Today Filip went with Lotta to her work so me and Sofia had a girlie day at home. We started off with making some more chapters in the story book. This time about a king and a angel ;)
We saw a Winnie the Pooh movie cause we were both a bit tired after all the story making. Well I watched with one eye cause I took the opportunity to work with my music. It gets really addictive once U start, now I just wanna get through it so I can get some order with my music.
After lunch, we went to the park and I brought some picnic for us. Some crackers and water ;) Sofia played with her cats on the playground and I red Peoples 2009 yearly magazine.
Then we went to the pearl store they have here in Kirkland. It's a really cool place where they have A LOT of pearls in different colours and shapes and U can make your own jewelry's or whatever U want. So Sofia and me picked out some stuff we liked (it's really hard cause it's so much) and then we had to work a while to get the combination we wanted. Sofia made a big necklace with a lot of different, beautiful stones and pearls. I'm not that sure it all matched but it was beautiful ;) She really likes that store and I did too! I made a pink bracelet, really nice if I may say so ;) I've actually been there once before when I made bracelets for my three best friends in Sweden. But then I made a different kind of bracelet, ones with charms on chains.
Back home we watched the Mamma Mia movie. Sofie LOVES that one and she knows every song.
We met up with the rest of the family and Stendahl's at a Sushi restaurant in Bellevue. Before I was not that in to sushi, but I'm learning ;) It's so cool cause the food comes on a running band and U just grab what U want and then count the plates. Sofia had 10!! plates, she ate more than anyone. And the funny thing is that when we were in the car she said that she wasn't hungry ;)
After this we went to the Botanical garden in Bellevue that they have decorated with lights now during the holidays. So cool! There were so many lights and the shapes were amazing. There were flowers, fruits, animals, a pound with a fountain etc
It's amazing how much time people put in to these things, and how creative some are. I think it took around 7000-8000 hours to put it all up and it was 250 people that had helped (I'm not really sure about the numbers but it was a lot anyway) I'm really impressed and now I know the goal for next years Christmas decoration in my garden ;)
I went to Starbucks afterwards to get my weekly meeting with the gang. It was nice but there are some issues now about New Years, and it's kind of tense. But I think it will be fine.
I also got, from Barnes and Nobels, a writing book for my college classes and a little purse for my pens that I need. A purple one with ladybugs on ;) Lotta wondered how old I was. Hahahah....but I want school to be fun, ad it was 50% off as well (wonder why ;))
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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