Today I woke up happy and alert, that's always good! I was gonna have breakfast with my lovely friend Ramona. As U know, her host parents are not home this weekend so she is forcing us to come over ;) Kiddin, it's not that bad ;) So after I finally had picked up my package from Sweden, with my Christmas present ;), I bought some bagels at Noah's Bagel (of course) and went to Redmond. The weather today has been awful. Cloudy and RAIN..I want snow! Anyway, it was just me and Ramona this time and we had a nice breakfast with conversations about everything. I don't think we have talked this much since we met. Nice! After an hour I went back home cause I had signed up to help Sofia's class walk to a home for elderly people where they were gonna sing Christmas carols. I was really excited cause Sofia has been walking around at home and practice the songs and I was happy that I could hear her perform. The class was really good when they walked to the place. They were the first Kindergarten class (6 years old) that had ever done that. Walking from school. And they did great. My part was to make sure that everyone stayed in the line and didn't run out to the street or something. I did a good job ;) The house for the elderly people was so nice. It was really luxurious and you couldn't even compare with the homes back in Sweden. It looked more like an hotel. One of the guys in Sofia's class said: "This is so beautiful. Have U ever seen anything beautiful like this?" He was so sweet. The kids sang four songs: I'm a little snowflake, Rudolf, Jingle bells and Up on the rooftop. They were so cute and really good. Knew every word and movement. The elderly really liked it and I think it was a nice way of giving them some Christmas spirit. We walked back to school and also now, everyone did good. So I hurried back home to get me some lunch (a bagel that was left over from breakfast and an orange) And then I went to pick up the kids and return the Disney movies that I never got to see ;) Me and the kids did some Christmas crafts. We did snowflakes to put up in our window and kind of a banderole where we hung up some of the smaller snow flakes we made. It was fun and the kids were cooperating, most of the time ;) I made dinner and then I went to the gym and did some ZUMBA again. Really funny and the new instructor is great. I just fell like I have to practice some at home cause I feel really terrible at shaking my boody ;) It's a good thing that I'm home alone during the days ;) In the package from back home I also got some music on a stick that my friend Anna put together for me. So now I can listen to my own music instead of the German crap ;) Today's gift in the advent calender was hugging! Miss U all! Love Sandra
Sv: Japp alice turnerar fort. han kommer även till sthlm nästa år på festivalen sonisphere :) Så jag ska ev gå på den & då får jag se han igen :P
ReplyDeleteKul att du tycker om min blogg, ska försöka uppdatera lite oftare :D Jag följer din blogg också, anledningen till varför jag inte kommenterar så ofta är för när jag väl skrev något så fick jag aldrig några svar så kändes inte så kul att skriva något då :P Men du kanske bara har glömt att svara :)
Tack för julkortet!! Fick det igår :) Har ni fått någon snö ännu, här har det kommit massor! :) Ha det bra kram kram!