Today (Friday) I skipped my Yoga and went back to bed for three hours instead ;) I did some Yoga in bed and I think I was flexible enough ;)
I finished my Spanish homework and now I think I'm on the right track of what I shall know, and I think the class will be kind of easy but I like it. Then it will not be so hard and as my English teacher told me: "Repetition is the mother of knowledge"
I also took time to watch one more episode of Lost! I really like it and I have now started to watch from where I left it in Sweden, so I'm at season 5 episode 6 or sth ;) Well, I didn't really have time but it's so exciting now so I had to watch ;) This led to that I had to run to the store and then hurry to the gas station and fill up the car. But I wasn't late to pick up the kids. I'm a multitask person so there are never any problem ;)
Today was a special day cause the kids are going to have ski lessons in Snoqualmie every Friday from now. So, I quickly did some macaroni and meatballs, then we put on our ski clothes and I did some sandwiches for Lotta and Jonas who would not have time for dinner. Then we went to Lotta's job to meet them up and go together to the slopes. This was kind of stressful cause there is not much time from they finish school until we shall go, but it was OK.
It was so rainy, and it had rained the whole day. So when we were about half way, and it was still raining, Jonas said that we should skip this time. It's not fun if it's raining or snowing a lot in the slopes, and maybe the kids don't wanna go next time if it's no fun the first time. So we had a nice evening in the car ;)
When we got home, there was still time for the Friday beam with a movie and popcorn. The movie was Lady and the Tramp 2, Scamp's adventure. I like it! Well, I like every Disney movie ;)
Anna was off the whole day but because I was going skiing I couldn't do anything, but now I was also off! So we decided to just relax and watch a movie at her place. I put on my sweatpants and cozy sweater and brought some food and the movie A knights tale.
When I got there she had a house party we could join. It was a American friend of her who were going and he asked if she wanted to come too. So instead of a quite meal I rushed and had to hurry back home to change (Anna wanted to go in her sweat pants ;)) and put some make up on. Then I went back to her place, picked her up and went to QFC in Bellevue were Remi picked us up. With him was his friend and they both were really nice.
The party was in Seattle and when we got there, Remi's friends (who were the ones who were invited to the party ;)) wasn't there yet, so we drove around trying to find a bottle opener for our wine ;) Anna wanted to just go in to a gas station or a restaurant and ask if they could open it. Hahahha...so European ;)
Finally, we found a 7 eleven and we could get some wonderful wine. It was so good, so long ago. ;)
Cause we had been driving for maybe 20 minutes, his friends had come to the party so we went there as well.
The party was not so fun. There were not so many people and most of them were high so it's not my style. Bu there were some nice people that we talked to. And there were also a pool table so the guys were satisfied ;)
Remi's friend was really cool, he was a tattoo artist and a DJ so he had been living in so many places and a lot in Europe. He offered to do my next tattoo, I will think about that cause that would be cool. I want to do one here, a fairy on my back so we'll see.
Anyway, after like 2 hours we were tired of the party, so we went home to Remi's place and ate so good brownies that his room mate had made. They were heavenly ;) And we also watched the move Up. It's from pixar and so sweet, but also sad.
The time was about 3am when me and Anna went to Anna's place. I was so tired and it was nice to tuck oneself in to Anna's big and cozy bed ;) Of course we watched some SMOSH videos before we turned out the light. They are so funny.
Today was a really spontaneous day that ended pretty good. One of my new years resolutions was to be more spontaneous so I'm happy ;)
Miss U all!
Love Sandra
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