Today is Christmas! Merry Christmas everybody! I woke up this morning of my mum calling on my cellphone at 7 am!!! Saying that soon the Santa was coming. I mumbled sleepy that I would put on my computer and start a video call with them so I also could join them for the ceremony.
There were my mum, dad, my brother, my grand mom, my uncle and my other uncle with his girlfriend and their two kids. It was so nice and every one was saying hi and waiving. Unfortunately there was something wrong with my microphone so they couldn't hear me. They could talk to me but I had to do thumb up or write. But it was still so nice.
The Santa came, cause Sweden is a bit ahead in time, and he waved to me and promise that he would come here afterwards.
I watched them for like an hour while they were handling out and opening presents. It was really fun to see their expressions when they got my gifts that I send and they liked them a lot. My baby cousin, and my godson, Leon was dressed as a Santa's helper and so cute. They held him up in front of the camera. Maybe it was good that they didn't hear me cause it was a bit sad to see everyone doing everything without me. But it has been better than I expected and I had a really great day.
I opened two gift while they were watching and I got two magazines and a photo calender that my family had made. It was great and on the front they all had written something. Mum: I love U Dad: Merry Christmas Eric: I miss U and my most lovingly brother Robin: Thank U for the room (he got my room now when I moved) That's really thoughtful of him ;)
I tried to sleep for one more hour but I was to awake so I went up and had breakfast with the rest of the family.
I went with Lotta and Filip to rent some skiis for Lotta and after that we met up with Jonas and Sofia on Starbucks and had some cozy Christmas coffee.
Back home we played some cards, coloured just chilled ;) And then around two someone knocked on the door!! ;) It was Santa! He had made his way from Sweden in 7 hours. Pretty fast reindeer ;) He was really cool and nice. First, he looked in his nice and naughty book if the kids had been good. Luckily they had so they got a small gift of him. Apparently me, Lotta and Jonas had also been good so we also got a golden present. I got a bath duck for my collection. Santa is pretty good ;)
Then Lotta and Jonas started to make dinner and I played with the kids, or only Sofia cause Filip got the movie "The journey to the center of the earth" Sofia got the game UNO so we spend the time playing that.
Then it was time for the traditional Swedish Christmas dinner with all the yummy stuff that comes with it. Well, maybe not all cause it's hard to get it here in the US. But we had Janssons frestelse, sill, ham, salmon, bread, kal, julmust, julknacke and maybe something else. Don't remember ;) It was so good. I really love the Christmas food. It's delicious!
Then after dinner it was time for the BIG opening of all the gifts! Filip was the organizer of it all. He spun a bottle on the floor and the one that it was on could chose a present from under the tree. There was really a lot of gifts so it took it's time. But U should not hurry during Christmas ;)
I got some really nice things. From the family I got the bow with the four Twilight books (I don't understand how they could have guess that I like it? ;)) a Twilight calender ( why? I don't understand. ;)) and some cool make up. And from Filip I got a Hello Kitty Bracelet ;) Really cute, I'll always wear it.
From my family back in Sweden I got socks, gloves, Christmas decorations, some candy and some magazines. From my uncle, his girlfriend and two kids I got a necklace and a bracelet and some more candy ;) I have been really spoiled but I'm so happy!! I like everything but I love the photo calender. It will be perfect for me the rest of the year I'm here.
Then we just relaxed and played with all our toys ;) Jonas really liked one of Filip's toys. A thing where u can mix your own music as an DJ. I think he wish he had got it instead of Filip ;)
I also went to QFC to get some ingredients for my Christmas food I'm gonna make for my party tomorrow with my friends.
I think swedes really relax on Christmas, at least that's what we are doing both now and when I'm in Sweden. Like today, we haven't really been doing anything. Just enjoyed each others company and been thankful for everything. It's really nice and although this Christmas is without all of my friends and family that I love and are use to, but has been a really good day. And tonight I'm going to a church with my friends to test that part as well.
I'm really satisfied with everything and I hope U all have had a wonderful day with a lot of nice company and other nice things that comes with Christmas.
Today's gift in my advent calender was receiving gratefully.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra