
We went in the mall, where it was a lot of people that did some last minute Christmas shopping. I looked for ski pants, that I still don't have, but I was with no luck in the mall. When Anna was going home she dropped me at the Sports Authority. I've been there once before and looked for ski pants but this time I searched more careful and believe it or not, I found a pair! Jippie! It was a black, regular pair. Nothing special but it works for me. I was so glad that I now don't have to be wet when I go skiing.
Oh, I forgot to tel U. When I got home yesterday I noticed that they had forgot to take a way the alarm from the sweater I bought at the Guess store. That explains why it always beeped when we went in to a store. Actually, Emilie carried my bag cause I had so many ;) So it was always she that made it beep ;)
I couldn't take off it my self and I didn't feel like go all the way to Tulalip to just get it off. But cleaver as I am ;) I remembered that there is one Guess store in Bellevue. So I went there and they could help me.
I also found a pocket calender for next year, so now I can finally plan some more ;)
I talked with Elin through msn and the webcam. She is home now for Christmas and she was really happy. Maria (her mum) was maybe even more happy cause she now had both her girls home ;) They had made some Christmas candy and I was a bit jealous. But now we are making toffee and the Christmas ham is in the oven ;) We are gonna eat some tonight and U can really tell it's only four days to Christmas. OMG, December has gone really fast. I think I'll wrap the rest of my gifts tonight after dinner.
Right now I'm sitting at the kitchen table, Filip and Jonas are playing cards, Sofia is helping Lotta with the toffee and we are listening to the Swedish Lucia. It's really cozy and a moment to remember. I love Christmas!
Today's gift in the advent calender was faith.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
This was an early morning again (Saturday) I went up at 8 and took a shower since I didn't have time and was too tired to do it yesterday after the skiing. Then I had a quick breakfast and went to Redmond and picked up Kadda and Emilie. Today there was shopping on the schedule, at the outlet mall in Tulalip. It is about an hour north from here and it's called Premium Outlets.
The drive there was a OK. It was not that much traffic and we had good music! The outlet is awesome and there is so many stores. I loved it. They had Guess, Calvin Klein, Oakley, Puma and so on and so on. There are a lot of great stores and of course we had to look in every one ;)
We had lunch there and of course it was fast food. I mean U don't have time to sit down and eat when U are shopping. It's a waste of time ;)
My favourite store and brand is GUESS and I love their outlets. I bought one sweater, one bag and one laptop bag ;) Of course I need one now when I have my own laptop ;)
I also bought one skirt at Calvin Klein, a pair of LEVIS, ski gloves and a headband for when I play soccer. I also bought ski socks but I didn't find ski pants that was my primary goal. I had a list of a lot of things I needed but as usual there weren't many thing that was found from that list ;)
It takes really long time and it's really exhausting to shop. It really is a hard work out. U have to take off and on yours clothes, u have to walk a long time, carry heavy bags and do slalom between all the other shoppers ;) I was all sweaty and didn't have any energy when we finally went to the car.
Before we went home we went to another outlet called Factoria that is more south. It's not that good stores there but they have a Nordstom outlet that is really good.
This evening we were invited to my Danish friend Katrine's house to play Rock Band and eat candy ;)
We all went home and Anna came later to my place to wait for Emilie to pick us up. I was kind of stressed cause Katrine welcomed us at 6 but we came home at like 7:30. But hey, the party doesn't start until we arrive ;)
It was me, Anna, Emilie and Kadda that went together and before we drove to the house we jumped in on Safeway to buy some refreshments ;)
Katrine lives in Sammamish in a very fancy neighbourhood. It was so hidden that the GPS didn't found it and when we had got the directions we had to go through a gate and call on a guard. That's what I gonna have in front of my house ;)
The houses were really nice and almost every one had a lot of lights and decorations in their gardens.
It was kind of embarrassing cause Katrine welcomed us at 6 but we arrived at 9. But there was no dinner so I think it was OK.
There were three other girls there as well and we started to play Guitar Hero and Rock Band and had a good time. It was really fun to play the guitar but the drums were impossible. So hard. They also had a fussball table so we did some games and me and Julia owned!
They had a dog, called Disney, and she was wild. She was in my bag and tried to get my Chocolate ;)
When her hostparents came home we all went home and we had a real party in the car back home ;) Emilie had two gas tubes, in the backseat of the car, that she didn't know about and we were a bit scared. It was kind of a race of life and dead ;)
Anna slept at my place cause she didn't wanted (couldn't ;)) drive home. She had to sleep on the floor, as the dog she is. was nice and I really like her company.
Today's gift in the advent calender was understanding.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Night at Snoqualmie
This morning (Friday) was cool. The kids were good and the weather was nice. Unfortunately not cold but at least there was no rain.
I went to my faithful Yoga and started the day with "Downward facing dog" and "Happy Baby Pose" ;)
Alert and happy I went home and started with my Christmas presents. I had fix two on my own, meaning put cards in a frame and decorate another one ;) It was fun and dad would have been proud if he saw me put in the screws in the frame ;)
Then the fun wrapping part begun. I have so many gifts I'm not even sure which ones are to who ;) I love giving probably more than receiving. But of course I never say no to a gift, I'm just saying that it's a lot of fun to give away as well.
I did this the most of the morning and after lunch until I picked the kids up. Jonas and Lotta worked from home today and Jonas wanted to pick up Filip and Sofia so I just had to pick up Agnes. This way I didn't have to stress with her. We could walk slowly and talk about more things. She showed me some stuff she made at her school. I really like her and I think she likes me too ;) Jenny (her mother) said that she is very shy and that it sometimes takes a while before she starts to talk to new people but with me it was like a week. Now she can't be quiet ;)
Back at home we played and Sofia went with Jonas to QFC to get some things for dinner.
I didn't have dinner at home. As soon as I was off I hurried upstairs and put my ski clothes on and loaded the car with my skiis. I picked up Kadda and Emilie and we drove to our ski resort Snoqualmie. They have open until 10 so we had about 2 hours to ski. The weather was awful. It was raining and it was really foggy so the snow was all wet and it didn't take long for me to get wet as well. ;)
First we went to the West resort but there was no one there. We were like: "Hmm...don't say that they are not open" But then we asked one who was passing by and she said that the Center was open. So we went there and first Kadda and Emilie had to go get their snowboards cause they're renting them at the resort. So they had to do that every time which kind of sucks, but they get good things.
There were three ski lifts open and we tried two of them but one was so foggy so when we were going down the slope we couldn't see almost anything. It was really scary and I followed one person so I wouldn't get lost. I mean we really didn't knew the way cause we haven't learned the place yet. So after that we stayed at the best slope and went up and down. I always had to went for the two snowboarders that are SOOO slow ;) Hahahh...They are beginners but I think really good. I don't have mind going with them at all and they have promised me to teach me the board. But not jet. Right now I'm satisfied with my super skiis and after this trip I can tell that the score is 10-1 between skis and snowboard ;) The only good thing with snowboard I could find was that U don't have ski sticks U can drop ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was praising.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Dinner at Ramona's
Today I went to the gym and had a work out with Anna (over the phone ;)) She was in her gym in Bellevue and I was in mine. But we texted each other so it was like we had our work outs together ;)
There is a guy in Sofia's class that's always talking to me in the morning. He is really cute and a bit odd I think. He talks about all and nothing and mostly to him self ;) Anyway, he invited me to his house to try some kind of ice cream that was really good. I guess this is as far as I have come with the dating part over here ;)
I wanted to start wrapping my presents today but I didn't have time. I had to drive Jonas to work and then the clock was much.
Me and the kids did some more Christmas crafts. We took oranges and put cloves in them. We always do that at home and they smell so good. Really Christmasish ;) Yesterday I tried to find clove in the store, but I was in a hurry so I didn't have time to look and no one was helping me. Today when I went back to the same store I found five different ones, at the same place ;) But it was first today I realised the spices were in alphabetic order. A pretty good system, when U get the hang of it ;)
I had dinner at Ramona's place today. Also did Kadda and Emilie and later came Anna. We had pasta with tomato sauce and cheese. Simple but though so good!
We gossiped a lot and I showed off my new computer (of course ;)) We all had our little LAN party and it was so funny. Everyone had a laptop (or a Iphone) and we bombarded each other on facebook ;) That was a bit geeky but though so fun! ;)
Finally we saw a movie. Why do we always choose bad ones? I don't even remember what it was called but it was a love story with a really bad ending. But it had a hot actor so I'm happy. (Kadda: He was not old and yes he was hot. Google his name and look at pictures...jummie!)
Now I'm in bed and can't wait for the weekend that seems to be filled with activities ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was forgiveness.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My PINK Laptop
Finally I've finished all Christmas shopping. I went today, after I brought the extra key to the Accura to Jonas cause he had accidentally looked him self out of the car ;)
It was hard to get the Christmas gifts cause one: I don't really know the persons that well yet and two: I haven't really got the hang of how much everything is worth so it got a bit expensive, but it's Christmas ;)
The kids had a short day today cause it's Wednesday so it was a bit hectically there in the end cause I needed to go to QFC and get some milk and to NOAH's bagels to get our dinner and I also had to eat lunch. I had some left overs from the Cheesecake Factory. It was jummie today too ;)
I picked up the kids, in pouring rain, and we went home to bake some gingerbread. :)
We did four plates and the kids loved it. I did too ;) Sofia said that I was a really good au pair and that mad me feel really good. Some of the cookies got a bit burned cause it goes really fast in the oven, but who cares? ;) This was actually my first time baking gingerbread on my own. It was only a dough from IKEA, I didn't do it my self from the scratch but I'm still impressed.
After dinner we started to watch Pippi Longstocking. I love it, and it really brings back childhood memories. I was like copying what they was saying and Sofia like: "Be quite Sandra, I can't hear" I guess I got a bit too excited ;)
I went to pick up some photos that I had ordered for some Christmas gifts but it turned out that I had messed up with the sizes so I have to do it again. It's a good thing that it's not that expensive ;)
And after that, the best thing today. I went to Bellevue and bought myself a Christmas gift, a laptop! My first very own! And guess what, it's PINK!!! OMG I love it and it feel soo good to finally have one of your own. The other one that I was borrowing from here has stared to sound weird and was not so quick anymore. I felt that it was time for me to buy one, and I got it for a good price as well so I'm really happy!!
Now I'm watching the Phantom of the Opera and slurping on a cake ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was caring.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Candy cane lane and a birthday
Today (Tuesday) I went to the gym to have my regular SET work out but the instructor was away so they had replaced her class with another one called Power Sculpt. The instructor said that it was kind of the same but boy was she wrong....this was so hard, and exhausting. But really, really fun! It felt like I was about to fall asleep during the pass cause it was so exhausting ;)
When I got home I went to sleep, I really needed it.
Today came the handy man that was gonna fix our heater. He worked all day and it took like 6 hours cause he had to exchange the whole furnace and he worked alone. Poor guy. But he did a good job so now we have heat in our house again. Jippie! I can sleep without the annoying sound of the radiator ;)
After dinner all of us went in to Seattle and to one of those Candy Cane Lanes. It's a neighbourhood where every house has decorated their garden extremely with lights and different Christmas decorations. It was so beautiful and they had so many crazy stuff. There was a carousel in the roundabout, a really tall nutcracker, the Grinch, Santas and so much more. It was like a fairy tale and really sweet.
They have been doing this since 1949! That's a really long time. But there is one man in one house that refuses to be a part of it. He doesn't have his porch light on ;) That was funny. All this bright, decorated houses and then, in between, a totally dark one...hahha hilarious. Probably an old and grumpy man ;)
Directly when we got home, I went to Bellevue and the Cheesecake Factory where I was gonna celebrate Hannah's 19th birthday! Happy Birthday!
It was me, Hannah, Anna, Linn and two other Swedish girls Emma and Evelina. It was nice and I really love that restaurant. They have so good food and the cheesecake is amazing! I took pasta this time as well and I was not disappointed. We have to go there more often.
Hannah got a lot of presents, but not one from me cause I got the invitation the same day and didn't have time to buy her something. I'll do it some other day.
After a great evening with a lot of talking (mostly to Anna cause the other girls talked Swedish almost the whole time) and good food, I went home to my bed and fell a sleep at once.
Today's gift in my advent calender was encouragement!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Monday, December 14, 2009
Kindergarten spread the Christmas Spirit
Today I woke up happy and alert, that's always good! I was gonna have breakfast with my lovely friend Ramona. As U know, her host parents are not home this weekend so she is forcing us to come over ;) Kiddin, it's not that bad ;) So after I finally had picked up my package from Sweden, with my Christmas present ;), I bought some bagels at Noah's Bagel (of course) and went to Redmond. The weather today has been awful. Cloudy and RAIN..I want snow! Anyway, it was just me and Ramona this time and we had a nice breakfast with conversations about everything. I don't think we have talked this much since we met. Nice! After an hour I went back home cause I had signed up to help Sofia's class walk to a home for elderly people where they were gonna sing Christmas carols. I was really excited cause Sofia has been walking around at home and practice the songs and I was happy that I could hear her perform. The class was really good when they walked to the place. They were the first Kindergarten class (6 years old) that had ever done that. Walking from school. And they did great. My part was to make sure that everyone stayed in the line and didn't run out to the street or something. I did a good job ;) The house for the elderly people was so nice. It was really luxurious and you couldn't even compare with the homes back in Sweden. It looked more like an hotel. One of the guys in Sofia's class said: "This is so beautiful. Have U ever seen anything beautiful like this?" He was so sweet. The kids sang four songs: I'm a little snowflake, Rudolf, Jingle bells and Up on the rooftop. They were so cute and really good. Knew every word and movement. The elderly really liked it and I think it was a nice way of giving them some Christmas spirit. We walked back to school and also now, everyone did good. So I hurried back home to get me some lunch (a bagel that was left over from breakfast and an orange) And then I went to pick up the kids and return the Disney movies that I never got to see ;) Me and the kids did some Christmas crafts. We did snowflakes to put up in our window and kind of a banderole where we hung up some of the smaller snow flakes we made. It was fun and the kids were cooperating, most of the time ;) I made dinner and then I went to the gym and did some ZUMBA again. Really funny and the new instructor is great. I just fell like I have to practice some at home cause I feel really terrible at shaking my boody ;) It's a good thing that I'm home alone during the days ;) In the package from back home I also got some music on a stick that my friend Anna put together for me. So now I can listen to my own music instead of the German crap ;) Today's gift in the advent calender was hugging! Miss U all! Love Sandra
Lucia and a magical Sunday!
Happy Lucia everyone! Now the countdown for Christmas begins with the girl who comes with candles in her hair to bring light to our darkness ;)
I took my friends, Kadda, Ramona, Emilie and Anna to the Swedish Cultural Center to show them how we celebrate Lucia in Sweden. It was students from the Scandinavia department at the University of Washington that performed the traditional Lucia "train" and they did a god job. Well, the most of them were Americans and didn't really get the right pronunciation but it was beautiful anyway. There was one thing that they did different. They had a Gingerbread man that danced around and when they singed the Gingerbread song, one was beat boxing and they all raped the song. That was not traditionally but cool ;)
Before them there was an orchestra that played Swedish folkmusic and also a men and women choirs that sang some Christmas carols. They were very old and the songs didn't sound that good but they were really cute. I was thinking of joining them and lower the middle age a lot ;)
After the performances there was Coffee and the traditional Lucia bun: Lussekatt. It's flavoured with saffron and is really good. My friends liked them although they were a bit dry ;)
We were all in a singing mood when we left the place and headed for the Space Center where they had a winterfest with nice decorations, ice skating and carousels. The first thing we had to do was to help a little boy to find his mum and dad. He sat just inside the entrance and was crying. And as the Super au pairs we are we couldn't just leave him. We found a guard and took him to a office where his dad was waiting. The dad didn't look very concerned, maybe the boy use to do this. But we felt good anyway ;)
We went to the ice skating place and there were just an performance from the Seattle Ice Theater. Really good girls that danced on the ice to the music from the Nutcracker (I think ;)) They were awesome and after that we didn't feel like going on the ice and embarrassed ourselves ;) And it was a small ice and a lot of people. Instead we went on the carousel that was located just outside. It was one of the old ones that just goes round and U sit on a horse or in a wagon. We all took horses and it was so silly but so much fun! We were really goofy and I had a really good time. We also ate there and I finally had some Kebab! i love that and it was really good but nothing can beat the Kebab from "Gatukoket" back in my hometown ;) Jummie ;)
When had had enough of the winterfest and everyone was freezing, we went back to Redmond and rented a movie and went home to Ramona's place. Her host parents are still in India so she is home alone for a whole week more.
We saw the movie "Religulous" Was like a documentary about a guy who wanted to understand religion. He went to all different countries and interviewed people who were just crazy and tried to understand religion. Not really my kind of movie but it was a good discussion afterwards. Sometimes U really have to discuss these kind of questions cause maybe some day someone ask u a question about religion.
Today's gift in the advent calender was teaching!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Finally! Today we went skiing!
We tried to leave early, but u know when u have kids ;) Hahahah
Anyway...we went to Snoqualmie, a ski resort that is located like a an hour from here which means a long time in the car! But the kids did good, Filip had his DS game and Sofia had brought some paper and crayons so there were occupied ;)
It was so cool driving there cause the environments change really fast. Like just from one kilometer to another. One minute there was no snow and the next one there were a lot ;) So nice. I love snow.
The mountain peaks were all covered with snow and they sparkled from the sunbeams. How poetic ;)
The resort is divided in to four mountains!!! It's West, East, Central and Alpental. We went to the Central and it was amazing. The environment was so beautiful and the air was so fresh and the snow was so...white ;) I've been missing the snow so much so I felt really good today.
First we had to get our ski pass. I've decided to get a ski pass for the whole season. I think I'll go there often cause it's only one hour away and I like skiing ;) Kadda and Emilie also went there today and got ski pass and skiis.
Well, we started our perfect ski day with an easy first ride...u think! No...Jonas knew the best slope for all of was a hump piste..a black slope..It was a great start. It took like half an hour to get down and it was a combine of ploughing, slide down on my back, be positive for the kids, trying not to collapse of fear ;) hahahah...I'm really proud of Filip (8!) and Sofia (6!) they made it down without any broken legs ;)
We did some more turns and then lunch!
Jonas had fell down earlier on the day and hurt his shoulder so we went home after lunch. But then it was already 3 and Lotta and Jonas was going to a Christmas party and we were all tired after the rough day ;)
Back home it was nice with a hot shower cause I was really cold since I didn't have any ski pants ;) Or a real hat, or gloves or socks....why didn't I just bring everything from Sweden? I did find a cool pair of pants at the ski resort, a pink ones ;) I didn't try them but I have a ski pass so I'll be back!
Today's gift was charity!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Stress and skis
This morning (Friday) was lovely. The kids behaved nice and I felt much better than yesterday. And I had nothing to do so I woke up Ramona ;) Who hadn't hadn't adjusted to Seattle time ;) Her Itouch also thought it was still in New York, so instead for the alarm ringing at 7 it rang at 4 am!!! poor her!
Well, it was a great morning...this far!
I talked with Lotta at msn and I asked her about skiing on Saturday that she'd talked about and she told me that we were and that I needed to rent skiis today!!! She gave me the address and I had to go immediately from Ramona cause it had already been noon.
The rent place was in Woodinville and it was like 30 minutes from Kirkland. It was a great place and my host family is always going there. I got the whole equipment and I got the best skiis they had ;) The seller asked me about were I was going skiing and he said that I should go to the Alpental cause it was there every expert skied ;) Of course I'm going there ;)
So, I also needed a pair of ski pants but there was so little time. I had to eat lunch, go to the grocery store and put the ribs in the oven before I picked up the kids.
I went to Bellevue for a quick look but I couldn't find any pants. Went back home and made noodle soup and had the leftovers of the chop. At the same time I had to try to find a number on the heater to Carolina (the owner of the house) cause she couldn't get the door lock? Huh?
Then I had to rush to the store to get something for the dinner, marinade the ribs and then I went to pick up the kids. Pfew, what a hectic afternoon it turned out to be.
After dinner I went out again on a ski pants hunt and drove from Bellevue to Redmond without a success and in a hurry cause I had plans for the evening. I was going to Arena Sport in Redmond to play indoor soccer. Katrine, my Danish friend, plays there every Friday and u just sign up and they put u in a team. It's mixed teams and it's both men and women. It was really cool and it was me, Katrine, Emilie and another French girl named Julia who came there together and played in the same team. We had 5 guys as well but we weren't that good. We lost every game but it was still a lot of fun. It was very exhausting though but fun. But it's kind of a bad time, Friday night 9-11 and if I decide to continue I have to buy real shoes. My pink puma sneakers ;) But they saw what kind of magic I could do with the ball in those. They will faint when I have my real soccer shoes ;) Hahahah But actually I did some goals and was a good passed to the two boys that was awesome, and cute ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was helping!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Definately no heater
Today (Thursday) I felt really sick in the morning. My throat was sore, I had a headache and was just generally tired. I slept for two hours after I left the kids and actually I felt better after that.
The handy man for the heater was here today as well. I was the only one at home so I had to open for him and show him was the fault was. But he came at the same time I had to go and pick up the kids so I have to leave him to do the work him self. Like I had been to any help ;)
When I came back he had some sad news. There was a crack in the heat exchanger and that's apparently dangerous ;) So he shut the whole thing down. Even cut a label so it wouldn't go on accidentally ;) So we have to either get a new heat exchanger or a whole new heater. Oops! And this takes time too so we are now living with three temporary radiators that we are moving from the upper floor (when we are sleeping) and the down floor (for the rest of the day) ;) But it's not that bad actually. The radiators are really good. they heat up very well!
For dinner today we had chop and potatoes and sauce. Mmm! The meat was a bit thick but otherwise it tasted like home ;)
Ramona came back from new York today and just one hour after she was home she called and wanted to do something. I had nothing to do so I went to her place and on my way I rent two Disney movies: Aladdin and The little Mermaid ;) we were supposed to have a cozy movie night but Ramona had not been talking so much on her visit at her boyfriend..hahahah ;) I had a good time and I also wanted to talk cause I've been missing her!
Today's gift in my advent calendar was charity!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Today when I woke up I noticed it was really cold in the house. I had a cold and a headache and uppon that I was freezing. A great morning huh? ;)
When Lotta came down she saw that the heater was broken. So I had to spend the day stuffed in three layers of sweaters, double pants, slippers and gloves and a hat ;) Then I stayed in bed under my quilt and had it all cozy ;)
During the day, the owner of the house came and tried to fix the heat but she couldn't.
I called home and talked with mum and dad. They seemed to have it good and yesterday they had gone to Gothenburg to pick up the Christmas presents from me. I got a mail where mum said that it was lovely presents. And I was like "Hey, did U already open them?" It wouldn't surprise me but they hadn't ;) But they had started with the candy I send ;) That's my family ;) I know them so that's why I send two bags with candy ;)
I only picked up Sofia at the school today cause Filip went with Alexander to his mum's photo studio. She needed some models to try her new lights. It's all fine for me. Me and Sofia had a really good, quite time. It so much easier to have them one at the time. We coloured the pavement with special crowns, we played cards and of course coloured.
Filip and Alexander came here and they played a while before it was time for Filip's basket practice. They came up with a name today for the team: Super Sonics!
They are trying to fix the heat now and I hope they fix it before I'll freeze to death ;)
They was here once before and fix it, but then it didn't work again. This time they discovered the real problem and that was nothing they could fix. We need a real handy man for that. That means that we have to live in the cold until they come here!!! OMG! But Jonas will buy some heat radiators that we'll use until the real thing works again. Right now I'm in the sofa, wearing my layers of clothes and my gloves ;) I'm impressed of the people living long ago, without all this technology that we use and the heat and everything. I think man have become more weaker with all comfort that today's community can offer.
Today was also the first time I exchanged my toothbrush. The old one was OK but I thought maybe it's time, after more then three months ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was togetherness.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
OMG today (Tuesday) I have been so tired. I had to drive Lotta to her job cause she was with Sofia at the doctor and I just wanted to go back to sleep but it took so long so I couldn't.
The doctor found a popcorn in Sofia's ear ;) She's a bit weird and we don't know how long it has been in there and the doctor was really surprised when he pulled it out ;) But I guess U have to try if it fits ;)
I think I'm getting sick cause my throat is starting to hurt, so is my nose. I don't wanna be sick but everybody around me is so I guess it's my turn as well.
Tonight was Starbucks night as well and I left home a bit early cause I needed to buy some Christmas gifts for my friends and I didn't want them to see. I'm almost done with everyone, just have a few left.
It was nice at Starbucks and I enjoy hanging out with my friends. doing nothing just chat. I like it.
Today's gift in the Advent calender was prayer.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Swedish Christmas dinner with SWEA
Today (Monday) I went with Filip to the dentist for a re checkup on his surgery two weeks ago. They removed two teeth and now the real one is growing out. Everything was fine but we had to wait like for ever. We had the appointment at 9, we were showed to a room at 9:30 and the dentist came to see us at 10. Then we leaved at like 10:30. I mean, do one patient at the time and finish with them before going to the next. I was a bit irritated but Filip was happy cause then he missed school more ;)
When I'd drop in at school I went to my new favourite store Michels to do some more Christmas shopping. I can now check a few more things at my gift list ;)
Me and Sofia are all in to drawing and colouring now, and Filip is building one of his bigger Malbourtracks (donno if I spelled it right) So we are hanging out really nice in the afternoon. Just doing our stuff ;) I like it.
This evening I went with Lotta and Jenny to have a Christmas dinner with the SWEA organisation. It stands for Swedish Women's Educational Association and all the members are Swedish women. ;) It was really nice and I love the food we have on Christmas so I felt really home. The ones who held in the event were so funny and I had a really good time with a lot of laughter and gossip ;)
There was one old lady that was so cool. Her daughter stood up and said that "My mother as traveled a lot in her life and now she has been waiting all night to tell u all a story.But I said to her only ONE story" and then the old lady stood up in front of everyone and told a story from her childhood. So funny and when she had finished she said: "Now I've told U one story, but I have to tell U one more" So she told one more. Adorable. I bet her daughter has heard a lot of stories and I want to be a person like that. That has experienced so much in my life and that I can tell great stories to my kids and grand kids. ;)
The kids were really excited about my brothers today as well. Filip was so impressed that Robin learned how to build houses (Filip wants to do that when he grow up) Also about him being so old that he can drive ;) Sofia draw pictures to them and said that if they wore pink and purple clothes she would like them better ;) I'm really excited about having my family here and I cant wait until I'll meet them. But it's still far away so I have to wait a bit with the countdown ;)
I got to postcards today as well that really made me worm inside. One was from my best friend and one from my aunt and her husband that are now in Australia. It was cool to get a card from the other side of the world ;)
Today's gift in my advent calender was laughter.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
ps. I put up a picture of our decorated Christmas tree ds.
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