I took a new road for my running this morning. It was great with not so many up hills and the view over the mountains and Seattle was awesome. And the weather today was nice. It was cold but sunny and so clear. Like a winter morning without snow ;)
Today I've been in the US for 100 days! OMG I can't believe it. It's gone so fast and I keep on thinking what I've done so far but it not that much. There are still so many things I wanna do and so many things I wanna see. And I only got 265 days to go!!! Well maybe I've got time ;)
It's time to rent skiing equipment also cause u never know when we are going. It's pretty close to the mountains and the snow is already on the tops. My friend Anna was away with her kid and I can't wait until we go. I really love skiing.
Me and the kids went to the school's "Book Fair" where they sell a lot of books, games and other paper stuff to benefit the school. I bought a book about Michael Phelps, u know the swimmer, and about his achievements and how to reach your goal. It's called "No limits - The will to succeed" I think it's good and I felt that I needed to buy something ;)
We met up with Lotta and Jonas and went back home for dinner.
Now I'm in my room and are soon gonna go to Starbucks. Will also take a look in Bellevue Square Mall cause they've decorated the whole place for Christmas and apparently it's gonna be great!
We just watched the first episode of the Swedish television advent calender "Superhjaltejul" and it seems to be good. I'm glad that I can follow it from over here as well!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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