Ok, I thought I was better today but I thought wrong. It's worse in the morning so after I left the kids at school, I went for a short walk cause the weather was so nice. When I got home, I watched a cartoon I used to watch a lot when I was younger, Thunder cats. Did anyone see that? It's really cool and it was nice to get some flashbacks from my childhood ;)
Anyway, after that I went to my bed and stayed there until I needed to get something to eat before I went to pick up Filip. I was cold and I had like three sweaters and was under my blankets. It's crazy.
Filip was going to a check up at the dentist so I picked him up earlier from school. When I came there the lady in the reception told me that the after school classed were cancelled today so I took Sofia with me then too cause I didn't think I would be able to come back in time to get her.
The check up took like 2 minutes, so I would have come back in time but it was OK cause now we had some extra time to play outside ;)
I took some painkillers, and it's actually easier in the afternoon, and then we went to the big Grasslawn Park to play some in the sun. The kids were really good in entertain themselves this time and I just had to push them once on the swing, otherwise I could sit and read my book ;) I like that!
After 1,5 hour Sofia fell of the swing and got sad so we decided to go home. I thought it was OK cause it was a bit cold for me who were sitting still the whole time and the kids were satisfied too.
Back home, I sewed Sofia's cat which had a whole in it's tail. We played that the cat (which name is Kisse Nisse ;)) went to the doctor for surgery. I always did that with my mum when someone of my stuffed animals needed to be fixed. We also did some colouring while Filip played his DS. Sadly, there weren't any basketball today so we just stayed home playing some games.
Lotta was on a work out today so it was only me, Jonas and the kids for dinner and for dessert we had "Semlor" One day too late since it was the certain "Fettisdagen" yesterday, when we in Sweden eat this special bun. But today was good too and I could say that it was for celebrating the Sandra day! It's my name day today!! I got some sweet greets from home.
Today I also found out how and where I could watch some of the Swedish stuff from the Olympics and I was able to watch some of the hockey game between Sweden and Germany men. Of course we crushed the Germs ;) Hahahah...I've spend some time now making a time schedule so I can watch as much as possible.
Hanna invited me to her house tonight to watch some TV, but I'm still too tired and I just wanna stay home and rest so I can be ride of this shit until the weekend when I have a game and probably will be skiing. Now, I'm gonna watch some more Olympics!
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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