Today has been one of those days where I just felt like nothing happened, and I could have stayed in bed in stead. But, the weird thing is, that I have done pretty much. Filip went to the dentist again, this time with Lotta so that they legally could do the surgery. So I only took Sofia to school and it's so much easier to just have one kid, not so many stops on the way ;) Then I went out running, but took a shorter way cause I needed to be home when Filip came back. It was a nice, but hard turn since my legs still hurts from the gym class yesterday. I took a good shower, did the laundry and then Filip came home. The surgery went well and they had created more space between his teeth and the gums in his jaw. He was tired and dazed so he wasn't going to school and he was only allowed to eat ice cream. A pretty good rule for a eight year old ;) We watched Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince and he was disappointed when it ended cause he wanted to see the next episode, but it's not out yet. Does anyone know when it will? Then he watched some other cartoons and I watched the latest episode of Desperate Housewives that I missed this Sunday. Then it was 1:30 and it was time for me to pick up Sofia who also was going to the dentist today. We drove the familiar way to Dr Rama to fix the last tooth. We have been there so many times now that everyone know us ;) But I'm glad now that it's over, we only have a regular check up at my birthday. Maybe we can change the date? ;) Or maybe my family want to see how a American dentist works ;) Back home Filip played video game so we joined him. We are at the final world and only have 2 more levels until we win it all!! It's so exciting. I think I'll create my own player and play during the day, maybe I'll start the guitar hero as well. But then I'll be stuck in front of the TV the whole day. Oh, this life is hard. So many choices ;) Filip wasn't allowed to play basketball today but he went there to be in the team picture that they took today. Meanwhile, me and Sofia was cooking and dancing and singing to Katy Perry's Hot and Cold. That's Sofia's favourite song and she and some friends at school have made up motions to it and they had put up a show on recess, so cute! ;) Now we are watching Spongebob, the kid's favourite, and just relaxing with the computer in my lap!! I have already finished the Lost season 5 so I don't have anything to watch. I can't wait until the next season starts, on February 2!!! Miss U all! Love Sandra
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