Today (Thursday) the sun was out again! Jippie! And when I was almost on my way to the gym, I got a text from Anna asking if we should play tennis. I felt that it was a nice idea to improve our tennis skills ;)
We went to Medina park and it took like 30 minutes until we gave up. How hard can it be? In the beginning we are so excited but in the end we hate the game. We need to bring Hanna who apparently has played for like 5 years or sth. Maybe she can teach us some tricks, if it's possible ;)
Afterwards, Anna wanted to go to Factoria mall so I joined her. We just stopped at her and my place to change and then I needed to fill up with some gas but then we were good to go.
Anna had a list of stuff that she needed, and on top of that: Sims 3 ;) I wonder when she will have time to play it? ;)
I found a pair of new shoes!! It was Reebok sneakers in white and pink ;) Just $15 so I thought it was ok to buy them, and it was a while since I bought my last pair of shoes ;) It was about time!
It was a nice morning, it's too bad that U need to go back home to work on such a beautiful day. But we are the best au pairs so of course we are not letting our kids down ;)
For lunch today I had the leftovers from yesterday's Thai food that Lotta and the kids had for dinner, and it was still really good ;)
Filip had a lot of homework to do today, so he sat most of the time with them. Meanwhile, me and Sofia played beauty shop and then we went outside to ride the bikes and the skateboard. It was so nice that the sun was back and we were out for a long time.
Me, the kids and Jonas went out for dinner tonight (cause we didn't have any food at home ;)) We went to a place called George's (I think ;)) and it was a nice, American restaurant/bar where maybe with a more Greek touch. I had a Gyros pita with French fries and it was really good, and a lot! My stomach hurt when we walked back home :)
Sofia and Filip got a frog each (a stuffed animal) and Sofia brought them to the restaurant and we had a wedding ceremony on our way there. It was really sweet ;)
Anna picked me up at home and we went to Emilie's place to watch Grey's. Ramona was also there and we had some ice cream and brownies, always something to eat ;) Of course I ate some even though I was so full ;)
It was only old episodes of both Grey's and PP but it was OK. And this time we stayed really late cause we had so good discussions about our lives that we didn't wanna go. The funny thing is that both me and Anna was tired and glad that we could go home earlier since there weren't ant PP, but boy where we wrong! hahah
Sweden lost the ice hockey yesterday and it sucks so much. Against SLOVAKIA!!??? So no medal there and it's a real disappointment. I almost started crying cause I felt with the players. Now, I'm cheering on Finland that are in the Semifinal against the USA. USA-Canada in final would be a cool game but I'm hoping for a Nordic team at the top ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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