Today was the first day of the kids winter break. I could sleep a bit longer in the morning but of course I woke up early and thought that I had overslept.
Lotta and Jonas brought the SAAB to life by charging the battery and they took it to work. They didn't get all the way, 300 meters from Lotta's job, it was dead again. They had to tow it to a mechanic and we'll see what they say.
Me and the kids had a calm morning with some games and we decided to go to a movie. We went to Bellevue and watched the Tooth Fairy with Dwayne Johnson. So funny with such a macho man being in a soft and different role ;) We liked it and also saw trailers of upcoming movies that seemed really good. It's crazy how much new, good movies that are coming up. How can they come up with so much new stuff to make movies about? I mean, there are already so many great stories so soon it must end. Or? ;)
We went home and Filip went directly to the computer. That's his new thing and it's so funny cause everything comes and goes in periods. U know how much we played the super Mario video game? Now we never play anymore ;) Now it's the computer that goes warm. But he plays really good games, like logically stuff so it's OK I think. And it's easy for me ;)
The day went past really fast and before we knew it, me and Sofia went to pick up Lotta and Jonas since they didn't have a car anymore ;)
Cause we can't have any food in the freezer anymore, we don't have so much dinner alternatives at home ;) So today me, the kids and Jonas went out to eat. Lotta was going on her work out so she didn't join us.
We went to a Mexican place here in Kirkland and that was really cozy. I some kind of tacos with chicken, tomato, lettuce and cheese. To that, rice and beans. It was good and now I can check that plays of my list over the restaurant here in Kirkland. I've now been to 6 different places but I'm far from done ;) My favourite this far is Zeke's pizza. Jum Jum!
Back home I tried to get a grip over the Olympics and how and where I could watch it and if it's possible to watch any from the Swedish broadcast over the computer. I donno if I got any brighter but I think I can watch the Swedish things, which is good. But I'll also watch stuff on KING 5 ;)
I watched the last episode of Grey's since I missed it last week and wanted to be updated until tonight's episode. I didn't go to Emilie's place cause I don't have a car. It was a long time since I was there the last time so I hope I can go next week.
After Grey's and PP I watched a episode of LOST that I also had missed. Then I was really tired and fall asleep really fast ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra.
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