Today (Friday) I didn't have time to go to the Yoga class at the gym cause Filip was celebrating his half birthday at school and I needed to bring cupcakes to his class. So after leaving the kids, I drove to QFC to get the cupcakes and also some snacks to have for the adventures of the weekend.
I brought Filip the cupcakes and he was happy and that made me happy ;) I went back home and watched one episode of lost and one of desperate housewives while I had lunch. It was nice, I didn't have something I needed to do I just relaxed and felt good about myself ;)
I went kind of early to Agnes school cause I wanted to get out of the house (even though it was raining!!) but I wanted to read my book and I always do that in the car while I'm waiting ;)
Me and the kids didn't do any special, just some games and colouring before I started with the dinner: pork fillet, mashed potatoes, asparagus and a cream sauce...mmm delicious ;)
Tonight, I was gonna join Katherine (a Danish au pair) for the indoor soccer at Arena Sports where I've been once before. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it and first I was thinking of not going but then I thought why not? I just gonna play soccer, something I know and I wanna meet people so let's go for it. And so I did.
It started at 9 pm and I went there and registered and then I met my team a couple of minutes before we started. I was on the blue team and I was the only girl ;)
My teammates were really nice and we had a dad in the goal and he was really good but he got a hard shot in his face once and it looked really bad. But he came back, pissed, but OK ;) We played good and we won one game but lost the other two, but only with one goal I think. It was so much fun and it's a good way to impress the guys ;) After the first game they were like: "Hey, you are good!" ehh...U too ;) I'm so gonna go more often now but then I need to buy some real indoor shoes cause I played in my running shoes. Felt like a beginner ;)
I think that it's a bit late this session, 9-11 pm, but there is also a session starting after our. From 11-1!! I can't understand how people have the energy! But I really like the place and the idea of it all so I'll look up how to be a member!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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