Today it's halftime!! I've been here for 6 months now. 6 months since I left Sweden, my family, my friends. It's a bit unreal, in one way it feels like I came here last week or sth but in another way, it's a really long time ago I saw my friends and family. I'm a bit split up! In one way, I want the rest of the time to go fast so I soon can meet all the people I love. At the same time I don't want it to go fast cause I wanna do so much and stay with my new friends. Well, I do have 6 months left ;)
Today, I went on my running turn in the morning but it was kind of hard cause I haven't been doing it for two weeks now so I couldn't keep up with my time ;) But Anna told me it was OK to be 10 minutes after normal after being sick. Thank U! ;)
I skyped with her for 40 minutes and it was really nice. We just chatted about all and nothing, as always ;)
Then I watched the latest episodes of Lost and Desperate Housewives that I missed last week. I didn't really have anything special to do during the day so I kind of just relaxed.
I picked up Filip at 2 and cause Sofia had art class it was only him and me that walked home together. We took a round trip cause Filip had a special way he wanted to take home and I thought it was OK.
Back home, he did his homework before he could play video game while I picked up Sofia.
It was raining when I walked to the school but when we walked back home, the sun was shining ;) So we decided to spend some time outside when we had the chance. The kids took their bikes and the skateboard and we went up and down our street a couple of times. I also went down on the skateboard! A real skater girl ;) Sofia was really good on the skateboard, well I was holding her hand so maybe it's not that hard then? ;)
We went back inside and played some Wee Sport Resort and it's so much fun. We did the bow, fence, basketball and a lot more. It's so cool with all the different sports and whit the movement. I really like the development of the games and everything. "Sicka nymoderniteter" Hahahah (a intern joke ;))
Filip had basketball practice today so we went back to school (I've walked there 4 times today) and we played some before everyone else showed up.
Me and Anna wanted to celebrate our anniversary so we went to Zeke's to have some pizza. It was jummie! And we had a nice discussion about school and our future. I donno if we made any progress ;)
Now I'm watching Sweden's quarter final in ice hockey and it's really excited! Right now, they are under with one goal but I have faith in them!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Haha yapp, jag saatt i soffan och drömde mig bort att det var fint väder ute :P Men så fort man tittar ut så är det vitt och kallt hehe Men men den 28 mars så börjar sommartiden iaf..Ja jag läste att du hade klippt dig, kul att fixa sig lite ibland. Jag håller på att spara till långt hår nu :O Får se hur det kommer att gå :P
ReplyDeleteJa tänk vad tiden går fort egentligen, det gäller verkligen att ta vara på den tiden medans man kan! Ett halvår går ganska så fort, särskillt om man gör saker hela tiden. :) Jo, pluggar du både tyska och spanska? Hur går det? :)
Mmm pizza vad gott, det ska jag äta i morgon. Två av mina bästa vänner kommer till mig i morgon, vi ska ha en hemma spa kväll. De ska också sova över hos mig till lördag. Ska bli kul :) Ha det bra, kram kram!
Hej hej!
ReplyDeleteJag ville bara att berätta att jag har gett dig en award!! Gå in på min blogg och hämta den! :)(du kopierar bilden och klistrar in den på din) Kram kram