Today I slept really long and I was still tired?! I hope I'm not getting sick or anything but I've been this tired all week.
At noon I went to the Nordic museum in Seattle, which is located like the most far away part of the city. The road there was so weird, and I thought I was wrong but after some crazy turns among the houses I was there. The reason was that they were celebrating a Swedish tradition called Lucia, and Filip was in this parade we have. All the kids, both boys and girls, wear white night dresses. On girl, the Lucia, is having a crown with candles in her hair and t]he rest of the girls have tinsel in their hair and a candle in their hands. The boys are either santas or "Starboys" that have a hat with stars and holding a star as well. Then they sing special Lucia/Christmas songs and it's really nice. The songs were in Swedish so it really felt like home, and I'm glad that I could join.
Directly after that I went to Bellevue and the park there to go Ice Skating with my au pair group. There is a artificial skate rink in a tent, so it's outside. It was nice but it was a bit small and there were too much people. The ice was also all used so it was so lumpy and it was hard to skate. I guess that U are a bit spoiled coming from Sweden where u have lakes to skate on. That's what my area director asked me and she wondered why I didn't so some pirouettes and jumps ;)
We skated only for like an hour cause it's pretty exhausting and when U only go round and round on that small space it gets boring quickly.
Me and Kadda went to Red Robin to have lunch/dinner (it was 3 pm) and then we went to Toysrus to find Christmas presents for our kids. I just bought a puzzle but I saw some more stuff. I'm planning to go Christmas shopping this week, but now I know what there is.
We also went to a cool store called Michaels. They have all sorts of arts and craft and it was awesome. Everything for Scrap booking, painting and other craft things. I could spend all my money in there but I didn't ;) I bought a birthday present for my friend, her birthday is not until June but then I have something to do until then ;)
Today's gift in my advent calender was gratitude!
Miss u all!
Love Sandra!
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