Today (Tuesday) I stayed in Sofia's class to attend and help with the Valentine Party that they had. There were a lot of parents (mums ;)) that helped when the kids played.
There were four different stations: One where they decorated cookies, one where they made Valentine cards and tissue flowers, one where they made candy ornaments and the last was "Shrinky Dinky"
I was at the "Shrinky Dinky" station. This was really cool, I've never seen this before. It's a certain paper that U colour on and today the shape was as a heart. When U are done, you bake the paper in the oven. It shrinks and gets hard so U can make a necklace out of the little charm if U want to. Like magic! I did one too and it was really nice ;)
Sofia was happy that I came and I'm happy too. Filip is having his party tomorrow, but I can't go then.
I needed to stay home today cause some guy was coming to look at our fridge that is broken. It's not so cold any more so everything is melting.
When he took a look at it he established that it was cheaper to buy a new one than to fix it. It had broken because of age he told me, so now we need a new one. Quick! I feel so sorry for Carolina, the owner, cause now has almost everything that can break have broken. First the heater, then the dryer and now the fridge. It's expensive to have a house ;) The visit of the fridge man took like 10 minutes or so, $95!!! That's just crazy! And all he did was to open a hatch in the back and look. I don't get it.
I called my mum today since I'd promised. It was nice but we didn't talk that long cause she was going to the sauna and heat up ;)
I red some in my book, I almost finished it, and then I did some arts and crafts again before I picked up the kids.
It was such a good weather that I decided that we should go to the park. It was nice and Filip brought a cool ball that can be a Frisbee as well ;) There were a man who had lived in Stockholm and he recognised the language we were talking. There are a lot of people who has a connection to Sweden, in one way or another. It's often that people come and ask about the language and where we are from. But not as much as with the Germans. Everyone we meet has some kind of relationship to Germany ;)
Back home Filip did his homework and then he went to the computer again ;) Me and Sofia goofed around and then she helped me with the dinner. Finally I got to do the broccoli gratin again but it didn't turn out so well. I donno if there were a lot of water in the ham or what it was cause when we took it out of the oven, it was like broccoli soup ;) Jonas was like: "Isn't this suppose to stiffen?" Hahahah...I think it was too long ago I did it so I messed up ;) But we ate it with some bread so it was fine.
I didn't have any German class today so I didn't have to stress, which was nice. I had dinner with the family and then I did some stuff in my room with Sofia.
I went to Starbucks to chat with my homies, and I had to pick up Nicole before cause she is now living with our area director who lives pretty close to me.
One week ago or so, she started to be in the rematch cause she doesn't like her host family. But now this week her host mum was really mean to her and told her that she had wasted her family's two months she's been here and that she would never find another family etc. Real mean and unneccecary things. So she didn't wanna rematch any more, she just wanted to go home. So she booked a flight fort this THURSDAY!!! And is living with Cathrine until she leaves. She didn't wanna stay in the house, which I understand. But this is really sad cause she's so nice and we almost just got to know her and now she's going back :( Poor her. She must be really disappointed cause she planned to stay one year and has to go back after two months. I can't put myself in that situation since I have such a great host family. I have a hard time understanding when someone complains about their family. Cause I'm really happy with mine ;)
At Starbucks Anna and Gregor were back!! Jippie! And they had brought pictures from their trip to LA which was great. I need to go there too!
Hanna was also there and she told us that she doesn't have to go home now! She will stay with the family until June or July which was exactly what she wanted! I'm really glad. She invited me to come with her and her host family to their cabin in Crystal mountain to ski this weekend. I really want to go but I'm working on Saturday evening and on Sunday I have a soccer game plus it's Gregor's last day here and I wanna say goodbye in a good way. I hope there will be more times to go.
Nicole had brought a bag with stuff she didn't wanna take with her home. She said that we could take whatever we wanted and me, Kadda and Emile were like coyotes over that bag. I manage to get two hair colorings and hairspray! Nicole was like: "I'm glad that I can make someone happy with me going!" Thank U Nicole!
I drove her home and we decided to meet each other tomorrow again and have a last goodbye. Oh, it's gonna be sad :(
When I got home I watched the last of the Swedish Sport Chronicle from 2009. It was nice and I decided that this year I will follow the soccer some more, both on the man side and the women side. I just have to look up when and if it's possible that I can watch it here. Good thing there is always Internet!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra.
Hello! Hur är det? Vad tråkigt att allt bara går sönder för din värd familj :( Men så är det ju att ha hus, det kostar en massa särskillt när massa saker går sönder.
ReplyDeleteHur är vädret där borta då? :) Här är det snö fortfarande hehe fast det är inte så jätte kallt...Det lät som en häftig uppfinning det där med hjärtat som skulle in i ugnen och så kunde man ha det som ett smycke :) Vad tråkigt för den där tjejen som fick en dålig familj, har hon varit hos många familjer eller bestämde hon sig bara för att åka hem igen? Hoppas att allt är bra där borta :) Kram kram!