This morning (Friday) was cool. The kids were good and the weather was nice. Unfortunately not cold but at least there was no rain.
I went to my faithful Yoga and started the day with "Downward facing dog" and "Happy Baby Pose" ;)
Alert and happy I went home and started with my Christmas presents. I had fix two on my own, meaning put cards in a frame and decorate another one ;) It was fun and dad would have been proud if he saw me put in the screws in the frame ;)
Then the fun wrapping part begun. I have so many gifts I'm not even sure which ones are to who ;) I love giving probably more than receiving. But of course I never say no to a gift, I'm just saying that it's a lot of fun to give away as well.
I did this the most of the morning and after lunch until I picked the kids up. Jonas and Lotta worked from home today and Jonas wanted to pick up Filip and Sofia so I just had to pick up Agnes. This way I didn't have to stress with her. We could walk slowly and talk about more things. She showed me some stuff she made at her school. I really like her and I think she likes me too ;) Jenny (her mother) said that she is very shy and that it sometimes takes a while before she starts to talk to new people but with me it was like a week. Now she can't be quiet ;)
Back at home we played and Sofia went with Jonas to QFC to get some things for dinner.
I didn't have dinner at home. As soon as I was off I hurried upstairs and put my ski clothes on and loaded the car with my skiis. I picked up Kadda and Emilie and we drove to our ski resort Snoqualmie. They have open until 10 so we had about 2 hours to ski. The weather was awful. It was raining and it was really foggy so the snow was all wet and it didn't take long for me to get wet as well. ;)
First we went to the West resort but there was no one there. We were like: "Hmm...don't say that they are not open" But then we asked one who was passing by and she said that the Center was open. So we went there and first Kadda and Emilie had to go get their snowboards cause they're renting them at the resort. So they had to do that every time which kind of sucks, but they get good things.
There were three ski lifts open and we tried two of them but one was so foggy so when we were going down the slope we couldn't see almost anything. It was really scary and I followed one person so I wouldn't get lost. I mean we really didn't knew the way cause we haven't learned the place yet. So after that we stayed at the best slope and went up and down. I always had to went for the two snowboarders that are SOOO slow ;) Hahahh...They are beginners but I think really good. I don't have mind going with them at all and they have promised me to teach me the board. But not jet. Right now I'm satisfied with my super skiis and after this trip I can tell that the score is 10-1 between skis and snowboard ;) The only good thing with snowboard I could find was that U don't have ski sticks U can drop ;)
Today's gift in the advent calender was praising.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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