Today was the second day of the winter break and one day closer to Christmas!
Sofia went with Lotta to her job so today it was only me and Filip. That's so nice cause there is not so much arguing and noise when it's only one kid. More convenient for me ;)
I started the day with a video conference with my three best friends in Sweden, La Familia ;) They had a gathering for Christmas back home in Sweden where they exchange gifts and eat candy and other nice things. This is an tradition for us so of course I also wanted to join. Now I couldn't be there physically so I was with them through the computer. It was nice and they told me about their schools and how good they are ;) I'm so proud, I've taught them well ;)
Then we opened our presents. I had received some from them and I'd send them some as well. I got so much nice things. From Elin I got a really cool clock that looks like and old alarm clock but it's one u can hang on the wall. And it's red, so it fits perfectly in my room. She got it in Lulea, so I feel really special ;)
Anna and Ida had made a bag with a little of everything. I got some candy that I really have missed, like salmiak ;) I got a cute teddy bear and the best thing, a t-shirt from a great party that I missed this year. The October fest. It's a tradition that we go there but this year I couldn't but they got me a t-shirt so I would still be one in the gang. Love U!
From me, they got a bracelet each that I'd made in a store in Kirkland. It's with different charms reflecting something in their lives. It was really nice to have this great moment with them but I wish I could have been there with them.
After that, me and Filip, put on our ski clothes and went to Snoqualmie to go skiing. The weather was OK. It was sunny but at the top foggy. The snow and the slopes were perfect and it was really fun to go just me and Filip. We didn't have to wait on anybody and we could go where ever we wanted. We found one slope that we took a lot of time and we did some jumps and went in the forest. He's really good and today he did his turn awesome. But it's kind of hard if u are behind him cause u don't really see when he's about to turn. We crashed in to each other once but it was not that fast so it was OK.
We had lunch there and there we met Henrik and Agnes who also were skiing. It's Agnes second year so they stayed in the learning slope while me and Filip went all over the mountain. I also met Katrine, the danish au pair. She was there with her boys but she doesn't have a ski pass. Ramona has also got a ski pass so now we are 4 that can go whenever we want. It's good cause now we are two with skiis and two with snowboards.
We stayed for about three hours and Filip got really tired in the end and wanted to go home right away, when we still were in the slope. This made us end up a bit wrong so I had to walk and get the car and it was really exhausting. The ski boots are not really comfortable walking shoes ;) But finally we were in the car on our way home and it was a good day in the slopes.
Back home we did some building on his trajectory and made dinner.
I went to Bellevue, after dinner, to take some photos of all the Christmas decorations and get some stuff for my Christmas candy that I plan to make. It's really beautiful in Bellevue right now, it's magical, and I've promise to take a lot of pictures to show U back home. I promise, they will come soon ;)
I met up Anna in the mall and then we went to Starbucks and shattered some with the rest of the gang. We talked about Christmas and our Christmas party on the 25th. I have to make some food to bring but I don't know what and when I'll do it. I have to think about that but tomorrow I'm making Christmas candy, and that's for sure ;)
Today's gift in the advencalender was hope.
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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