Today (Thursday) my original plan was to play tennis with Anna, but then Jonas was going to help in Sofia's class in the morning so he needed a ride to work later. But that was ok cause my close and loyal friend Anna had forgot our tennis plans and signed up for a cycling class instead ;)
But when Jonas got to Sofia's class, the teacher was sick so he didn't need to be there. So, instead of my extra sleep, I drove him to his job ;)
I decided to have a lazy day so I stopped at Starbucks, bought a coffee and a brownie. Went home and watched 3 episodes of Lost ;) It's really exciting now and on February 2 the final season is starting so I must be ready!
My mum called, unexpected, and they were having a meeting back home about their trip and where they are staying. I had send them some links to apartments that u could rent and they had talked with one owner of a mother-in-law apartment that they had in their basement. It's perfect cause it's more convenient and me and the kids can also be there and it's more personal. It located only 10 minutes from here and a really easy way there. I have to go there with some money and then almost everything is set for their trip here. And my trip to New York too cause I bought my ticket today!!!! It was a bit expensive but I felt that I couldn't wait any longer, but then Lotta told me that it was possible that the price would have reduced but I donno. Well, now I have it anyway and I'll be on the same flight back here as my family which is great. Ahh...I can't wait to meet them. But I'm also a bit nervous cause I'm scared of how I will feel when they leave. I was kind of emotionless when I left the first time, but now I really know how much I miss them. But after they're gone I'll soon be home. I'm so excited!
We played video games today as well and we beat two Bowser bosses ;)
Filip did his homework really good today and I made him practice on his writing, he had to write 5 things that he liked about me and he wrote: "I like Sandra. It is five things I like about Sandra. One thing is I like her food. Second I like her handwriting, third I like playing with her. Fourth is playing hide and seek with her and the last thing I like about Sandra is going to the park with her. Love Sandra" So sweet ;) Maybe now precisely what I meant but it's still sweet ;) And his hand writing was good too!
Tonight was finally the premiere of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practise so I went to Emilie's house, as old tradition, and we ate some ice cream and popcorn while watching the exciting cross over programs! I'm glad that the routines is starting to come back ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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