OK, the premiere was yesterday but I wasn't home! I'm talking of the new and final Lost season. I've been longing so long and finally it has started :) I saw the first episode today on my computer cause I wasn't home yesterday and I don't know how to record it. It was so good and I'm glad it has started again. But I'm not glad that it's only once a week.
Today I went out to try to find a sport outfit for the party at Eliott's this weekend. The theme is sport since it's the Superbowl on Sunday. I didn't find any fun so I decided to wear my running outfit ;) I'm really looking forward to it and I think it'll be fun.
I also went to Michel's. That place is my heaven and my hell! They have so many nice art and craft things there so it's impossible to not buy anything. I was looking for stuff to a present and I went crazy. I bought a lot, and then I mean a lot! But it's nice things and I'll use them.
Today the kids had play dates so I just had to pick up Sofia from her art class and then drive her to Elise. Then I picked them up and we went to basketball. so my day has been really nice. I took my time and wrote maybe 6 or seven emails to friends that I haven't talked to in a while. I felt it was time to tell a bit about my life here ;)
Today it's only 50 days until I'll meet my family in New York. I'm so excited! I can't believe that it's so soon.
The kids toughed me the famous game "Knock, knock game" I sucked ;) It's hard and I really had to think before I said anything and even then they were bad. For example: "Knock,knock. Who's there? Spider. Spider who? Spiderman!" hahha, so bad that it's funny ;)
Tonight I'm planing to work on my present and I think Lotta will do with he art craft too ;)
It's my grandma's birthday today so I say: "Grattis Farmor! Hoppas din dag blev bra!"
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
Sofia's art work this far. She did the road today. So good!