This was an early morning again (Saturday) I went up at 8 and took a shower since I didn't have time and was too tired to do it yesterday after the skiing. Then I had a quick breakfast and went to Redmond and picked up Kadda and Emilie. Today there was shopping on the schedule, at the outlet mall in Tulalip. It is about an hour north from here and it's called Premium Outlets.
The drive there was a OK. It was not that much traffic and we had good music! The outlet is awesome and there is so many stores. I loved it. They had Guess, Calvin Klein, Oakley, Puma and so on and so on. There are a lot of great stores and of course we had to look in every one ;)
We had lunch there and of course it was fast food. I mean U don't have time to sit down and eat when U are shopping. It's a waste of time ;)
My favourite store and brand is GUESS and I love their outlets. I bought one sweater, one bag and one laptop bag ;) Of course I need one now when I have my own laptop ;)
I also bought one skirt at Calvin Klein, a pair of LEVIS, ski gloves and a headband for when I play soccer. I also bought ski socks but I didn't find ski pants that was my primary goal. I had a list of a lot of things I needed but as usual there weren't many thing that was found from that list ;)
It takes really long time and it's really exhausting to shop. It really is a hard work out. U have to take off and on yours clothes, u have to walk a long time, carry heavy bags and do slalom between all the other shoppers ;) I was all sweaty and didn't have any energy when we finally went to the car.
Before we went home we went to another outlet called Factoria that is more south. It's not that good stores there but they have a Nordstom outlet that is really good.
This evening we were invited to my Danish friend Katrine's house to play Rock Band and eat candy ;)
We all went home and Anna came later to my place to wait for Emilie to pick us up. I was kind of stressed cause Katrine welcomed us at 6 but we came home at like 7:30. But hey, the party doesn't start until we arrive ;)
It was me, Anna, Emilie and Kadda that went together and before we drove to the house we jumped in on Safeway to buy some refreshments ;)
Katrine lives in Sammamish in a very fancy neighbourhood. It was so hidden that the GPS didn't found it and when we had got the directions we had to go through a gate and call on a guard. That's what I gonna have in front of my house ;)
The houses were really nice and almost every one had a lot of lights and decorations in their gardens.
It was kind of embarrassing cause Katrine welcomed us at 6 but we arrived at 9. But there was no dinner so I think it was OK.
There were three other girls there as well and we started to play Guitar Hero and Rock Band and had a good time. It was really fun to play the guitar but the drums were impossible. So hard. They also had a fussball table so we did some games and me and Julia owned!
They had a dog, called Disney, and she was wild. She was in my bag and tried to get my Chocolate ;)
When her hostparents came home we all went home and we had a real party in the car back home ;) Emilie had two gas tubes, in the backseat of the car, that she didn't know about and we were a bit scared. It was kind of a race of life and dead ;)
Anna slept at my place cause she didn't wanted (couldn't ;)) drive home. She had to sleep on the floor, as the dog she is. was nice and I really like her company.
Today's gift in the advent calender was understanding.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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