Today, I actually slept til 1 pm!!! Hahahah....the kids were at the Swedish school so they couldn't wake me up as they use to ;) And it was really nice. I had a lot of sleep to catch up since the weekend so I didn't complain. But I was a bit surprised when I checked the clock ;)
I ate a bowl of cereals and then updated my blog, I never have time during the weekend cause I'm doing so much. That what I told Lotta yesterday. I said that I was sorry that I'm always out on the weekends but she said that it's how it's suppose to be. I have to take the opportunity, when I'm here, to do stuff when I can. And I mean, there is not so much during the weeks cause everybody works.
The family came around 2 and I had lunch (the leftovers of the meatloaf ;)) and then I got change in to my new soccer clothes ;) Today was my first game with my team: MoHeads! (The name is a union of the two teams that are in this team) We are red and we play all over Seattle.
Anna picked me up and today, we played in Shoreline that is north of Seattle. We met the team: Team Awesome ;) A bit cocky but they were really good. They had one girl who was fast and had a hard shot, but that was almost only what they had. She did all thir goal and this game contained a lot of goal. They did six, and we did seven!!! Yes, we won! And I did 3 goals, a hatric! It was really fun and we played really good though it was the first game with a lot of new team players. It was a bit hard with all the names but I think I'll learn. We play with three forwards and it's real luxury ;) I was one the second half and it's so nice, and not so exhausted ;) I got really great passes and it was just to put the ball in the goal ;)
When it was 15 minutes left of the second half, they put me down as a sweeper (last defender) I was not that found of it but I did my job and stopped their star ;) I was on fire...hahhaha. It was really fun and I can't wait until next weekend.
When I got home I took a quick shower and then Lotta and Jonas went out to play squash, I think. So I put the kids to bed and now I'm watching desperate housewives. I'm glad that the series have start again, too bad it's only every Sunday ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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